[I like it very much, I don’t mean it’s love, it doesn’t mean you like it, you can get it.

—————Speaking (牧曰)

Because I like to sing, I don't hesitate to join after I find out the sound.

At the beginning, I also knew that there were several beautiful voices in the sound, and I listened to it several times.

It is undeniable that every time I listen to the sound, I feel very enjoyable.

Everyone said that she was a queen, but I felt that it was actually a sound of nature.

That's what it can be, because she sings so good.

Just how to say it, aesthetic fatigue.

Everyone likes to like a thing very much, and after a long time, there will be a state of boredom.

I may be the kind that, after every time of the month, becomes an occasional one.

When I went to the back, I almost didn't go to the orchestra to stay in the field, stay in my own style, and laugh with everyone.

Originally thought that it would continue like this, but did not expect that afternoon, she will appear again.

That was the first time I listened to her singing the ancient style. Just one opening, it made my heart beat faster.

The blood is boiling and fascinated.

Yes, yes, after almost a year, I once again had crazy thoughts for her voice.

It may also be because it is a voice-activated relationship, as long as it is a good voice, it will attract me.

But because I heard too much, the requirements are getting higher and higher, and the general can't enter my ears.

Sing with her, listening to her singing, I only think that the head of the heart is wrapped in a film, warm and hot.

What did I think about it at the time? Oh, I like it very much, I am very excited and excited.

Then it came to the fore, and at the second encounter we made a face.

Originally, I thought I had a chance. She also liked me.

I was a lot happy, but it didn't take long for this illusion to be broken.

She brought a man to say that she is the big devil of her family.

At that time, I just had a bigger fantasies in my heart because of the fans’ entanglement.

So this unmistakable blow made me very sad and very lost.

But it is not heartbreaking, just a little bit reluctant.

Did not push down the invitation with her, but prepared to let myself out on the same day.

It was very soon that day. I specially dug my mom out of bed and gave myself a handsome, windy dress.

It’s the kind of handsome guy who really walks with the wind, I am confident, after all, I have the capital of confidence.

Wherein the shock is coming too strong, what he sees.

Their family's moody and sultry cousin, actually holding a very beautiful woman, looks and laughs.

Behind him, he followed the cousin and Yu Yufei, and he was blind for a moment.

When I was thinking about whether or not to detour, I suddenly had a flash of light in my head.

The name of Zheng Xunyu appears on the entangled news of the shepherd and Zheng family.

And his cousin can stand up because of Zheng Xunyi.

What is the relationship between Zheng Xunyu and Xunyi, especially... the cousin and the identity of Yu Yufei and Bi Yanbo, he also knows.

Last time they also climbed wheat together, so it won't be what I think.

"Pastoral, shepherd, this is this, come on."

When I was about to avoid it, Gu Yuyan’s excited voice came, but I had no choice but to lift my foot and walk over.

I don't know if my cousin is still a big devil.

Hey? and many more!

Big devil, big devil, holding grass, it won't be like that.

"Cousin, cousin, Fifi, Yanbo, 戚炜.... Looking for?"

I screamed it again, and I was a little hesitant when I was looking for it.

"Well, I am happy to see you, I am Zheng Xunyu, but also looking for it. It is a very cute child to say that it is very much like the rain smoke."

I don't know what to say at all, cute hair ball, this young master is clearly handsome today.

However, under the pressure of my cousin, I am ashamed of it.

When we read the entire exhibition and scanned the food, I reacted when I went back to each family.

I seem to be here today but I have thought about it for a while, but I didn’t think about it after I arrived.

When I tried hard to find out, I found out that the atmosphere between the two people was so good that I couldn’t afford to think about it.

All the choices were between the thoughts, but fortunately I did not choose to be resentful.

It’s just a small unwillingness, and now I’m not trapped.

This beautiful world still allows me to fly freely.

Thank you, teach me one thing, look for it, express your feelings.

I don't have to get it.

I still like your voice at the moment, but I just like it.


[If you can come back again, I think I will be good to you, not to marry you.

But we all know that there is no return in the world.

—————Zheng Qixin】

From the age of three, I knew I had a very rich father.

He will buy me lots of toys and beautiful clothes when I come to see me.

But he never lived with us. I asked my mother, my mother said that my father was busy. After a few years, we lived with my father.

At that time, I thought it was really stupid. When I was five years old, the children around me told me that I was a wild species.

Saying that I don't have a father, I also said that my mother is shameless and has a variety of unpleasant words.

I played with them and was beaten very badly. My mother held me and vowed to tell me that it was fast.

After that day, she was very busy. When I was at home, I accidentally thought of a fight. A child said that my father is famous, as well as his wife and children.

I ran quietly into the study and opened my mother's computer to search.

The computer is still not very useful, but fortunately, I will turn it off and I will, my father’s name will be pinyin.

After looking for a long time, I finally found a search on the desktop. When I saw my father’s information, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

I don't understand why Dad has me and my mother, and there are other people.

I sneaked out of the Zheng family and saw the girl who was more beautiful than the princess.

She lives in the castle, and is smirked in her arms by her father's love, standing next to a beautiful aunt.

That's how it started to take root in my heart, until two years later I moved into the castle with my mother.

Mom and Dad love me very much, what do I want, give me something.

Every time I saw Zheng Zhengyu, I couldn't help but bully her. Finally she moved to the garden and lived.

I want to come to me now and discover that since I went to that house, I have never seen her laugh again.

Once I saw her for the first time, the most embarrassing thing was the smile of the sun.

Now that time has passed, everything has embarked on a different path, but only I am still lost in the same place.

I can't help but think, Zheng Xun, you choose to let me go, have you ever cared about me?

Unfortunately, I will never get this answer.

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