Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1327: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.6

If she refuses again, what will he use again?

The refusal of the dark poke, smirking, she expects her husband to be more and more frustrated.

Turning to the head of the man, only the system message said that the two became friends, but the other party did not send a message.

Touching the chin, what is the man thinking?

Keke... The system sounds again, and I look back and retract my thoughts. This time I am definitely a husband.

Shao Zhanxi requested to add you as a friend. Remarks: Queen, the small man sang to conquer, ask for approval, agree/reject.

o (*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓ Husband is really fun, hahaha, endured the smile of the lips, and passed.

Over there, Shao Zhanyi was relieved when he saw the other party's head finally flashing. How was the little child so cruel?

Don't give her crayfish tomorrow, 哼╭(╯^╰)╮

After looking for a smile, open the document and start writing the script. The original master has not been active in the second element for more than a month, because of the half-life.

Didi... It’s being written, another QQ message came.

Knock down the last sentence, save it, look for a smile, Xiaomeng short play, get it.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: goddess goddess, we are going to engage in a community fifth anniversary song party, do you have time on Saturday night, please participate (☆ ▽ ☆)

Seeing that name is looking for an instant, the autumn moon is the gold medal of the red tide singer.

The sound-sounding song is a large guild that spans CV, cover, and draw hands. There are countless gods.

But the top purple is only two, one is waiting for people, she not only inserted CV, cover, painted hands, she also grabbed planning, many times after the rice bowl.

In the inner group of the guild, it is only five people who are looking for one person. When you think about it, you want to help you.

Although I had lost the horse before, it was fortunate that only the people in the internal group knew that it was five people outside.

In the vocal singer, the most flaming vest is waiting for people. After all, the voice of the original master is very elegant, but the enchanting can be purely domineering, and it is also the queen of the diacritics.

The other one is the Japanese zhao song that often works with her. He is also recognized as the top purple **** in the whole network.

On the Internet, their CP appeals are exceptionally high.

There was also a song meeting in the original plot, but the original owner did not participate, and the state was not good at the time.

The man was naturally invited, and then he went with the woman, and at this song meeting, the two officially announced.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: (⊙v⊙) Goddess goddess is not there, then I will come again later Y (^o^)Y

Looking for a smile on the lips and lips, this girl is very lively, recovering his thoughts and returning.

[Private chat] I don't know who is waiting for someone: Saturday night, it should be there. Can this song tell me who I invited?

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: (*@ο@*)~The goddess returned to me, Kaisen (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: We have there in the list, but at present we only invite Zhange and the goddess, and then you all promised to come, the next one is going to find a big sink.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: We plan to invite people from all circles, the song will have a good response, we will be able to make a difference at the end of next month, is it very good ~ \\ ≧▽≦)/~

Looking for the words that are constantly jumping out, holding your head, all the circles?

[Private chat] I don't know who is waiting for someone to return: Ok, give me the specific time, I will arrive on time.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: starting at 8:00 in the evening and ending at 11:00, the goddess of the goddess, you and the Zhange are still working together for a 呗n(*≧▽≦*)n

[Private chat] I don't know who is waiting for someone to return: Well, you tell Zhan Zhan song.

After the two men finalized the song meeting, they searched for the short play that had just been written to the autumn moon.

[Private chat] I don't know who is waiting for someone to return: see if you can do it recently.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: Oops, I am going to go, so cute, the small staff adjusts the boss, I go to the group, let them convene people to discuss.

[Private chat] I don't know who is waiting for someone to return: Ok, go [touch head]

Turning off the window, I found another QQ message in the lower right corner is flashing wildly, and the avatar is very familiar.

[Private chat] Shao Zhanxi:

Little nephew, little nephew, I am coming.

Yeah, man? Where have you been, have you been taken away by the cat?

Little nephew, where are you, I am calling you.

Hey~~~ Xiaoxier, why are you missing, so sad, you have to kiss and hug to get better.

Is it not in front of the computer?


I brushed a lot of N messages in one breath, looking for all the way to see the eyes almost spent, her husband really has perseverance _ (: зゝ∠) _

[Private chat] Looking for 觅觅: Dear ~ Shao, now is the time to work, are you ready to openly lead the staff to complete?

[Private chat] Shao Zhanxi: In fact, you can change a position, so even if I don't dare to bring you waves, you can ride on my head.

There was almost a second back, letting the searcher wonder if he was always staring at the screen waiting for her news.

[Private chat] Looking for 觅觅: Oh? There is such a good position, what is it, to listen to.

Shao Zhan's hands sweat, he never knew that he was still worried about nervousness.

Staring at the screen, just the dear three words came out, his heart skipped.

Seeing her answer, the finger was a little trembling but a firm line of words.

[Private chat] Shao Zhanxi: Shao Zhanxi's wife, how is it good, if you want, do not want to say (☆ ▽ ☆)

Looking for the original, I knew that my husband was playing with small tricks, and I could see the news. The smile in my eyes was still full of my heart.

Such naive behavior is really not in line with him.

But she didn't start from the beginning because his own reservations were not reserved, and he fell in love with his childish care and love.

Think carefully, many of the world down, the husband has never changed.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant in front of outsiders, when you come to her, you will be with a little milk dog.

Even if she is a little stronger, she has always placed her first, as he said, riding on his head.

Hehe... I laughed and suddenly felt that I was carrying so many complicated memories, and it was not that heavy.

Because there is him.

[Private chat] Looking for 觅觅: This position is really good, then I will wait for Shao.

The eyes are reluctant to be afraid of the first time I missed Shao Zhanxi, when I saw a row of black characters popping out of the dialog box, my heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

Seeing the above, the tight body is like a breath, relax, and the whole person collapses against the back of the chair.

Xiao Yaner, your words are suggesting that as long as I am doing well, will you agree?

But you know, this is never a multiple choice question, because you, I have to fix it.

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