Looking for a cover, snicker, these two children feel... also very fun (*^__^*)

"Okay, okay, look at my image today, you can probably guess what a goblin is, oh, "Fox" is for you."

Open the accompaniment, stand up, and the shallow tunes also overflow from the mouth.

The original master is in the tenth and the nine beautiful is singing and playing the piano, the other will be all the same, the strength is very strong.

This time, the search is ready to fill the rest, so that the original owner becomes perfect and dominates the entire anchorage.

He Xuewei is also very happy in the spring, listening to the system prompted that there are only 160,000 fans on the side of the search, and she is now nearly 180,000.

Sure enough, she just wants to counterattack and become a female lord. This system is really useful.

Looking at the gifts that are constantly brushed up on the public screen and all kinds of words that like her, He Xuewei is filled with excitement and desire.

When she won this time, Sang searched out of the main broadcast world, when she went to find Xing Shao, let him fall in love with himself.

As if she had seen her summit, He Xuewei was very bright.

Because of this, she did not find that the female aura worn on her body is constantly dimming.

The baby's dark poke directly controls the power of the primary system. It is probably the first time to do it. The technical instability o (╯ ╰ ╰) o accidentally extracted some system energy.

I still had some worries. After discovering that the power flowed out of the female lord, I lost my mind and ran back to find the host of the family.

At this time, the number of people in the search room has risen to 200,000, and the public screen is very fierce.

Before she sat, everyone did not find it. When she stood up, they could see the overall image of today.

The red close-fitting leather, just under the chest, reveals the white navel and the navel, and the slim waist that is not slender.

The same red leather shorts, a small silver belt embellished with a small bell on it, with a crisp sound as she moves.

It’s like a worm that sounds in the middle of the night, very nice.

The slender legs, wrapped in a pair of knee-length boots, look full of flexibility.

Especially when lifting a leg, when I lift my hips, I really want to rush to go and dance with her.

Then I accidentally touched it, took a small waist, touched a small hand, and the life was really complete.

Unfortunately, that is all fantasy.

After searching for a song, returning to the seat, passing the cup next to it and drinking a small cup of water, the soothing scorpion was relieved.

The contents of the slash to the public screen almost didn't arrive.

Hey: Hold the grass, let me lick, oh, drool.

King Crab: Ah, little goblin, I really want to change for you, God, I am drunk.

Daming Lakeside: 嘤嘤嘤~~~ Such a delicious little goblin is not my home, cut Kaisen.

There is a cousin of the little goblin: I feed you to feed you a little bit, don't hook up my watch, I will be killed by my cousin.

"They hooked me, why would you be killed?"

Looking for laziness on the back of the chair, holding a cup in his hand, at first glance, it was a message that suddenly slammed onto the screen and suddenly opened his mouth.

The cousin of the little goblin: because the guard is not good.

A cousin with a little goblin: silent +1

"Hahaha, your two children are so cute, and suddenly thought of "Bad Kids."

Said with a smile, directly sing and sing, there is still no accompaniment.

The clear and refreshing voice, with the hoarseness and slight air cavity just after the dance, Su can't.

Singing well, suddenly her screen flashed, like the TV did not signal the picture flashing, but only moments.

Looking for light is dark and dark, like nothing happens, continue to sing.

The baby is very good at going to find the reason, waiting for the sing to finish, the baby is back.

When I nodded to my own host, I went directly to her computer to prevent this from happening.

The live broadcast in the back was very smooth. When the needle and the minute hand pointed to ten, the live broadcast was close to the end.

"All the goblin powders that are coming today, thank you for your kindness and support, and look forward to the opportunity to see you next time."

With the gift that continually exploded on the screen, I sang the last one tonight.

Turn off the live broadcast, look for a stretch, and move his neck, suddenly remembered, open his own button.

[Little Fairy's Nest]

Leprechaun: Superman brother congratulates you, don't forget our face-to-face time, look forward to seeing you with your family.

Bauhinia: Ah, what happened to God?

Cup cup for a lifetime: I seem to see a look, Superman brother said that his family finally promised to openly have a relationship with him, is the other party is a star (*@ο@*) wow~

Superman: No, you will know when you get there.

Several people chatted and went out of the room, which was originally a practice room for the dance anchor.

Now it is dominated by a dozen technical emperors who hold computers with earphones and concentrate on operating computers.

Xing Shaoqin also focused on the computer in front of him, noticed the line of sight, looked up and waved at her.

Looking for her husband to sit down and look at the screen of his computer.

Above is her and Hu Xuewei's live broadcast number and gift statistics, but I am very surprised to find it.

Not long after the start, the number of He Xuewei was almost 200,000. How come to the end?

"When your computer was attacked, they reacted very quickly. They didn't get rid of those people, but the other person ate the consequences."

Xing Shaoqin seems to be surprised to know the search, simply explained.

"That is, her computer is hacked?" The search response was slightly larger, and the expression was somewhat distorted.

She dared to swear, watching, not long after, the woman must definitely take this to black her, saying that she did.

"Oh... this He Xuewei is really shameless, and he is guilty of swearing on the other side, and dares to fall into us."

"Troubled everyone to sort out all the records that have just been given to me. Labor and capital don't go back today, don't kill them, I will follow them."

The gentleman who was more gentleman was irritated by the shameless faces of Luo Hao at the moment, showing how much they did.

Looking for: "..." The most speechless estimate is her. It was only a moment before I thought that it will come at a later moment. It is really...

Wiping the face, let yourself not be so depressed, but still can't help but want to vomit, this woman is really ready to fight with her dead online.

Xing Shaoqin put down the computer and took the person into his arms and comforted him quietly.

"Oh, don't be sad, they just marry you, we should be happy, because you are better than them."

Suddenly, my husband’s search for a child is a bit embarrassing. After the reaction, the fisheye, she looks sad. _(:зゝ∠)_

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