Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1010: Singing and Marrying Bride 40.18


Just ready to stand up and hold a hand with Bi Yanbo, indicating that after a lot of advice, the result was only slightly up and was brought down by the strength of the waist.

Without control, he squatted directly along the force, just across the chest of a person sitting in a wheelchair.

Looking for a circle, she is sitting well, how can it be inexplicably unstable.

Wait until the reaction comes, the hand conditioned reflex is pressed, want to hold yourself up.

The result... her whole body is stiff.

Because she seems to have accidentally pressed something that is incredible.

The red on the surface continued to spread, and the ears of the last two white jade were also dyed with delicate colors.

Quickly open like a hot hand, but because of inertia, more and more toward the chest.

As a result, she was almost in the arms of the man, and if it was not the right hand, it was estimated that she had smashed the whole figure like the eight-claw octopus.

The accident came too fast, and no one expected it.

Muze is a smile that directly reaches out and puts people into his arms. It is also natural to mention it slightly, and people have a strong point.

It seems to be very upright. After people sit on his lap, the hand is taken back in a proper manner.

At this time, the search for chaos was brought back to some clear, but the beautiful eyes were still invaded by beautiful water.

The shallow mist is very beautiful.

But the faint look is a direct response to her being in a state of absence at the moment, especially...

She didn't know if she should get up. If she got up, it would be completely exposed by something she accidentally touched and stood up.

Estimated time is not as simple as that. If you think about the picture, you will find your mind very square.

But if it doesn't, this...this is not good.

The small face wrinkled into a ball, especially tangled, so annoying, so what should I do?

Muze did not know what to do, and did not care about the reaction under him.

Looking at the sight of Bi Yanbo, I looked back and instantly let the other person smile and touch the nose.

"I suddenly remembered that there are still things, just go first, don't bother you."

"Come back tomorrow, please, goodbye." Stand up and leave without hesitation.

At the door, I met the butler who was preparing to come in and reported it again, and was again taken away by Bi Yanbo.

Looking for red on the face, she is smoking quickly. She is sure that Bi Yanbo is definitely misunderstanding.

See no one now, quickly picking up from the male main leg, stuttering.

"Yes.. Right? No, I... I went upstairs first."

When I finished, I ran away, giving me no chance to speak out.

Ah, ah, she is really shameful today.

But it also let her completely determine one thing, that is, Muze is her own husband.

I was in a good mood and I was playing in the bed, and my eyebrows were all sweet.

It’s good to find my husband.

Then she thought of a very urgent problem. She seemed to be talking to her husband, his cousin.

Hey, this day, I can't live.

No, it must be clear before the husband discovers.

(⊙o⊙) Oh, she remembered that she still owes a debt.

Must also, early, still, immediately.

Climb up from the bed, rushed to the front of the computer, and adjusted the wheat.

It is an ancient palace drama, the song is naturally ancient, two versions, one for men and one.

Needless to say, the man is smelling that the woman is her.

Point open to the folder on the screen, "Ji Ji", she stood in the perspective of this evil country demon woman to open up.

"Lonely dragon chair, a gold satin coat; I am in the court, the right above 10,000 people..."

"People circulated, the Millennium fox deceives the king's heart; Jiangshan and the beauty can't see clearly..."

"I don't love, this is a thousand names and powers; I only hope that the husband will give up the three thousand."

"Even if you are trapped in a shackle, you are unfortunately stigmatized for a long time; you are pampered, there is no greed in this life..."

In the melodious and melodious, the tough, fake and sharp voice of the throwing voice, just to play her Queen's sound to the fullest.

Sing a self-willed, unyielding soul, a strong and unyielding soul.

"If time goes back to ancient times, you will come back and worship the people."

"History books have complicated records, but they don't understand. I only want the most loyal love."

One sentence is sung, one sentence is used to read white, and the pride and helplessness between the two people is flawless and fits perfectly.

Reaching the door handle and turning the grazing machine that just opened a gap, he maintained that position and stopped at the same place.

She really is her, his her.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and follow her voice to build the picture in the word.

If she is self-confident, she is the merchant king, how about covering or losing the world for her?

She is suitable for living a proud, not compromising, not worried.

Quietly closed the door and returned to his room.

His leg was already conscious for the first treatment, and his movements could be speeded up.

He was very much looking forward to the day he stood up, and he was very much looking forward to the day when she was sent to the throne.

Looking for... looking for...

Looking for the adverb to sing again, confirming that there is no problem, he knocked on the planning in the group and sent the document directly.

The sunshine outside the window is just right, the flowers and trees are also full of vitality in the sun.

The breeze smashed, and the leaves fluttered, and the cockroaches were beautiful.

Just after opening the door, I saw the man who raised his hand and was about to knock on the door.

"I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you were asleep, and went downstairs to eat."

Mu Ze first opened, the tone was natural, with a hint of pity and pity.

Looking for a nod, he automatically walked behind him and pushed the wheelchair to the front elevator.

The two people who are used to it may not have noticed, or they may understand it but have no mouth.

I am enjoying this peaceful atmosphere and rejoicing this feeling.

The table is basically looking for something to eat, surprised to look up, just to the last pair of smiling eyes.

The feelings inside are at a glance.

Silently bowed his head and quietly ate something in front of him.

The inside of the brain is full of pink bubbles, and the sweet breath is unprovoked, warming the two hearts.

What I don't know is that she is about to face the real chicken flying dog life.


Planning · Dead Branch: God, I am going to be crying for the voice of the goddess, come and listen.

[Group Sharing - "The Complete Version of the Self" and "Adverbs"

The two group files quickly set off a craze in the group, and finally did not know who was swearing, saying that there is another chorus version.

The news that is being played in a single loop, immediately concentrates on waiting for the results of the group discussion.

Her voice is so beautiful, this song is also fascinating by her singing.

Part-time planning, good women: The goddess said that there is time recently, I will wait for the goddess to ask.

Planning · Dead Branch: Does that smell have a lot of time?

Speaking: Yes.

Part-time planning, good women: It’s too fast to smell it, it will make me have the illusion that you are chasing our goddess.


The second-round action opens a new round of teasing in the group.

I don’t know if it’s offline or the default, and there is no denial of their guess.

As for what he thinks in his heart, only he knows it.

Anyway, at this moment, the CP building about the two people was fired. There are a lot of materials, and some of them are silent. This will be a hard-working building.

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