Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 544 The family has a throne to inherit (69)

Until now, everything Lu Shuilan has done has been allowed by the laws of heaven in this world, because Zihua has seen Lu Shuilan's growing merits.

Xue'an 47 has completely integrated with the way of heaven in this world, it is the way of heaven.

Although she eliminated the human emotional program contained in Xu'an 47, its previous rule modifications that favored Daxia have been completed.

It's not that Lu Shuilan can destroy whoever he wants. If he plunders like the Fan people, Lu Shuilan will not get the permission of heaven, let alone gain any merit.

For example, she destroyed the Holy Emperor Hall, killed the Kun people, and reverse brainwashed the Dayixia people, all of which were recorded as meritorious deeds.

This situation can be said that luck is on the side of Daxia, and the national destiny of Daxia is at the forefront.

"Don't forget to take back the things that belong to Daxia." Yuhua only ordered.

"I won't forget it." Lu Shuilan smiled excitedly, "Haha, do you think those people would be so angry that they would die if they knew that their escape route was about to be gone? Ah, they might also go crazy, but it's a pity that they don't have any luck. The monster gene cannot transform into a monster.

Comrade Zheng, do you have monster genes there? Why don't you give them some? To fulfill their madness? "

Yu Hua: “Would you like some?”

Lu Shuilan sensed the danger and laughed a few times, "Haha, Comrade Zheng, please don't take it seriously. I'm joking. You know, I have been learning people's sense of humor. Monsters are all villains, and I am determined to remain a human being for ten thousand years." .”

"As I said before, don't let it go."

"Promise not."

After cutting off contact with Lu Shuilan, Zihua walked to another mud shack area.

The mud shack areas in Ai Ancient City are one after another, and they are all inhabited by Xia people at the bottom.

Most mud sheds are only as tall as one person, and tall people have to bend down to get in. The roads in the mud shed area are full of potholes and become muddy when it rains.

The people who live here, dressed in rags and full patched clothes, are the best they have ever been.

Wherever she goes, she is brainwashed.

The numbness of those Xia people is due to the systematic and oppressive brainwashing carried out by the Kun people on them. From birth, the Xia people have lost and given up their spirit of resistance. They have been forced to think that they are inherently inferior and are born to be slaves of the Kun people. Loss of ability to think.

In order not to hurt their souls, her thoughts were divided into many strands and worked one on one.

After the benefactor left, Ye Chunya kept the kindness in his heart.

The benefactor must be an immortal. He held the immortal sword and gave her the elixir.

My brother, father, and she all recovered from their injuries immediately after taking it. It was not a magic medicine or something.

"Sister, I'm fine and can get up on my own." Ye Xihu climbed up on his own without Ye Chunya's help.

"Hey, okay." Ye Chunya burst into tears. Her brother almost died in front of her.

Ye Chunya wiped her eyes and went to help Ye Laoshi, "Dad, let me help you up."

Ye Laoshi looked behind Ye Chunya, with fear in his eyes, "They are..."

Ye Chunya turned around and saw their neighbors, Uncle Changwang, Brother Xing, Aunt Zhou, Carpenter Lu, and other guys who had taken sticks, brooms, hoes, etc. from home at some point.

As she watched, those people raised their weapons and struck at Huailaqi, who was writhing and howling on the ground.

Their eyes burst out with deep hatred.

"Kill you."

"Kill you beast!"

"I want to avenge my mother."

"Dad, brother, I want Kun Ren to pay for your life."

They hated themselves, hated how they had lived in such a mess before, and how they were bullied by Kun people to the point where they couldn't even show their miserable faces, let alone resist.

Their relatives were insulted and beaten to death by Kun Ren in front of them, but they forgot that they could still fight against Kun Ren.

After howling for a while, Huaila was beaten into a pulp.

The horrific corpses of Huailaqi made them feel a little physiologically nauseated, but they were not too scared because they had seen worse corpses and were already scared.

This aroused their anger even more.

Because they had seen corpses that were burned, bitten to death by wolves and dogs, and chopped into pieces before, all of which belonged to their relatives and fellow Xia people.

Kun Ren always forced them to gather around and watch Kun Ren kill people, which made them afraid.

"Let's go kill the Kun people and avenge our relatives!"

"Let's go and follow His Highness to kill the people of Kun."

"Kill all those Kun people and beasts!"

Everyone rushed out of the mud shed area with their weapons.

The mud shanty area is full of poor Xia people, while the Kun people live in houses with blue bricks and tiles.

"Dad, I'm going too." Ye Chunya's eyes lit up.

Her brain seems to be working very well and she can think of many things.

Those neighbors mentioned His Highness just now.

She knew who the benefactor was. She was the demon princess of Great Xia who was passed down by those who believed in the Holy Emperor.

It is said that Princess Zhao has a mouth as big as a basin, eats people, drinks human blood, and kills people on sight.

When she heard about it, she was scared to death.

The benefactor was completely different from what was rumored, so she did not think that the benefactor was the Princess.

Princess Yan is the benefactor of her family, and she also wants to help His Highness.

"Dad, I'm going with you." Ye Laoshi also felt that his mind was clear.

Ye Laoshi and Ye Chunya went home and each picked up a wooden stick that could be used as a weapon. They took Ye Xihu with them and walked out of the mud shed area.

When passing by the pile of rotten meat in Huailaqi, Ye Laoshi just felt relieved.

Ye Chunya wasn't too scared, she just felt the resentment in her heart coming out, and her chest became uneasy.

After walking a few steps, the three people of the Ye family saw not only their neighbors, but also many people in the mud shed area walking out, carrying various items.

When they came out of the mud shed area, they saw many sergeants.

The soldiers all had red cloth strips tied on their arms.

They knew from those who came earlier that these sergeants were the subordinates of Princess Shu, and that the red and black flag with the golden fire phoenix pattern embroidered on it was the national flag of Daxia.

What Ye Chunya couldn't believe was that she saw many female soldiers, no, it should be said to be female generals, because those female generals were wearing silver armor, riding in front, followed by groups of sergeants.

Women can be soldiers too! Something seemed to break out of Ye Chunya's heart.

Lian Qiulong came and asked, "Your Highness, the people here are too excited. They beat Kun people when they see them. Do you want to control them?"

He knew that Her Highness had incredible means of turning people from fearing her to supporting her in the blink of an eye.

His Highness said this is called the awakening of the people.

In the previous place, after the people woke up, they also hated the Kun people, but they would listen to them, help catch the Kun people, and then publicly execute the Kun people who killed them.

But the people in the ancient city of Ai just wanted to beat all the Kun people to death.

"They were suppressed the hardest, so they rebounded the hardest."

Juhua already had a solution. She identified the Kun people who deserved to be killed, and asked Lian Qiulong to lead people to drive these Kun people in front of the people, so that the people could take revenge on their own.

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