Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1104: Face the face of the song 44.10

How did she remember when she just watched it, didn't she have this thing?

Northern meditation is also very nervous. For the first time, I want to please a person. Without experience, he can only slowly explore.

After waiting for a while, I looked up and looked up, licking the drowning big eyes and looking at the North meditation.

Until the eyes are sour, both of them seem reluctant to move away, and finally look for a step back and let the way out.

North meditation also stepped into this small world, looking at the layout, simple and warm, with a taste of home.

"How beautiful these flowers are, good things can dispel discomfort, don't care about people who don't like you, don't deserve to waste their spirit."

The homeopathic hand in the hand is sent to the front of the search, waiting for her reception.

Looking for a silent look, the heart is tangled, he is a bad taste of learning, the card is coming.

After considering it, I said: "Thank you for the flowers, it is really beautiful, just this... I don't understand."

Picking up the black gold card on the hyacinth, the eyes are full of doubts and puzzles.

Northern meditation is a natural return: "Look at you like flowers, but they don't last long."

“You can buy it after they have withered, or renovate a small garden directly on your balcony and then breed some.”

He thought about it. If the little guy really did this, he would apply to help him.

By then, he will be able to stand upright and be confident and entertained. It is super excellent.

I don’t know what to say at all, what is the feeling of buying and buying in the subconscious?

Also, such an obvious and unreliable excuse that he is really not kidding a three-year-old child o (╯□╰)o

Don't think that she doesn't know the identity of this person, and the roots are extended to the old family of foreign countries.

Even the people behind Yayi Entertainment are affiliated to the North Mystery, but only a few people know it.

Therefore, such a big respect BOSS made such a naive and irrational decision, if anyone who knows him knows, it will definitely surprise the chin.

"So many flowers are enough. Really, my usual time is spent on the lyrics, and I am not very concerned about this."

Looking for it is still clear, she likes flowers, can be lazy.

Northern meditation, even more distressed, she live alone, no personal companionship, will not be lonely, there is no concern whether to eat on time.

No, he has to take care of her. "Don't worry, if you buy, I will take care of you every day."

"You are still young, and now it is a person to live alone, or a girl, too unsafe."

"Like this, I will move over to accompany you tomorrow."

Looking for: "..." feelings, you are giving me the next set, I did not expect you to be such a big BOSS_ (: зゝ∠) _

"That, I have always been a person, and I have taken care of myself very well, I will not bother the president."

Mom, let him enter the house and get it, sure that she will climb her bed in the next moment.

Her husband’s property of not changing her life, she really does not want to emphasize.

Northern meditation repaired his body, sadly looking up and looking for it, that abandoned look, looking for only want to paste his face.

When I saw it yesterday, the other party was full of domineering and cold, and it took so long.

In fact, she did not know that the North Meditation was so angry that it was the news of the Internet. The name of Qian Chen was actually the ex-boyfriend of the little guy.

He is very upset, he has no ex-girlfriend, how can she have an ex-boyfriend.

I don't know why, he always thinks that she should be her own, and she should only be right in her world.

"Looking, I just want to take care of you, let me take care of you."

Northern meditation deliberately lowered the sound, with a little sorrow in the hoarseness, and instantly made the heart look soft.

Involuntarily nodding her face, she always can't keep up with her husband.

"Great, I am going to pack things up." North Mingxiu stood up from the ground and put down the hyacinth, and he hurried away, as if he was afraid of looking back and looking back.

Looking at the door that was opened and closed, I sighed and sighed. "I really didn't save it. The guy looked at it and installed it. How come it was, really..."

I can't fall in love on the sofa, she is already only looking for _(:зゝ∠)_

It has been more than a month since the beginning of the North Ming Dynasty, and the second phase of the sound of Tianzhu has officially opened.

Today, the PK between the class and the class will start, and it is still a live mode.

Each group left fifteen people, from the original fifty people to threeteen weeks to fifteen, still very ferocious.

Brushed off the opportunity to resurrect once, the last game of each issue will open the audience vote.

The highest number of students who have been eliminated in the previous period will be PK with the last ranked person in the current period.

After winning the promotion, there is no chance to lose.

The search for the Gu Qingyuan group was the first to play, and it is still ancient to draw a lottery against her at this moment.

The ancient name is holding the number plate in his hand, and his eyes are full of irritability.

She is almost certain that she will be the first person in the second phase to be waiting for the position on the PK station.

Who is the serial number of the TM, **** it.

Even if she is low, she has to admit that she is not comparable to her in singing.

In fact, she has always been afraid of encountering Li Xun, because the songs in her hands are not enough.

"Hey, I just got the news from the staff. Li Laiqi and others will sing "The play is too deep."

Thousands of mornings took milk tea and walked over to the ancient scorpion, bowing his head and whispering.

Gu Yan frowned, "Into the drama too deep" was found in the computer desk drawer of Li Xun, but this time she learned to be smart, took photos directly with her mobile phone, did not take the manuscript.

When I got home, I wrote it and let her father give her the final perfection.

If she really wants to fight, she will have a much better version of her hand than Li.

But this song is what she is going to use in the final finals. If she is sung first, even if she is good, it will not take advantage.

"Thousands of morning changes songs." After weighing a bit, Gu Yu made a decision.

Simply do not do two, endless troubles.

Thousands of morning nods, his original intention is this, let go of the tea into the sound control room behind.

Look for the recording pen in your hand and evoke a meaningful arc.

A month's time to grow up, although her fans are not as good as themselves, but the prospects are great.

However, just the day before yesterday her identity was blasted out of the ‘unintentional’, the daughter of Professor Gu Yihui, the top of the music scene.

There are many students in Gu Yihui, and many of them have already sealed their hearts in the music world. I think his influence is strong.

The ancient hand is very beautiful, and the calculation is very accurate. In less than a day, her popularity has soared, and it is almost twice as far as it is now.

Therefore, even if she is on the lookout, she is absolutely invincible.

‘Baby, the fire should be a bit. ‘古姗姗, you can’t enter the show too deeply.

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