Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1017: Sing to see the bride married 40.25

Wait until the gift rain is not down, look for a little relieved.

Yu Ji Tinghua: Oh, what a pity, how can you both obey and continue to come.

Yu Yufei’s heart-shaped knocking, 嘤嘤嘤~~~~ She earned a lot of money and cut her happiness.


The rain is misty: your family is so rich, look for him to cry.

Yu Yufei said with conviction: "The money made by the family has no sense of accomplishment and earns the talents of others."

Smoke and rain:...

"Fifi baby, don't be sad, give me a gift, how much is there."

He stunned the person in his arms, and his hands did not stop. He began to brush up and pick up gifts.

Looking for: "..." Hehehe, this is fun.

Sure enough, at the moment, the style of painting on the public screen has begun to change.

Pumpkin: Why do I seem to hear male voices and female voices from the goddess' wheat?

Cabbage: Which Fifi baby is called the goddess? Or OW?

Breeze: If the male voice is the goddess, the demon king should be the goddess.

Little pepper: Female voice is not a goddess, it should be OW, maybe the goddess is with OW.

Girl in the flower season: The voice of the goddess is well recognized.

The rain is misty: ...you are so smart.

This time, Yu Yufei was speechless, and she didn’t pay attention to it for a while.

It’s just a mistake, why didn’t you think about opening the voice first?

"Nothing, baby, don't frown." He sighed and sighed Yu Yufei's brow, and his tone was full of love.

The people who were forced to feed the **** of the dog were very tired.

Liuli: It’s just right to look for it. It’s terrible for someone to act.

Looking for: Who made him devoted to the show of love all day long? ( ̄Д ̄)┍

After mixing, I also know a little more about it.

The lively chat on the public screen, the interaction between Yu Yufei and Yu, is still spreading from the search for wheat.

The misty rain: You guessed it right, they are indeed in one piece, and they are looking for it and then singing, don't stop.

Looking for: ...hehe... I remember correctly, your home glass is the most singer.

I didn’t know that the original glass was an acquaintance before, oh...

This world is really small.

Good family women: I seem to know what the news is, the best.

Ewha: It turns out that our smoke and rain beauty has been greatly dizzy with the glass.

Coffee: That, the dark pass is not used like this _ (: зゝ∠) _

Meteor: Oops, understand the meaning is, don't be so real.

Looking for the noise of the public screen, the smile was unpredictable.

Just as her wheat order arrived, she quickly retreated.

The glaze was also taken up by the Yu Yufei, and the oysters were gone.

Ready to go on the public screen with the troublesome search, received a private chat from the news.

Speaking: Hey, you...

I didn't seem to know what to ask, but I sent a little implicit inquiry.

Looking for a hand typing on the keyboard, the shoulders are followed by a warm head.

The shallow breath was sprayed on her cheeks, and the complexion was light and uncolored.

"Speaking?" The words are spoken from Muzekou, with the dangers that can be felt with the search.

Be careful, the liver can't help but tremble, and then carefully consider the return.

“It’s been a long time to know what it’s like, but it’s just not talking.”

"That Zheng Qixin just happened to confess with the news, and said that he intended to use silence to refuse, I am not..."

"This is not to want Zheng Qixin to have such a good treatment, so..."

Muze’s voice interrupted her without ups and downs: “So you’re going to scream and say?”

It seems to be a question, but it is definitely a tone.

This cognition makes people cry for tears, and she said that her husband must have seen it.

Really bad luck, good abuse / (ㄒoㄒ) /~~

"I... I didn't think much about it at the time, just... it was just mad, it would be like that."

With his big eyes and his head raised, his eyes are full of water and pity, so that he can look as innocent as possible.

At that time, if she knew that the other party was not her husband, she would never do that, really sincere.

So this is not her fault, is... is... Zheng Qixin’s fault, who told her to confess at that time.

Muze did not know that he believed in the search for nothing. He only looked at her in the dark, such as the secluded spring, and could not peek into the depths.

Looking for silent prayers in my heart, I hope my husband must be gentle to her.

I must also love her a little more, and the watch should be blackened.

"He is still waiting for you to reply." Just looking for the chaos in the mind, I want to talk to the East, and she is very calm.

It is precisely because of this that the search is even more uneasy.

Husband is absolutely ready to settle accounts after the fall, she can apply for light treatment.

The finger quickly tapped the keyboard to reply and said, considering and considering, it is necessary to achieve the slightest meaning.

I am afraid that my husband has been irritated by himself and he is really finished.

For the sake of future happiness, she is still a little smart.

Looking for: ah? I heard that this is what I am going to say, I don’t understand too much.

It seems to be pondering over there, and it took a while to return.

Speaking: Is it true that you just said, you... already have a lover.

Look for a word without any stop and send it in the past.

Looking for: Yes.

Looking for: I love him very much. We are not interested in seeing the exhibition together. I will introduce him to you later.

Looking for a future, it is better to be confessed to her own husband and other husbands.

At least not let her husband have extra ideas, understand that she really has no other thoughts.

The search for a long time did not wait for the answer there, just when she thought it would not reply, the pop-up window lit up.

Speaking: Good.

Low eyelids, covering the flash of the stream, it seems that she is on her heart.

I only hope that after this time, he can understand.

Muze is still quite satisfied with the practice of searching, hands clasped around her waist, holding people firmly in their arms.

"Looking for it, I will take you out to play tomorrow."

This kind of obvious child, as if the child is doing very well, the feeling of giving rewards is really obvious.

Looking for silence, my husband is enough.

"Hey, I said what you guys do, come on, I can't play alone."

Yu Yufei had a good time with the fans on the public screen, only to find that several other people were gone.

"I think you have played very well. I really didn't see how boring you are."

Bi Yanbo couldn't help but vomit a slogan, and watched what was the sensation of the joy on the public screen, and what was the patrol with the gun, it was a dog.

I don't blame him for going so violently. It is really they who let him sing.

This can be tolerated, absolutely not.

I don't do it, bully my own baby, but also fierce her, singled out, duel.

"I will walk away for a while, what have you done?"

Looking for a switch to the public screen, the whole person is not good.

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