Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1138: Alternative Angel in the Monsters and Ghosts 46.8

Looking for the back and shrinking, screaming at the innocent big eyes, shouted: "Not my fault, she first scared me."

嘤嘤嘤~~~ The female lord is terrible, and the eyes are falling again.

His Majesty is gone, ah, the head is flying, wow, good strength.

Although Huang Han has no power, but the reaction is still there. Now I understand what is not clean here.

Sun Wei and Xiang drunk each took out their weapons and stood up and retreated to the side of Huang Xiaohan.

"Little angel, tell me what you saw."

Huang Haohan took the hand that had just passed through and put it on his mouth, blowing like a blow.

Looking for it is very natural to rely on him. "A ugly ghost that can scare people, but this ghost is a bit too arrogant."

"She just wanted to attack you, and she didn't look at who Miss Ben was. She dared to let her in front of this lady."

"Oh, she wants to run." Looking for a play is not too big, and with a wave of hands, the golden chain pulls the ghost who is ready to disappear.

In the hands of a law, the empty table immediately showed something that looked very infiltrating.

This will have her head already on her neck, but it is reversed.

The tongue is still long and the eyes are still in her own hands.

The white clothes on the body are a bit like the costumes of ancient women. The skin of sallow is hidden under the hair, making people look less clear.

After discovering that he was trapped, he struggled constantly, but there was no effect.

When Ke Nian was watching the other party being caught, he couldn’t help but step back and calm down.

But this performance is still captured by the hearts of the people, and each has their own care.

"Ghosts." Sun Wei recognized his identity at a glance. "How can there be a ghost here?"

The dragon group's site is not a ghost, even the demon can't have it.

Because there are special arrays here, there are many magic weapons, and there are dragons and guards.

Suddenly I saw a ghost, and everyone was alert.

"Since there are ghosts, I will take her to the people above, and today's meeting ends here."

Ke Nian quickly adjusted his state and went forward to catch the ghost trapped on the table.

This time is the most unwise choice to stay, but fortunately she will not speak for the time being, otherwise.

The hand just touched the golden chain, and the pain immediately attacked. "Ah..."

He sucked his hand back and looked at the palm of his hand, where it had been burned to black.

All eyes are sly, glaring at the woman in the Lord's position, and can't wait to kill each other.

She is obviously an ordinary person, how can it be hidden?

Looking for the unwillingness to show up, ridiculed: "I did not expect that the newly formed dragon team leader is actually full of gloom."

"Even if you still practice ghosts to practice, I will say that you will not be with this ghost." The faint voice is something that can be understood.

"Nonsense, what are you, I am practicing the most authentic dragon group secret method."

Ke Nian was irritated by the irritating anger, and the fire in his eyes was fast enough to burn people.

She can find who she is, she is not so fragile, and snorted with disdain, directly buried her head on the shoulders of the cold.

She is only responsible for picking things up, not responsible for the balance, la la la.

Huang Hao Han is to understand the meaning of this little guy, helpless her licking hair.

"Sun Wei."

"Yes, the leader." Sun Wei immediately stepped forward and prepared to unplug the tongue in the ghost's mouth.

They often deal with all kinds of demons and ghosts, and naturally know how to rectify them.

Mao Lulu’s intuition told her that it was dangerous and dangerous.

If he didn't think about it, he would go to Ke Nian, and now he can save himself. Only he can help her.

Ke Nian was smashed by Mao Lulu, then pushed her away without hesitation, and the face was ugly.

Damn, this woman is really a little eyesight.

And who the woman is, actually dare to break him good.

"Oh, this is not what you brought in, Ke Nian, I mean what you mean."

"If you want to be a team leader, you can't do it. Oh, you haven't qualified yet."

"The old lady only recognizes that the cold is the leader, as for you..."

The scent was drunk up and down and examined Ke Nian again and again, turning his head, it was very disdainful.

Her character is like her dressing style, it is very hot and hot, relatively straight, and the most true, what is said, will not be with you to bend around.

Ke Nianqi’s forehead is violently violent, “I’m fascinated, pay attention to your identity, you are a member of the Dragon Group, the Dragon Group rules, all arrangements obey orders, obey the command.”

"Do you want to provoke me now, or to disobey me."

Stupid woman, sure enough, women are unsightly creatures, not a good one.

The fragrant smile, the special disdain of laughter, this hypocritical guy, she disdain.

Sun Wei grabbed the chain and dragged the ghost to him. The knife in his hand quickly cut off her tongue.

"Ah, ah... my tongue, it hurts." The dry female voice came instantly.

Mao Lulu couldn't help but roll on the table, and the painful tears fell.

That is her tongue, now cut off, even if it is a ghost, can not ignore the pain deep into the soul.

Looking for the lips to raise the malicious arc, the male owner's favor for the female owner is reduced, the task progress is 10%, good, good.

"Ugly ghosts, who are you brought in, and who is instructing you to do bad things."

Xia Xia suddenly came out from behind and asked awkwardly. The random squatting on the table seemed to touch the golden chain unintentionally.

Mao Lulu was shocked, and went to see Ke Nian subconsciously. When he wanted to take it back, he could not control it.

Ke Nian’s eyes are deeper and more idiotic, stupid, stupid.

"When you look at what Ke Nian is doing, I ask you something?" Xia Xia took a picture of the ghost who was stunned, and then snorted, and the ghost fainted directly on the table.

Xia Xia smiled and got up from the table and touched his nose. He said: "I didn't mean it, really."

He just patted it gently, who knows that the other party is not shooting.

Looking for a peach eye for a long time, covering the inside of the wave of light, this summer is also a fun person.

I looked at the chain in my hand and looked at the woman who passed out, and took a light stroke to retrieve the chain.

"Since now that Ke Nian is already the leader of the Dragon Group, I will not intervene in your affairs."

"There is nothing to look for in the future, so I can do it myself."

In the last sentence, everyone can hear who it is, but the party is obviously disdainful.

When Huang Hanhan finished, he left the baby in his arms, not a big company, and he died in an instant.

"It’s so tired recently, I still have three months of vacation time, then I will go on vacation first, goodbye."

The scent was stretched out and he turned without hesitation.

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