Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1312: Marshal, my wife is going to take you 53.19

"Women, you wake up, come and eat first."

Feng Qilin stared at the magnificence of the wife, like the color of the blooming rose, and felt that she was some more ready to move.

No, how can such a beast, the daughter-in-law has not eaten yet, how can I have to eat enough to say it.

Looking for the rice porridge that is fed to the mouth, if she knows her husband's thoughts, she will not eat as natural.

Maybe I will directly reward my husband for a few sugar-fried chestnuts. I only tossed it for so long yesterday, so I am hungry so soon, it’s a bird! beast!

The atmosphere of the two people was very warm, and Liang Hui, who ran back, looked at the window carefully and looked inside.

When he arrived at the station and waited for the train in the morning, he accidentally fell asleep o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

When I woke up, I heard the people around me say that the marshal came back, and suddenly the eyes were bright, and the phoenix unicorn came back, and the search for it must be followed.

The last time I heard her say that it is producing fresh things, this time it must have been brought over, don’t try to taste what to do.

So he ran back and forth, but he still had a brain, knowing how to look at the beast.

At present, it seems very good, he is really right n(*≧▽≦*)n

After eating something, looking for her husband's service, after washing and putting on clothes, I went out with my husband.

After sleeping for so long, if you don't move, you will become a third-level disabled.

"Lady, you are awake, all the materials of the marshal are brought back, this time the lady has prepared very convenient food."

Qi Qiyang is moving the box to the warehouse. After seeing Feng Qilin and looking for it through the playground, he ran to say hello.

He is now admiring this person, not because of the name of Mrs. Feng hanging on her head, just because of her.

Looking for the sun on the husband's lazy sun, the unspoiled sun feels a refreshing sun.

Listening to Qi Yang’s words, half-squinting, pointing to the box in his arms, the sound is light.

"This is called canned food. It is made of pork and beef and mutton. It can be opened directly and eaten."

"But it's best not to eat too much, it's easy to get angry, and it's best to have a little broth."

"Of course you are not going to pay attention to these on the battlefield, so I have prepared another compressed biscuit for you to eat."

In fact, if you eat more biscuits, you will get angry, but on the battlefield, getting angry is better than losing your life.

Only when you are full, you have the strength to fight, so you have enough thinking to consider your own safety.

"Mrs., the subordinates represent the entire Feng Jiajun thank you for your full support."

Qi Qiyang holds things in one hand, lifts one hand, stands at the ratio, and is the most supreme military ritual for the soldiers.

This represents his surrender and represents his respect.

Looking for it, gently shaking her head, the sun fell into her dark eyes, and it was stained with a layer of golden gold.

Looking at it, the stars are a little bit, and you are beautiful.

"Don't thank me, just help me to look at him." He squinted at the people around him, and the bright colors were all poured out to the man who had a head higher than her.

Feng Qilin grabbed her waist and made her lean on herself, and she couldn’t stop smirking.

The wife loves him so much, he is so happy, happy to fly.

Qi Qiyang put down his hand and smiled and nodded. "Mrs. Rest assured, I will definitely look at the marshal and not let him go wrong."

Wherein Yuli is Field and the singularity of all of them.

It seems that she didn't seem to do anything, and the outsiders certainly didn't know, but she sent them more powerful gunfire than the enemy, bringing them the latest weapons, and adding a variety of portable food to them.

Also, from the very beginning, they gave them the military capital of Feng Jiajun. Which woman can do it for the sake of love is not blind, but rationally the most powerful backing behind the man?

She did it, the marshal was able to marry her, and he felt really lucky at the moment.

"Marshal, adjutant, is not good, the old marshal is in an ambush in the car coming over, and the chest is shot."

A big soldier rushed over in a hurry, and the gas was too late to breathe, and the eager opening.

"The car is coming to us. The Sun Dajun, who is in charge of the old marshal, said that they have no hemostatic drugs on their hands. The situation is a little dangerous."

After Feng Xiaolin heard the old marshal's bullet, the original ease and ease disappeared, and the vigorous anger was replaced.

"When you go to the military doctor, look for Fu Zhaojun, let her prepare for hemostasis and anti-inflammatory drugs, and clean up the site."

"Do not worry about the unicorn, the father is a big hero, this country will pray for him, it will be fine, we will pick up the father."

Looking for the husband's hand, try to use the temperature of his palm to dispel the coldness that comes from his heart.

The soldiers knew what to look for, and there was no delay at the moment.

For a time, the air pressure at the entrance to the military area was as low as the freezing point, and it was transmitted from the place where Feng Qilin was located, extending to the entire playground.

The entire Fengjia Army was able to arrive, and quietly waited for the car carrying the old Marshal.

"Marshal, let your military doctors come to help, the old marshal can't hold back."

The car hasn't arrived yet, and someone inside the open window shouted out.

Fu Zhaojun immediately took the military doctor to the front, set up a stretcher, and was ready to pick up.

Feng Yulin is a legendary figure. He has had countless military achievements in his life, but he does not love his rights. He gave his position to his son very early.

But he did not retreat from the battlefield. In his words, he was born in this country. He grew up in this land and raised it in this river. He must protect this peace.

From the foot of his twenties to the army, he has still fulfilled his responsibilities in the past fifty years.

He is great and deserves to be admired by everyone.

It was just the tough, unyielding man who was lying on the stretcher at the moment.

The clothes on the upper body have been taken off, and the bright colors on the chest are slowly flowing.

Looking for frowning, don't take out the bullets immediately, fearing that...

"I don't dare to use the Western way to break the belly. What to do, blood can't stop."

The old Marshal’s exclusive military doctor, Sun Da, was sweating at the moment and was in a state of panic. He grabbed Fu Zhaojun’s eager inquiry about the operation.

Like asking her, she is asking herself.

Fu Zhaojun looked dignified. She regretted why she didn't go to school first, but went to get the medicine first, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do anything at the moment.

Is it really necessary to watch the hero who dedicated his life to the country and leave like this?

No one was talking at the scene, and the boring and dignified factors were constantly floating in the air.

"I am coming." The light words, like the curse, instantly broke the dark clouds above the head.

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