Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1316: Marshal, my wife wants to take you off 53.23

This is the next turn of Sun Da shocked, why did Feng Yulin say this? Is it...

In the original accident arrangement, there was no such thing as he awakened.

Even so, what he did, Feng Yulin should not know.

In the face of Sun Da's surprise, looking for a corner of the lips to raise a satirical arc.

The original book also had this admiration, but at that time, Feng Yulin died because the bullets were not removed in time.

The situation at the time was similar to the previous one. The only difference was that Sun Da’s procrastination plan was successful, and this time because of her presence, Sun Da did not succeed.

After the death of the old marshal, Sun Da came to the man's side and leaked several military secrets to the enemy.

The situation that the original Feng Jiajun took advantage of the situation repeatedly suffered a rout. In the end, the female lord studied the gunpowder and succeeded in letting the invaders go to heaven.

"Do you still want to defend, or ask me, what do you do, I want to say this, huh..."

"Sun Da, I Feng Xiaolin thinks that you are not thin. You have been with me for the past few years. I am sorry for you, want you to sell the country through the enemy? You say..."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Feng Yulin was very angry. When he was excited, he couldn't help but want to start, and then he pulled the wound again.

He was sore, he coughed, his forehead began to sweat, and the brush went down.

Fu Zhaojun quickly used a towel to help him dry the sweat, and the silver needle did not leave his hand. His face was ugly.

Zhang Zhangkou wants to say something, and then closes, the other is her husband's father, she has already slandered the other party, and if so, will it trigger the other party's disappointment.

Coupled with the fact that the other party has just mistaken the person, he feels that he is really suspected of being rejected.

This feeling is really too... depressed to know what to say.

"Oh, don't think so much, the body is his own. He doesn't want to leave it alone. It just happened to die."

"Touch and hug, do you want to be married and kiss each other, smile and give it to you."

Feng Qilin quickly caught the emotions of the people around him, lifted his chin on his little wife, and smiled.

If he didn't know that his wife's face was thin, he would still say it and go home early.

The widow's tender cheeks are very attractive, especially for people to take a bite and slowly taste the taste.

Feng Xiaolin, who was struggling to keep up, just flew up and flew at once. I felt that I had admitted that my daughter-in-law was still in the presence of a daughter-in-law.

Especially after seeing the two hands of the daughter-in-law, and after being taught, I feel very guilty.

Just because I hadn’t had time to say anything, Sun Da’s attention was shifted and it was put aside.

As a result, now, he said, is there such a son who cursed Laozi?

He asked, is there (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Sure enough, with the daughter-in-law forgetting, and driving out of the house, we must drive out of the house.

So there is nothing wrong with it. He is very good at thinking about swearing.

"Don't make trouble." Looking for a hand to squat on the waist of her husband, blushing.

This guy is getting more and more lawless, not right, it is getting more and more shameless.

"The old marshal must control your emotions, and then you will be stitched next time."

Re-emphasizing the person on the bed, although the stitching is faster, there is no need to do anything.

"Sew seams, big men are not afraid of staying, your little girl is a sorrowful heart." Feng Yulin could not help but mutter, I feel that my daughter-in-law is too cautious.

Looking for the forehead of the blue veins, she feels that her husband's father, like her husband, has something wrong!

Taking a deep breath, I told myself that I don’t care about my elders. She is a younger generation and wants to respect the old.

Fu Zhaojun and Liang Hui were both convulsed by Feng Yulin, and their faces were stiff. They did not expect that the national hero would have such a childish moment.

Quite a bit of an old urchin o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

"That, isn't that talking about that thing?" Liang Hui silently raised his claws, pointing at the people in the corner, the weak opening.

He said that he did not want to be fed dog food, and he did not want to see Feng Shushuxiu IQ.

Feng Yulin took a forehead and said, "Oh, the stinky boy is all about giving you my son's thoughts."

After I took a look at Feng Qilin, I returned to the business. "Sun Da, what do you want to say."

"Old Marshal, I don't understand what you are saying, I really don't understand."

"I have been with you for so many years, what kind of person, you still don't know?"

Sun Da can't figure out what the other party knows. He can only clench his teeth, and he can't admit it. Maybe he can still have a chance.

In my mind, it is a quick reflection, and what is wrong with the matter.

Feng Yulin smiled, and picked up the things at hand and went to Sun Dawei, angered.

"You are a fool when you are Laozi. The way we walk is so secret, why are some people so ambushing us so accurately?"

"When I was shot, I obviously didn't feel very deep, but after you accidentally bumped into me, my state became more and more wrong."

"And my adjutant, he is afraid that he will be killed by you."

"Don't tell me what is unintentional, the route changes at any time, only the three of us know, this road is all coincidence, do you think I believe?"

He is old, not IQ is degraded, these simple details are put together, I will not understand.

When Sun Da wanted to argue in the throat, his eyes were even more frightening. Zhang did not seem to think that he would observe such a small thing.

"I..." "I don't listen to the reasons, I don't listen to you nonsense." Feng Yulin directly cut off Sun Da's words, full of impatience.

Looking for / Fu Zhaojun: "..." seems to have just been asked by yourself, the result is not let people say the next moment, really...

However, if you treat such a shameless thing, you should not give any breathing, and you will be killed if you catch the opportunity.

Sun Da’s face is distorted. He wants to save the beggar. The detachable chin is not strong. If you are excited, it’s completely unclear what you can’t hear.

"Tell me, who is behind you, what purpose."

Feng Yulin had to abolish the strength of the boss to control his temper, but the things at his hand were ravaged.

Looking for it, he watched as he smashed the kerosene lamp that had not been packed up. The position was just the point of alcohol before, and he was stunned.

‘砰’ sounded softly, and everyone in the house shook his feet. Fortunately, there was little movement.

After the shock stopped, she looked up from her husband's arms and was unharmed, but her husband was smoking behind her.

Quickly pulled people to look at it, patted the chest, but fortunately not injured.

Looking at the place where a small explosion had just occurred, a large object with no black autumn lay on it, and the body twitched from time to time to prove that he was still tenaciously alive.

Feng Yulin also maintains the position of throwing things, staring at the black wall that can no longer smoke and smoke, stupid.

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