Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1318: Marshal, my wife wants to take you off 53.25

In one sentence, Sun Da’s fate was fixed, and Fu Zhaojun did not care. He greeted several people at the door to come in and clean up the debris.

There were more things happening on this day. After solving Sun Da, Feng Yulin felt that the spirit was taken out of time and tired.

Looking for a few people to close the door, leave softly, so that he can sleep with peace of mind.

"Oh, my God, this power, the extent of this power, and the powerful ammunition, don't worry about any devils."

"When the time comes, one collapses, two collapses and one pair, and a group of people directly connected to the nest, perfect."

Liang Hui held the cannon gun that was pushed to the playground and his eyes burned.

He has seen this stuff many times abroad, but after returning home, it was the first time I saw it.

Don't look at him, he is also a coach, but in terms of weapons, it is really pitiful and degraded.

If it wasn't for the cooperation between the two parties, Feng Qilin generously gave him a car over there, and he must definitely kill him.

In the past few days, some people have learned how to use this thing. How to control the distance between the distance and the distance, how to aim, how to fight not to waste a gunfire but can kill more enemies.

"My daughter-in-law, I will give you the phoenix unicorn, you can call it, can you give me a machine gun?"

The injury of Feng Yulin recovered quickly and was already crusted. I wanted to see the cannon in Qiyangkou a few days ago, but I was not allowed to get out of bed.

I finally saw it now, and I also touched the latest weapons, and I almost drooled.

If you don't go through the brain, you will come out and your eyes will stare at the baby in front of you.

Looking for silence, can she say that Feng Qilin was hers?

Also, you are worried about the behavior of sending your son for a gun.

In the event that someone is holding a more powerful weapon, do you want to send your son again, hehe.

"Don't ignore him, let him go crazy, it's normal after it's finished."

"Hey, let's go eat, don't you say that you have to go back in the afternoon, eat more, the train is not good."

Feng Qilin took the waist of her wife and took her to the dining hall.

As for the group behind them who are still amazed, who cares.

In the end, I still brought Liang Hui back to the peach blossom province. It’s really a husband’s selling eyes that are too lethal (╯▽╰)╭

Let her be compromised except for her soft heart. Anyway, it is no big deal. Liang Hui followed her and allowed him to help me with something.

On the third day, the counterattack horn was blown, and Feng Jiajun, led by Feng Qilin, united with Liang Dashuai’s army and launched an offensive against the aggression pioneer Sato.

On the fourth day, all the invaders in the three central provinces fled and were forced to leave the representative record and represent the place of victory.

On the fifth day, Yu Sheng pursued the battle until the junction between the two countries, and the large army of the aggressor resisted the two armies.

On the sixth day, the war fell into a stalemate.

On the seventh day, the eighth day, the ninth day... for five consecutive days, Feng Qilin stood on the temporary fortress and looked at the river not far away.

As long as the invaders across the river are no longer willing to move, they will win.

However, this river, but not so close, the fingers swayed the belt around the waist, fell into meditation.

"Marshal, Marshal, Mrs. Call, said that she will have a batch of things coming from the river tomorrow, let us prepare a group of water-based good to wait by the river."

In the past two months, Feng Qilin has deeply buried his thoughts and love for his wife and fully resisted the enemy.

In order to get back early and go back to meet with the daughter-in-law as soon as possible, they will open a combat command meeting when there is time, and rarely have time to report.

Look down, Shen Sheng: "Call people, act now."

My daughter-in-law, this time you have prepared any surprises for me. Do you know, I don’t even think about it. If I didn’t meet you before, what would it be like now?

"Yes, Marshal." Qi Qiyang replied loudly, and his heart was full of expectations.

Every time the lady shot, they had to give a thumbs up because it was too strong and too strong.

When I saw two warships and ten submarines coming out of the water, Rao was already psychologically prepared. Qi Qiyang and all Fengjiajun could not help but exclaim.

Even Feng Qilin was flashing, watching the big guy who was getting closer and closer, full of emotion and nowhere to vent.

A daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law, looking for a child, can only call the person in the heart.

After the warships stopped, the two people who took the lead down made Qi Qiyang and others very surprised.

"Hey, what's your eyes, so I have stayed in school, it's normal to open this stuff."

Liang Hui thought that he was amazed at his ability, raised his head and looked up, staggering these stupid mortals.

Qi Qiyang turned his eyes in a speechless voice. "We are not surprised that you will open a warship. It is impossible to understand how you will come with him."

This blond blue dragonfly is too strong, and it has been chanted many times by Liang Hui. Naturally, everyone can recognize who it is at first sight.

"He...he...who knows what he is going to do, don't worry, the person you are looking for, time is precious, first come to learn how to open."

Liang Hui’s face was suspiciously red, and his speech was not very helpful, but he quickly turned over.

Qi Qiyang did not continue to ask, but his eyes have been spinning back and forth between the two.

Liang Hui, who was watching, almost frowned, but was touched by Basil and calmed down.

However, because of this movement, Qi Qiyang’s eyes are deeper.

Feng Qilin was not in the mood to pay attention to the two people who radiated a red breath and turned into a warship.

From the war on land to the sea, a little beard under the nose, a small-eyed man with a small head on his head, did not expect the other party to be so fierce.

Before they retreated, the intensive artillery fire had bombarded them without mercy.

At the last moment, they heard a powerful statement.

"After committing my Chinese, I am far away!"

Then more violent artillery fire crossed them and swept to the territory behind them.

And they can only watch their own country being infested with gunfire.

Feng Qilin stood at the bow of the boat, and his body was like a sly mountain. He was firmly erected in the hearts of the soldiers.

Also on the mother of their motherland, no one can climb.

It seems that everyone is told that as long as he is still there, he will never allow outsiders to come to glory.

Two months later, Feng Qilin led the army of Feng Jiajun and Liang Dashuai, step by step into the home of the invaders and occupied half of them.

The other party’s use of surrender and forgiveness and the signing of various land-cutting treaties ended the war that was clearly the winner of the situation.

The name of Feng Qilin has since resounded to several countries, along with his wife.

A legendary woman, in the chaos of the world, propped up a home, even powerful to create a new political situation.

Just because, love!

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