Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1135: Alternative angel in the demon ghost 46.5

"The clothes are taken in my cabinet." Huang Xiaohan took the spatula and walked two steps to the living room.

When I turned around, I saw Sun Wei, who stood at the door with something, frowned. "Sun Wei."

"Ah?" Sun Wei was shocked. After returning to God, he immediately said: "Head leader, what you let me bring."

The whole heart is holding the grass, the team leader is strong, and actually a cat demon is housed.

Huang Hao nodded and said, "Put it on the table." Turned back to the kitchen and continued the breakfast business.

I don't know if the little angel can eat it. Check it out later, look at the singular encyclopedia to see what the angels are eating.

Sun Wei fainted and put things in his mouth, and he heard the sound coming from behind the stairs. Looking back, his eyes widened.

What a beauty, the black hair with her movements, with a slight curvature, together, full of vitality.

She didn't seem to find an outsider, she was squinting, and apparently she still didn't wake up.

The exposed eyes, the black pure, comparable to the good obsidian, full of intoxicating.

Especially at this moment, it seems to infect the stars, and the water color makes the flowers lose color in her eyes.

A large white shirt that hangs down to the knees.

**** The legs are slender and slender, such as Xueyu-like crystal snow muscles like ice like snow, the body is delicate and delicate, beautiful and splendid.

Sun Wei's face is red, only to feel dry, really tempting.

He thought that he understood why he had never been moved, even if he didn't see anyone who was close to him, he would hide such a person at home.

Because it is too charming, too... childlike.

The two extreme contradictions, mixed together, have become the most attractive light spot, no matter who, I am afraid it is difficult to escape the charm of her body.

There is still a bit of confusion in the search. I was seduce by the instinct in the early morning, and I know that it is good to find clothes to wear.

However, when someone looked at it, the line of sight was still so... When she was in the fruit of the red fruit, her brain was so excited that she instantly got out of the shackles.

The clear eyes were light-colored, and looked down at the man who was still staring at himself, stupid.

There is a glimpse of confusion in my head. Is this my husband?

It seems that there is something wrong with it.

"Hey, stupid big, who are you, how come in." Leaning on the railing, playful opening.

Those who can come in must be members of the Dragon Group. She has to toss them to toss them, and then wait for Huang Xiaohan to re-trade with her.

La la la la ~ \\ (≧▽≦) / ~ She is so smart.

Don't ask her why she doesn't go by herself. The special case of the dead angel, the party that made the transaction, did not leave the party that made the transaction, and could not leave the person's permission.

This kind of clause that I don’t know where to come, I also feel that I have a dog.

Baby: Have you ever thought about the feeling of a dog?

Looking for:...

In short, the one that is particularly grievous is right. For the good life in the future, she must work hard to make her cry.

Sun Wei heard the pleasing sound of the previous sound, and the conditioned reflex: "Going in."

"Oh... hahaha... silly big, you are so fun."

Looking for the man below, he smiled and swayed, and the crystal clear water drops almost fell.

This person is really cute, silly, and the reaction is very fun.

Sun Wei, who doesn't know what the other person is laughing at, has three question marks on his head.

The breakfast that came out of the breakfast was cold and the face was dark and black. Although there was a mask to cover it, Sun Wei was keenly aware that the surrounding air seemed to be a lot colder.

I didn’t care about those who were looking for it. The eyes stared at the food placed on the table, and ran downstairs and rushed to the table.

Huang Haohan had not turned around to get the porridge out, and he saw that he had already sat in the position, holding a bowl with chopsticks, and looking forward to watching his little angel.

The light in that eye is too strong, and the small appearance is really cute.

The cat is waiting for the owner to feed, and the spoiled owner wants her to fill her with food and put it on her mouth so that she can only eat it if she needs to move her mouth.

Even if she is satisfied with eating, she will scream twice to her, and that feeling is so cute.

No, the nose is too hot.

Quickly walked into the kitchen and puffed some cold water on his face before he lowered the temperature.

Carrying the glutinous millet porridge to the one who still glared at the big eyes, and sold the cute little angel with the charm of the peach eyes, and filled her with her.

He felt that the little angel stared at him with such big eyes, and he might not be able to help him.

Looking for the eyelashes, the bowl of the hand is filled with the fragrant millet porridge.

Pick up a spoon and put a spoonful into the mouth, close your eyes and taste it, and suddenly your eyes are bright.

(*@ο@*) Wow~ It’s delicious, delicious, so delicious.

It’s good to have a husband’s taste.

The thought just flashed in my mind, and the egg roll that was fed to the mouth seduce and shifted my thoughts.

Zhang mouth bite, chew, chew and swallow it.

Hey~~~ It’s delicious, you still have to.

Huang Haohan took advantage of the position of the little angel to sit down and show the meaning of her big eyes.

The smile is full of tenderness, and the action is not slow to continue feeding.

Try to make this big baby happy and happy, then... become a habit and tie it to him.

Sun Wei, who was ignored and automatically became the background, only felt that the way he came to the leader's house today was wrong. The timing was wrong and everything was wrong.

This...this...so the gentle team leader is really the dragon team leader who is cold all the year round, without the slightest temperature?

No, he doesn't believe it, really.

The gap is too big, and his careful liver is too fragile, a little bit unbearable, and needs to be slow.

Then he was criticized again, who told him that the pink bubble is something, why is it so dazzling?

/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Seeking to love singles.

Looking for food was completely ruined and found out what it is now. I saw a shrimp ball coming in front of me, bowing, licking and biting.

Well, the taste is great.

Drinking porridge, come one more, so praise, it knows that I am going to drill into my mouth, screaming, waiting for the white tender shrimp ball to be automatically imported.

Huang Xiaohan looked at the more arrogant little angel who was raised by herself, and obediently fed the shrimp ball into her mouth.

Look at the happiness she eats, and the heart is filled with happiness.

She is an angel, an angel belonging to him, an angel who heals.

How can she not let him try his best to leave the person so beautiful?

When the baby smells the scent in space, he just smashes his head and gives it a host.

It’s no wonder that she was willing to send it by her man’s death. Who can blame it? (ДД ̄)┍

Don't call it if you want to eat it, don't remind her that there is a big wolf around.

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