Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1120: Raiders Bloodthirsty Prince 45.8

When I saw that the two men woke up and were preparing to go to the emperor, they were in the same place.

The prostitute is so discouraged that she dares to marry the stinky boy. It is really... well.

Both of them were very glad that they left her yesterday, and they really regarded the search as a pro-daughter.

Especially after this scene, the search for a higher position in their hearts, faintly with that of Logias.

She knows that this stinky child is the one who harmed her by the whole star as a joke, but she still helps her generously. This kind of heart is not something that ordinary people can have.

Bertha saw that Lokias woke up and ran over excitedly.

"Luoyas, you finally woke up, how, I am worried about dying you."

When he woke up, no one dared to bully himself.

Lojas squinted at Bertha without emotion, and came down from the petals.

Bypassing the person standing in front of him, blocking his sight, went straight to the person sitting on the petal.

He has just been too impulsive, this will return the brain to normal, naturally able to think rationally.

younger sister?

Oh, this is the biggest joke in the world.

She can only have one identity, that is his lover, his prince.

Looking for people who are getting closer and closer, if the eyes can eat people, he estimates that she has bitten off a few pieces of meat.

This guy is really too bad. She will not dare to use her mental power easily because she is afraid of being glued by cowhide.

"Fairy, we met again, you said that we are very good, God is destined to meet, I..."

"Luoyas, do you know your sister?" The instincts told Bertha that if you don't interrupt Lokias, something bad would happen.

And the face of Lojas, who was interrupted, was hard to see, and his anger flickered.

I also figured out one thing, "You...you are...Princess of Bigis? My prince!"

His fairy is the Princess of Bixian, and the Princess of Bixian is her prince, that is to say, his fairy is his prince.

As soon as he came up with this idea, Lojas felt that his mind was full of pink heart-shaped bubbles.

The person who has been looking for so long has already entered his home, it’s so good, hehe...

Blanche had no face to look at this, and he would laugh at his stupid Prince. He said with certainty that His Royal Highness must have forgotten that he had driven the big princess out yesterday.

Give the temple a little wax again. It’s not that they don’t do anything under it. It’s really a big pig teammate (殿 ̄ ̄)

Look for a deep breath, barely make yourself look very light.

If the baby has been whispering in the ear and can't collapse, she can't collapse, she must have a slobber.

"His Royal Highness is laughing, I am the Princess of Bixian, but it is not your Prince since yesterday."

"The father and the mother have a pity, and I am the daughter. If you allow, I can call your brother."

Mom, can’t you, I can’t breathe you, ╭(╯^╰)╮

嘤嘤嘤~~~ Now the body is still weak, cutting Kaisen (; '⌒`)

The ecstasy of Lojoas, the moment before the opening of the fairy in his heart, tens of thousands of heads ran around in his mind, making him confused and bleak.

What sister, no, he doesn't.

He only wants her, as long as his prince is jealous.

"Not like this, I don't know if it is you, although I regret it now, but even if I give me another chance, I will do that."

"Love has always been like this, not to have a grain of sand, let alone a person."

"I love a person wholeheartedly, and naturally I will dedicate everything that I have to her. What extra factors will hinder me?"

"I know, you are sure that you are very dissatisfied with me now, but no one from Lokias wants to escape."

He has his own pride and has his own set of love views.

Whether others can understand recognition is one thing, as long as he guards the person he loves.

"But still have to say to you, sorry, it is my rash, causing you a lot of trouble and trouble."

On one knee, the right hand was placed on the left chest, and he bowed and bowed his head against the search.

That is surrender, it is gracious.

Everyone is shocked, this... Is this an illusion?

The fierce and fierce person will have such a harmless day.

In addition to the courtesy of the court and the court, he bent over and turned his head down. This is the first time, squatting on one person, bending over and bowing.

The picture is too big and they need to be slow.

Looking for the eyes in front of me, like a man with a sincere look, really, she wants to swear.

He was embarrassed, dare not dare to distract the emotions in the depths of his eyes that read ‘you nod and then go home with me’.

Although I really want to vomit, but my husband is too smart, talking is dripping.

Because of his words, she couldn’t help but agree with her _(:зゝ∠)_

What else can she say, she is also desperate.

Can only be depressed, stunned the man's eyes, and suddenly said: "It is true that love is uncontrollable and is the most unconstrained."

"I hope that His Royal Highness will be able to make a good relationship with your lover in the mouth."

A guest sentence, but directly picked up by Lokias.

"If you nod, I can immediately get married with my lover."

Looking for: "..." Don't pull her, this guy who has to get in the way, it's really not good to pack up and go to heaven.

The emperor didn't read too much, but he also felt that his behavior was too much.

How can I go to someone who was driven away by you yesterday, saying that you want to nod, I am married to my lover, this is not to salt the wounds.

The form of the emperor was gone, and he walked two steps forward, and he shot the shoulders of Lokias twice, and he did not have a good air.

"Luoyas, your etiquette, you have learned where to go."

"Small look for him, he is mentally ill, if there is anything in this stinky boy that makes you unhappy, you can just hit it."

The emperor did not know when he stood next to the emperor and nodded in agreement.

"This kid is indeed mentally ill, small looking for a point, not happy, don't worry, hey, the father gives you a backing."

Looking for: "..." This is in disguise, saying that her husband has a mental illness o (*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

Xiaoxiao’s hard search stared at his dissatisfaction, and he took advantage of Loyoas after the Emperor’s emperor. He almost couldn’t help but laugh.

Lochoas thinks that this time, the father and mother have changed, but fortunately, the person they like is their own prince.

Otherwise he must doubt who is the one who is personal.

"Sister, you are so kind, you must not bear to see the loved ones apart, please complete us."

This is a strange atmosphere, and it is even more strange to be tossed in one sentence.

If you feel it carefully, you can also find that the tightness factor in the air is very unstable.

With a little touch, you can completely break out.

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