Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1325: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.4

The rush of searching only feels that the mind can't keep up with the rhythm of the man, and it turns too fast.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Shao Zhanxi."

Shao Zhanxi was not prepared to really ask for answers. After all, he didn't want to let the man have more thoughts.

Only by letting him know that the little nephew is the master, will he be conscious.

I don’t want to turn over my eyes, but this time, if she still can’t understand the man’s thoughts, it’s really a ghost.

Mom, this machine is Boy.

"Hello, I am Yin Shihe. I have been searching for it for four years, but I have never heard of her getting married."

Yin Shihe said that it was a fake, but he quickly calmed down.

He does not believe that for such a short time, she will fall in love with others, and she does not believe that she will be so rashly married, but at most this man is pursuing her.

There was a suffocation in my heart, and I was unwilling. I almost did not think much, and I went straight back.

In the eyes of Shao Zhanxi, the murderous murder disappeared, but on the face, there was no flaw in his smile, but he only knew what he thought.

"That's really you don't have this blessing and luck. It's a pity that I haven't got her care for so long."

"But also, my family is so good, naturally it is better to match me."

Shao Zhanxi, who did not know how to write narcissistic words, said that he was arrogant and unceremonious, and he did not forget to step on the pain.

Both of them have risen in anger, and outsiders will feel that the two are equal, but they can look very clearly, but the male master is slightly inferior.

However, these two people are really owe, one said that her husband, one said that with her for four years, the allegation is vague, really hehe...

Such a defamation of her reputation is afraid that she will not be able to marry afterwards (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

Shi Lang, who was quietly shrunk aside, was struggling from the beginning to the excitement of the moment, as if he was witnessing what historical situation.

If you are looking for it, you must think that the female lord has collapsed, or the male lord has collapsed _(:зゝ∠)_

"You two can go far and go, I haven't eaten yet, don't affect my appetite."

Cold and cold swept the two men, bowed their heads and continued to eat the shrimp **** in front of them.

After searching for the opening, Shao Zhanyi immediately put away the sharpness of his body. He sat down to look for the side, took the crayfish next to him, put on his gloves, and continued to peel off her.

As for the person still standing, what is that.

"Is the little girl full? Do you want to come back again?" Shao Zhanqi pushed the last plate of the peeling to the front of the search and looked at the three little butterflies piled up in front of her. Some worried.

"But you have eaten a lot of crayfish today, or eat it tomorrow." Take back the plate that was pushed back.

Crayfish itself is a protein-based food. It is easy to indigest when eaten more. In terms of physical health, he can't stand her.

I have already extended the chopsticks to prepare for the folder, and the eyes of the mouth ran away...



Looking up and looking at the person who is eating shrimp **** around her face, she also wants to eat.

"Shao Zhan, you are a big bastard." A plate of crayfish and the search for IQ, it is really far and far on this road, has not saved.

Shao Zhan took a moment, just that you are a big bastard, like "waiting for people" and his "floating life" seems.

Is she really?

"I am a big bastard, then you are a small bastard." The action is fast but very elegant, after eating the shrimp, I smiled back.

He was also squinting at the person who was glaring at him with his round eyes, and the black fox’s visual sensation was vividly displayed.

"哼o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)." With a cold cry, she decided to write a script, the name is called, the way of the boss's training!

Washing his hands and wiping them clean, Shao Zhanyi did not hold back to her head and stretched out the claws.

"Okay, okay, I am a bastard, are you full, it’s time to go to work."

The little girl's angry look is really cute, especially when she is facing a small temper, it is like a small milk cat, sticking out a soft, non-killing claw and scratching at him.

Itchy, it is still heart-wrenching, can not help but want to hold people into their arms and love.

Unfortunately, this little milk cat is easy to fry, or to converge a little, can not be anxious for her, or he may have to sing and conquer.

"Cough cough... Shao is still worried about being late? Hehe..." Looking for a chuckle, he squinted at the man sitting next to him, apparently saying that it was amazing.

Shao Zhan took the hot towel next to him and rubbed his hand while looking back.

"Well, after all, I am a good boss who is serious and responsible for obeying the rules. Of course, I am a perfect lover."

"You will know if I am telling whether it is true or not, let me go, my Royal Highness, we should go to the castle to see if the soldiers are competent."

He got up and bent down, reaching out for the search, smiling and courteous, elegant and gentleman.

Looking for it is also very good to put the face of the hand, and stood up along his strength, the two left.

I didn’t give Yin Shihe, who was standing at the table, in the whole process. It seemed that no matter what, he could not break the world established between them.

When Shi Xiao saw the uncle, he emerged from the green potted plant in front of the table. The little uncle just laughed and scared the dead. It was too horrible to laugh at the dead man.

Just... I touched my own dry chest and bowed her head. She is falling out of love.

However, the great **** also has to fall in love, and the person who is seen by the younger uncle will definitely be the uncle.

And the woman seems to be a little cold to the gods, and then listen to the conversation between the two, she always feels that she has found something unreasonable.

Just sitting in the car, looking for the side of the head just grabbed the seat belt, an aggressive and strong male scent from the top down.

The upper body was pressed against the seat and looked deep. She took a deep breath and she was calm and calm.

This is her boss, the company’s group of chicks waiting to be fed is still dependent on her, so she can’t swear or swear.

"Shao is doing this, I want to sneak, I still want to marry me, um~"

The search for IQ is to find a way to relax and let the body be trapped. The tail is prolonged, and the meaning of the squat is poured between the two. If the white slender fingers seem to have nowhere to swim in front of the eyes.

It was light to almost no touch, very itchy, and the cold hairs were erected.

Shao Zhan's body couldn't stop being tight, staring at the person who was under his body, and the light shone and deep, as if he could pull people into the secluded pool of the abyss, mysterious and dangerous.

"Little girl, you think too simple, I not only want to sneak you, I want to marry you, I want to eat you."

Rubbing your lips, the lips with the crystal liquid look very tempting in the sun.

Seeing the hunger are almost swallowing, my heart keeps talking: no evil, no evil, no evil, no evil, _ (: зゝ∠) _

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