Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1078: Punishment: I am not enchanting goods 42.5

Mu Yi did not expect that she only came here for a week, and it has already caused several accidents.

For the first time, she was instructed to guide the fighting of the first team. She did seriously and really demonstrated and demonstrated.

As a result, in order to be able to get the opportunity to be personally guided by her, one of the two actually began to be unscrupulous.

From that day on, he received a continuous look of pity.

The second collective assault training, the natural confrontation is them as coaches and captains.

As a result, after seeing the search, the soldiers did not wait for someone to look for it, and they sent it to the door to ask for a corpse.

the third time...

the fourth time...

This is the first time, Mu Yi only feels a headache.

It is also a clear recognition of how popular this person is. This is still the time when she is not guilty. If it is embarrassing, he would not dare to think about it.

This scourge should be locked up and well educated.

Looking for the stone into the bag of camouflage, no way: "I didn't mean it."

She is not deliberate, never is, really.

"Young Shuai, I sneaked myself, and has nothing to do with Xia coach."

"You have to punish me and I will not be tied to the summer coach."

The soldier who was caught next to him immediately stood up and tried hard.

Mu Yi: "..." This kind of heart has always been with oneself, resisting foreign enemies, and feeling a rebellion in a blink of an eye. It is really... a word is hard to say.

"You go to train." He searched and pushed the soldiers in front of him.

The soldiers looked at the search with some worries. Seeing that the young man did not seem to be angry, he walked back in three steps.

"You are not training at this time?"

When the people left, they were looking for doubts. Do you want the sun to come out to the west today?

Mu Yi's back is tight, and there is a milky white hollow stone inside.

It is a rare milk color, very beautiful, and will glow at night.

He came over this time just thinking about no one, ready to send it quietly, and who knows will make him see such an angry scene.

This will be asked by the other party, but he is somewhat embarrassed.

Only a moment ago, I learned the same sneak soldiers. The next time I am a young man and a captain, isn’t that good?

"Small handsome, have you sent the stone, and you are about to start the jungle guerrilla war, when will you arrive?"

When he was in the middle of the news, the voice of his adjutant sounded inside the communicator.

But it is to make him want to kill each other very much, when to open the intercom is not good, but this time.

Listening clearly and clearly, looking for the lips, the first two steps, the tempting peach eyes slightly pick, with a little hook.

"Oh ~~~ send stones." The tail turned a few laps on the tip of the tongue, and the words seemed to be dyed with a layer of magnificence.

In particular, the red lips that open and close are even more attractive.

Looking for almost the whole person is leaning on Mu Yi, looking at Mu Yi's red ears, his eyes flashed a slap.

Mu Yi suddenly breathed aggravated, and the eyes in front of him seemed to have a peach blossom eye, which was like a crescent.

The charming peach eyes stared at him, and he clearly saw his shadow.

When he subconsciously looked back, he discovered that he was himself but himself.

That feeling is very attractive, just like she is the only one in her world, and all her minds are only concerned with you.

He never denied her charm, and she always understood how strong her charm was.

It was only at this moment that he knew that he had learned a lot before.

She is clearly a peach blossom that blooms on the branches, and it looks good from afar.

When you get close, you will be more and more like it. The elegant fragrance will only continually seduce.

When you fold it, it will be full of joy, because such a flower is now being held by you.

It's life and death, everything in it is under your control, as long as this idea is produced, his heart is hot.

The blood is also boiling, seemingly urging him, hurry to take her back.

The sudden appearance of the mood, diluted the just smashed.

Mu Yi took the opportunity to move forward, reached out and grabbed the waist, and took her to his arms to bring them closer.

"Little fairy, you said, how do you hook this way?"

The empty hand, the index finger curved and caressed the tender and white cheeks of the pregnant woman, and looked awkward.

There is also a lingering lingering lingering in the tone. I don’t know, they found each other.

It’s not good to look for the whole person, the little goblin is a wool, he is jealous.

Struggling to push away the person holding himself, pointing at the other side, swearing: "You are a little goblin, your whole family is a goblin."

Angrily turned to the floor, the sound of excessive force, as if in response to her mood at the moment, very unhappy.

Mu Yi smiled and sent his back to the stairwell. He whispered: "It’s cute to play with a small temper."

It’s like a cat with a hairy hair, but the other person didn’t give him a chance to get rid of the hair.

"Young, handsome, you heard it, call the young, call the young, hear the answer, hear please answer."

The meditative Mu Yi was interrupted again, and the sound of the strangely accented tone was heard.

These guys, really do not hit the house for three days.

Carefully put the stone into the lining of the clothes and walk towards the training ground.

At ten o'clock that night, everyone who finally finished training was lying in the forest for one night.

It is too tired to go.

It's okay, it's summer, it's hot, or I sleep in the forest for a night, and the dog takes minutes.

Looking for a slow and relaxing bridge along the river, the scenery of the sea and the sky, no matter how many times you look, is still beautiful.

Quietly leaning on the railing, I don’t know how the capital is.

Her mission has been in a zero state, which is a very sad topic.

The beauty is frowning and the viewer is sad.

"Hey, what do you say about summer coaching?"

"Is it punishable by the young marshals, it is my fault, I knew that I should not leave obediently yesterday."

"Say, you know what."

Being blamed, the man who sent the stone yesterday found that he was surrounded by several teammates.

Each one is staring at himself with a look of fierceness and sorrow.

"That... I just sent a stone to the summer coach, I was accidentally discovered by the young master, then..."

"Then you sneak away, leaving the weak summer coach to face the ferocious marshal?"

"..." You said that I couldn't refute, and the man who sent the stone was even more guilty.

"You are so sinful and sinful that you actually let it happen. It’s really owing."


"Hey, hey, lightly tap, ah, hold the grass, come on, really, my hands."

The noisy voice makes it impossible for you to pretend that you don’t know what to do, especially when it’s a fight event _(:зゝ∠)_

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