Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1050: Beauty hidden in space 42.1

Looking back to the Xinghai space and recalling the things in the previous plane, she felt a special joy.

Su Changan was so clever that he was finally given to death by Ming.

At the beginning, she also bet on the attributes of the two, she always thought that it would be an annual attack, hehe.

Speaking, it seems... like... what's wrong?

I am going, this is not Xinghai space at all, so, what is this? !

Looking at this strange place, she is lying in the air at this moment, the sky is dark and can't see anything.

This is also the reason why she did not react in the first place. Who made this difference?

‘Baby, you gave me rough, what is the situation now. ’

Unable to help, she has been able to guess that this is entering the new plane.

Just want to be so anxious, she seems to have suddenly attacked several consecutive.

The baby immediately appeared on the top of the head and was shocked by the black lacquer.

‘Host adult, where are you, why not return to Xinghai space. ’

Looking for: ‘...’

'You do not know? ‘Frowing brows can pinch a fly, what is going on.

The baby shook his head very slyly, ‘I don’t know, wait, I look up. When I said it, I turned back to the space of Xinghai.

Seeing that since she couldn't figure out what was going on, her mental strength also detected that there was no danger, so she looked at her task panel.

She seems to have several plane tasks not settled, I don't know how the level is.

[End tour: rogue gods stop location] [Golden Lord seeks the upper position] [God king, please hand over the heart]

[Singing and seeing the bride to be married] [Break the country enchanting] Five plane tasks are all completed.

Mission rewards: points 6730000, two lucky points, five points of intelligence, ten points of force, five points of gas transport, and one aura of Purdue.

System reward: life nutrient solution, various ethnic lingua franca

Host: Looking for (Goddess / God level female with a halo already bless)

Level: 85 (100)

Age: 20

character:? (many)

Charm: 100 (100) has reached the upper limit

Intelligence: 95 (100)

Force value: 90 (100)

Lucky value: 50 (50)

Air transport value: 32 (50)

Medical skills: advanced

Weapons manufacturing: primary

Design talent: advanced

Achievement: 17 (50)

World Tree: Normal (watered)

Need for Roots: Variant Ice Root (equipped)

Xueba: Knowing the astronomy and knowing geography (has been blessed)

Special skills: magical hand, prying into the sky, charm, sensation, softness, aura, light, nature, healing, healing, Purdue

Points: 18403395

Backpack: 11 pieces of marrow wash, 5 pieces of Dadandan, one skill, one perfect mask, one space, two Anshen pills, one herb formula, one pair of pets, two drops of life liquid, life nutrient solution, Various nationalities

Evaluation: SS+

Summary: The host please accept my knees, only to express my respect.

Looking for your own task progress, level eighty-five, and soon will reach full level.

By the time...

‘Host adult, host adult, found it. ’

Being contemplative, I was called back to God by the baby’s shocking voice.

I took the book in the baby's hand, this color, the first time I saw it, it was pink, so magical.

‘Hosting adults, because the world line of this plane is in disorder, the world’s consciousness urgently needs you to help. ’

‘The original commercial battle plane, inexplicably became the end of the natural disaster, the world line is almost collapsed. ’

The baby's voice is helpless, but more is gloating.

Looking for silence is silent, this is the first end of the world, and can not be better.

However, the commercial war suddenly became the end of the world, and there is always a reason.

Open the book in your hand, or digest the story first.

The man and the woman are the opponents in the mall. You come to me, fight and fight, no one will let anyone.

This should be in the process, the two are fascinated, and finally HE.

As a result, the end of the world came, and everyone who was playing was caught off guard.

Naturally, neither of them could produce a love affair, and they entered the end of the world and began their new journey.

Then there is no more, followed by an ellipsis.

Looking for a white-eyed eye, she is also speechless. This kind of look at it is that the author suddenly took the wind to change the main line, and later, because there may be no thoughts to write down, the result of the bad end.

But after it has become a world, it is no longer superficial, and many things are automatically completed.

‘The host adult mission came out, you remember to check it out, yes, your current identity is the male master family, the ring space spirit representing the status of the family owner. ’

Looking for: ‘...’ Hehe...

She is going through this one. Is it really necessary to try all the strange species?

Anyway, she has long passed through the original owner who is not a human being. Now it is the space spirit of the ring. There is nothing wrong with it. It is not ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

I have completely relaxed my mindset, and I have a particularly stress-free search. I opened the task panel.

Main line mission: Turn the end of the world into a commercial war and stabilize the world line.

Branch task: match the male and female owners to ensure the trend of the plot.

To be triggered task:?

Hidden tasks:?

The task is still normal, and even if it saves all humans, she will feel very simple.

‘叮...to be triggered by the task trigger: save all humanity. ’

Looking for: ‘...’She did the **** horse?

Baby: Do not die, deserve it.

After adding a tiankeng mission, I was looking for a place to lie directly, and I didn't want to have anything in this space.

According to the current time, the end of the world has not come, and it is the end of the world two months later.

After a month, the male owner will accidentally blow the ring to the chest while taking a bath, and the blood flowing out activates the space of the ring.

At that time, it was also a sign that the end of the world was coming, and the natural disasters began to take place.

Lazy and scattered in the space, I don’t know how much time to look for, I have already figured out the structure of this space.

Daytime is daytime, night is night, no different from outside.

A villa, a large pond with three koi.

Yes, no mistake, it is the kind of koi, can not eat.

I really want to vomit, but what are the end of the world, raising two things that can't be eaten?

Look good o (╯□╰)o

But fortunately, a garden not far away has shifted its attention, otherwise she will continue to entangle this koi.

She planted all the rare flowers she had collected in her backpack and carefully cared for it.

At least until I find her husband, it may be the place where she has lived for a long time. Naturally, I have to take care of it.

The defending champion has been restless for two days and always feels that something is going to happen.

When I took a shower, I didn't pay attention. The pattern of the engraving of the ring scratched the skin of his chest, and the blood was contaminated.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the eye flashed a touch of the picture, which was sudden, but let him subconsciously hold his breath.

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