‘Hey,’ the old man slammed his stick and shook his beard. “Which **** bullied my grandmother, Yihao went to the guy to repair and repair it.”

Xing Yihao, the head of the Xing family who was named, was very upset: "Why me, not my wife."

"Bad boy, your daughter-in-law is being bullied. What do you go home to say, there is no way to help your wife revenge, and what kind of wife is married."

Everything that disturbs his loved ones with his dear wife, Enn, is a class enemy.

Whether he is his own son, hey, it is not good anyway.

In the hands of Xing Laozi, the stick was knocked twice on the back of Xing Yihao, the **** son.

Xing Shaoqin did not feel sad because of Xing Yihao’s words, or what was frustrated by self-esteem.

Instead, I justifiably said: "I want to cultivate feelings with my wife. She has been busy recently. I have to take care of her and have no time to take care of other things."

"Yes, your father is idle, the company gives him, and those who bully the grandmother also let him get it."

Master Xing immediately spoke out and couldn't help but nod. He felt that his grandson was really open-minded, knowing how to accompany his wife and take care of his wife. It was not bad.

Xing Yihao's face was almost distorted. A handsome 50-year-old uncle, his character is like a child, unexpected... Meng.

But the temper is really... hot, under the glare of the old man, he dare not say no, but when the line of sight turns, he immediately stares at others.

"Weiwei, you haven’t been on vacation recently, nothing has happened, just to get rid of the rabbit scorpions that bully you."

"Hey, I will buy you a good meal at that time, and then send you a limited-edition version of the Maserati bicycle you are looking for."

As for the company, Xing Yihao said that the secretary and assistant who are so capable of finding a son can't go.

That's the sentence, what kind of embarrassment, what kind of son, the same... to go to heaven.

Ji Yawei weakened and shrunk, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Today is not a good day to go out.

Under the real eye of Xing Yihao, Ji Yawei’s head is not too fast, and Xing’s father is worried that he will break his head.

Xing Shaoqin saw things settled, got up and left, leaving everyone with a chic back.

Quite a little used up and lost the sense of sight, but they are used, they are also lost, Xing family silently think, true thief.

Ji Yawei is ready to find a partner, and he will be unlucky.

The search was quickly completed and the contract was signed.

Stretched aside, looking at the sun hanging out of the window, lazy and narrowing his eyes.

The time is still early, waiting for her husband's search, boring brush up the page.

The video screen that exploded last night has been spread into a microblog headline, silently silent for two seconds.

She is a network anchor, actually grabbed the headlines of those big-name stars, hey, really... I feel like I want to go to heaven, O(∩_∩)Ohahaha~




In the first ten topics, the search for six accounts, three of which are firmly in the top three.

This horrible data is also a sight to look for.

Dream: There are still such shameless people, seduce the boyfriend of the partner.

Yu Yu: Get out of the main broadcast industry, the original live broadcast platform, a good anchor mass, have been ruined by this monk.

Little cute: still a little goblin, I spit.

Mushroom: Is it because of the hard work of the bed, so it was sealed?

The various kinds of shackles in the back are not looking for excitement, but I have been staring at the latest one and feeling the chin.

Her partner? When did she have a partner, even if she was in the top ten, she didn’t have it. At most, she worked with He Xuewei two or three times under the arrangement of the company.

Wait, quit Weibo, find Wo Xuewei's homepage and go in, watch a news of the latest update, stunned.

Queen of the Snow Wei V [the queen of the nine beautiful nine beauty anchor]: I did not want to come forward, but suddenly found that my boyfriend was affected.

I don’t have any personal grievances with Sang. If I really want to say it, it’s probably my boyfriend.

That time, Hao Ge adjusted my time. I haven’t told him to find it. It’s really the fault of Hao Ge and me. For this reason, I still blame myself for a long time.

I thought it was because of my relationship with Hao Ge that I would take special care.

But I never imagined that she was tempted to blame Hao Ge, and said that as long as she was there, I would not think about it, so that Hao Ge couldn't bear it, and directly adjusted my live broadcast time.

And the picture in that video is the company gathering next night, Hao Ge drank the wine she handed over, and then...

[Party photo] [she and Luo Hao's photo] [Sang seeks a dispute with Luo Hao, threatening Luo Hao that if he is in this way, she will leave the screen]

Just the right clip, if you click on it, you don’t have to think about it. The following is definitely a vote for her.

Depressed holding the chin, is this female host ready to use her in this way?

Before discussing with Superman brothers, they are ready to ferment for two or three days and are dealing with them.

I didn't expect the woman to be so unsettled, and she jumped out, as if she was rushing to let her deal with her.

But she can't take the initiative to take the shot, and can't signal others to go, hey, it's awkward, and go to Luo Luohao in the evening to get rid of it.

Looking for a good mood, as well as the comments below, Xing Shaoqin, Luo Wei and Nie Ziyu came in, and they saw people who smiled and crooked and commented.

"You, I don't know, I don't think you are black." Xing Shaoqin stepped forward to find the hair that had been scattered, but helpless.

The search did not move away, but instead went straight to the side, and immediately a warm body leaned over and took her into her arms.

The two people move naturally to the imitation of a person, so that the fit, so sigh, is there really a heart and soul?

"Achin Achin, you look at it, they are so shameless, the IQ is not high, and the technology is too inferior."

"Let's go to Luo Hao's meal tonight, let him face his face, and he won't come out as a demon."

Look for the phone and let him see the content on the screen.

Xing Shaoqin picked up the man and leaned on his shoulder to adjust her a comfortable position before she followed it.

"Jumping the clown, Yawei will handle it." The girl is the most pungent, serious, and can toss the dead.

Xing Shaoqin said that yes, when looking for a refreshing page, there is a topic of #邢家少夫人桑寻觅# being topped up, the speed is fast, so that the search must be thought to be dazzling.

However, what is Mrs. Xing Jiashao?

Click here to see, the content is very simple, a line with a picture.

Lead: As a little lady of Xing's family, she needs to climb a bed, she needs to seduce people, but also need those messy?

[Sang Xuan and Xing Shaoqin's marriage certificate]

Looking for it, looking up at her husband, laughing very meaningfully, "How can I not remember that I am married, huh?"

Picking on the tail, like a small hook, can't tell the temptation and danger.

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