Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1332: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.11

Even if he has been away for so many years, his legend and status are always there.

This is the glory that only he has.

Looking for a teacup that was surprised and overturned, she didn't know whether the emotion was her own or the original.

It was just that the heartbeat that had just been out of control told her that this person had a great influence on her.

Who is he?

"The field control is about to bring us back home, ah, my sleeves are about to burst."

"Hey, let's wait for the goddess, goddess, don't be shy, come out."

"I want to know that I have decided to return to the road, but I have promised to come after I know what you are doing." Suddenly I want to betray, what should I do?"

The voice of Hunchun’s sleeves recalled the thoughts of searching. She looked at her number and was hugged with wheat. It’s too dark to flash a dark color in the light.

After disappearing for so many years, it suddenly appeared, the reason is still... always feel a bit unreal.

"The goddess must be shy, can I ask you a question?"

Hunchun Sleeve saw the green light in front of the search, and the sensation first caught the return path that was not easy to appear.

"Yeah." But a simple word, an exit, makes people feel what the ear will be pregnant.

Not low, not very thick, is a kind of warm and clear, such as Mu spring, comfortable to the bones.

"It’s awful, I really want to betray, and the big voice is good, so I cry.”

"Cough... It’s a good news. When the gods know that there is such a persistent true love powder, what is it?"

Looking for it is very lamentable, it is really too wasteful for Hunchun Sleeve to not mix the anchoring industry. This retractable ability to control the field is really just right.

On the way back, there is silence, it seems to be thinking, or it may be organizing language.

"The first reaction was very surprising. The second one was very lamentable. Sometimes fate is really a wonderful thing."

The sound of good sounds sounds slowly, not ill, swaying, and has its own characteristics, and it does not cause too much speculation.

For his little fox, Shao Zhanxi is also enough to fight. Try not to collide with his previous vest in every sentence. It must also be different from reality.

It can be said that if this is still unable to catch people, he thinks he can go to the building.

"If time can go back, I think, this time I will not choose to leave, even if it is a last resort, it will secretly pay attention to her growth."

When you see the seam, you can wash the white for yourself, brush your feelings, and don't even think about him. It will lead to misunderstanding.

"Wow, goddess, are you crying, or crying, I am so moved to cry."

When the Chunchun sleeves saw the green light in front of them, they quickly opened their mouths.

Look for the cup, finger touch the wall, "I heard the words returning home, really super surprised."

"Everyone has a dream in their hearts, some are crazy to chase, some are introverted to work hard."

"I can get a big return today, and I can officially draw a perfect ending for my youthful years."

"Thank you." Crisp to a near-empty voice, like a yellow scorpion out of the valley, with joy and expectation.

Another example is the milk swallows returning to the nest with a strong satisfaction.

"I don't appreciate, then we officially know, hello, I am returning home, please advise."

The gentle male voice is full of sincerity and there are few invisible expectations.

Looking for the lips, I feel that things are getting more and more interesting: "Hello, I am waiting for people, I am very glad to meet you."

It’s been a week since the song, but the heat of the second element has not subsided.

Perhaps it is too shocking, or perhaps too explosive, so that they can easily forget.

Especially after that, there was a CP wave of Sanhuang Yifeng on the Internet. The Three Emperors and the Suns sang the songs, the way back, the half-life and the sinking, and one phoenix naturally waited for people.

But no matter how troublesome the second element is, their three yuan is not affected at all.

Only after that, half-life and return to the glass literature.

He is also a **** level. It can be said that if the return path no longer appears, he will replace the legend of the gods created in the way back.

However, the return path appeared, and also sealed the author's number of years of silence.

As soon as the new text file is linked to the column, it will be blown up in either the second or third.

The second element is a new line that understands the lines of the sun and the sun.

After a long period of time, they finally waited for a new story, or they are the mainstay of their circle, not to be excited.

The three-dimensional is that Liuli Literature has been excited from top to bottom. Who is returning to the country? If the sentence is very pretentious, it is that although the brother has already withdrawn from the rivers and lakes, it is still the legend of the brothers on the rivers and lakes.

Especially when they returned home, they went out, so it is really wonderful to say that fate is a thing.

Looking for a friend request to jump out is a return journey.

His godhead is naturally worthy of letting her be his editor, just...

Why does she feel that it is wrong? Don’t tell her, her husband is fine (ーー゙)

Shao Zhanqi, who thought that the score was actually almost as fine, was actually very sad. He now has another vest and feels a little more hanging.

I don't know when I can turn to Xiaoer, and there is still a half-life. He really didn't look at it, but it was very uncomfortable.

I always felt that I had given the guy the opportunity to get up, if he didn’t leave...

Hey, don't say those, after all, it has already happened, and it doesn't make sense.

[Private chat] Returning home: Looking for you, next, please take care of you.

Forcibly resisting the desire to play the game, and send a message to Xiaoxiaoer.

[Private chat] Looking for 觅觅: Hello on your way home, since you have opened a new article, I will not let you down.

Just at the end of this month, there is a flood of exhibitions. We can use the momentum to hold a signing sale and push a wave of enthusiasm. Can you see the time?

Shao Zhan’s brows are knotted. He feels that he will be blacklisted by Xiaoluer sooner or later. What to do.

#求求捂好马 且 and all activities with the lover are still not found, online, etc.

After the post was posted in the forum, someone will reply soon.

1L: Put another vest.

2L: Find someone to replace the vest.

3L: Take it off directly, then lie down and pack.

4L: Fine points.


In just two or three minutes, there are a few more responses to the brush.

Shao Zhanxi looked at the first reply, his face was tangled in one piece. He now has four vests, and he is wearing five, which is not easy to fall off?

Then the person looking for someone to replace... who to look for?

There is still that thing to clean up... He hasn’t caught up yet, so if it’s not packed up, what if he’s collecting it?_(:зゝ∠)_

As for the fine points, isn't he still not good enough o (╯ ╰ ╰) o heart is so tired, how is a useful one.

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