Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1320: Marshal, my wife wants to take you off 53.27 (end)

I don't know who shouted, but there was no previous madness, although they still held banners and sent flowers.

"What about my wife?" asked a question to calm everyone around.

Then they saw the marshal turn around in the crowd and rushed in one direction.

All the places that passed through gave way, a black car appeared in the field of vision, the door was opened, and the beautiful woman in a white dress with a red cloak came out.

Her gas field is too full, just standing, swaying and smiling, all have a sense of self-confidence.

Feng Qilin saw the instant incarnation of the big dog, and rushed to slap the person and circulate in the same place.

Countless flowers were thrown out from the hands of the greeted people, and the blessings resounded through the clouds: "I wish the Marshal and his wife long-lasting love to the white head."

"Hey, hey, let go, let go, the lady is pregnant."

Although Xin Xin is very happy that the first thing that Marshal came out was not to accept the pursuit of those people, but to find his own lady.

But Miss is still pregnant with her children. How can she be so tossed?

It is because the daughter-in-law is frozing in the moment of the phoenix unicorn that is a little excited, and the hand holding the involuntarily tightens and relaxes.

I want to hold a little tighter and not let her fall, but she is afraid of strength and makes her feel uncomfortable. The contradiction makes him feel helpless.

The cheers around me stopped and the eyes fell on the two people in the middle, which was incredible.

They remember that they have not left the Peach Blossom Province for the past six months. This child... is the Marshal?

Already have a big brain to start thinking about it, the reporters also erected their ears and wanted to record the key points in the first place.

"Women, I... I..." 砰 语 语 语 语 语 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放 放

It is said that the man has tears and does not flick. The man has gold under his knees. But today, at this moment, the great national hero, the marshal of Feng Jiajun, the idol of all the people, Feng Qilin, smashed at the woman in front of him. Cried.

This scene stunned everyone, the reporter can only instinctively press the camera, the other does not listen.

"Sorry, let you suffer; sorry, I have not been with you all the time."

"I am not a qualified person, nor a perfect lover, but it is true to you, it is hot, it is only where you live."

Pulling the searched hand to the chest, the speed of this beat is faster than that of the search, and it is eager to go hot.

He won't say anything, thank you, because they are the closest people, they don't need those.

"I didn't dare to say it before, but now I finally dare to say that my wife wants to give you a home and belongs to our own home."

"There are you, me, and our children." Gently touched the stomach just because of his movements, the cloak spread out, and the twilight gentle tears.

This is the blood between the two of his favorite people who gave birth to him. It is the testimony and continuation of their love.

Look for the eyebrows and bends, the soft face is like the smile of the spring breeze, shallow but intoxicating.

The long, white fingers of the white cockroaches were placed on the head of the husband, and they snorted softly. "For me, there is a place where you have a home, that is, home."

Bend down and lift the man who was still on the ground, took the dust off his knees and gray-green pants, and took him on the bus. She was coming to pick him up.

Feng Qilin was taken away, and the last thing left to everyone was a silly to almost stupid smile.

But inexplicably let the people present feel that they are envious, warm, and happy.

It turns out that happiness can be as simple as that, and once again feel ashamed of yourself.

If the two haven't seen each other for half a year, can't the children be discovered before they were together and then separated?

Why did they guess that ugly in the first place, but it also indirectly made them understand that marshals are looking for true love.

She is fortunate, from the marshal's disdain, tired of disgusting to the new care of the present, holding it in the palm of his hand.

He is also fortunate, can meet a suspicion of innocence, inspirational and powerful for love, can grow to the same height as his lover.

They are all lucky to meet each other.

"I believe in love again."

“Actually, I found that happiness can be very happy, as long as there is a heart that is willing to believe.”

"Yeah, I am so touched by the two of them."

The sound of the screaming voice rang again, and Qi Yang, who was blocked in the back, did not want to vomit.

The marshal really forgets everything with her daughter-in-law. They are still here, and they are asked to take them away first.

"Is the adjutant awkward, the car is over there, come with me."

The red cheongsam woman in the crowd suddenly appeared in the Qi Qiyang side, and the expression on the face was full of speechless.

"You are?" Qi Qiyang's polite inquiry, but did not follow the meaning of walking.

After all, a stranger suddenly emerged. He is not stupid and sweet. Even if the other party is a woman, he should not be underestimated.

"Sun Jiayi, looking for the leader of the medical team, come out to pick up the materials."

If there is nothing like sweeping the front of the group, there is no one who wants to leave the meaning, even more depressed.

Qi Qiyang suddenly, with a group of people followed Sun Jiayi.

Just after Sun Jiayi was preparing to leave, the result was found by Luo Wei, saying that he was looking for an account of the fear of forgetting Qi Qiyang and let them help them.

When Luo Yan went to pick up the goods, she was only waiting for it, otherwise she would not hear those words so accurately.

"Ah...ah...ah..." In the closed door, there was a constant voice of the woman's heartbreaking lungs.

The people standing at the door were all looking anxious, and even the breathing was light.


Every time he screams, the man who sticks to the door, the desire to push the door in, is even higher, but they are all stopped by reason.

He can't go to trouble, the daughter-in-law is in a pinch, he wants to calm down.

Baby, come on, don't torture your mother, beg you.


But the little guy didn't seem to hear the sound of Feng Qilin. The screaming screams were even bigger. Feng Qilin didn't even know when he was lying on the ground.

The nails were trapped in the flesh, and the smell of rust came, but it did not let his attention shift.

"Brats, you do not come out, I'll beat you up."

Listening to the pain of his wife, Feng Qilin could not help but yell at it.

Perhaps his threat has an effect, and suddenly there is a higher scream inside, it is the cry of the child.

"Marshal Marshal, the wife was born, it is a dragon and a baby."

Weng was happy to shout in it, Feng Qilin quickly pushed the door in and went straight to the pale face of the bed.

She was sweaty, her hair was messy, her eyebrows were tired, her lips were cracked, and it was very embarrassing, but it made him feel so beautiful.

Leaning down, gently falling a kiss on her forehead, cherished and pampered.

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