Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1336: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.15

The two of them are like this cover, even if they are good, there will be traces, and they will never return to the beginning.

Why was it so stupid?

He couldn't help but ask himself, but he couldn't give him the answer. Now he can't.

A search, what should I do?

Looking for a recent busy, busy planning various ways of propaganda and copyright operation, the time to go out to eat with her husband has decreased.

In addition to sorrow, Shao Zhanqi can only blink and know that it will be like this, he will not wear that vest.

It’s not lifting a rock and licking your own feet, hehe.

"Small nephew, let's go out and eat well today. You haven't eaten with me for a few days, sad."

He crouched down and barely put his head on his desk. He was very aggrieved and stared at the person with his radiation-proof glasses on his computer screen.

I refused to look back and said: "My name is takeaway, and there are still things."

Shao Zhanxi painted a fork in the heart of the returning route. Mom, it is really depressed.

But he still can't press her with the boss's identity, let alone get that number away, and feel tired.

So why is he dig this pit?

"Want to eat, I will buy it for you." You can't be forced to do it, but what to do, can only be petted.

Looking for it, "Give me a meatball and spicy soup and dumpling noodles."

I didn't think about eating or not eating this problem. Anyway, her husband, who has always subconsciously counted her husband's search, said that there is no pressure.

Shao Zhanqi waited and waited for the gaze of the search, and accepted his life as a takeaway brother.

"What are you doing?" Just arrived in the hall and met Yin Shihe who came in with sunglasses.

He is still very concerned about this half-life, after all, is the person who has received her care.

Yin Shihe's footsteps, the eyes hidden behind the glasses are all complicated and unwilling.

Shao Zhanxi, Shaodong Group's Shaodong, has his own place in this raging society with his own ability.

Currently he is focusing on the network literature, no accident, his goal is to go public.

He knows that he has this strength.

"I am the author of the glass. It is natural to come here. Why, Ayunt did not tell you that I have an appointment with her?"

It seems a little surprised, and my heart flashed a touch of pleasure.

Shao Zhan’s clear smile, not only was not stimulated, but looked very good.

"The little nephew really didn't tell me that some insignificant people and things, she has never let them occupy my ears, it seems that you have been completely forgotten in her heart."

"This is also good, lest I have to be jealous, thank you for telling me, I can rest assured now."

"Little nephew is going upstairs office, you go straight up, I have to go buy her food, I will not go with you all the way, see you."

Generously waving, he walked away with ease and ease.

The figure was left to the in-person who was leisurely and careless, just as if he was as he said, nothing at all.

The hand is clenched into a fist, not like this, she must have not forgotten herself, he is just lying to him.

Yes, exactly.

Take a deep breath and look up and walk towards the elevator.

Shao Zhanxi, who was out of the company's door, had no smile on his face, and his eyes were full of haze.

Little nephew, little girl, you better not let me down, otherwise... I don’t know what I will do, my anger is gone.

Yin Shihe’s eyes on the company’s eyes fell on the people inside the glass, and she was still dazzling.

The sparse sunshine is dazzling in this weather, but the light spots that can stay on her are particularly docile, and they are so cute that they are like the closest people.

The momentum on her body is much softer, and the eyebrows are not as sharp as ever.

He felt that she seemed to have changed and was somewhat strange.

"Come on, wait for me for a while, I will finish it soon."

Looking for the corner of the eye, the light was swept to the company, someone came in, faintly opened, and the movement on hand accelerated.

Here Yin Shi is fairly familiar, has been there twice, once is the film adaptation of copyright, once is the game, and this time it is because of this.

Now I want to come, she really does a lot for herself, she hangs her head and suppresses the bitterness of her heart.

At the end of the report, I got up and poured a glass of water and picked up the documents placed next to them. I put them in front of Yin Shihe and pulled them over the chairs next to them.

"This is the contract for film and game development that I talked to before. You asked yourself to be a screenwriter. The director said OK. You can see if there is no problem, sign it."

This was what the original Lord had won for him. For this original Lord, he also ran for a long time. Unfortunately, he did not get a thank-you, but instead...

Yin Shihe's hand flipping through the file paused, and the eyes under the glasses were full of red.

"A search, sorry." In addition to these three words, he really did not know what to say.

Looking for the back of the chair, swinging his hand, "No, you are the author of the great **** of glass, it should be treated like this."

"Oh, yes, your new editor has been arranged, and you can't contact you some time ago, and it will be put on hold for a while."

"Look back, let her add you, you can find her in any future."

The official attitude of the company made Yin Shihe finally realize that she really didn't care about herself.

No, maybe it should be said that the heart is dead.

"A search, can I... can I... don't change the editor?"

"Sorry, I have to go home with my own hands, and I can't take care of two top gods."

Looking for a direct rejection, no water, no idea what the man thinks, she is more or less clear.

"Xiao Ting is a very easy-going girl, you should get along very well, or will you wait to see her and go?"

"Who is it?" Shao Zhanqi’s voice rang from the door, carrying two large boxes in his hand and walking towards the person sitting by the window.

"First eat, talk about other things." Naturally sit around and look around, open the box and take out the things inside.

Helping to find hot chopsticks, washing bowls, and being familiar with the action is like having done it many times.

And the fact is the same, every time Shao Zhanzhen has everything done, and the act of looking for it can be described by the service of two words.

It’s just that both of them like this mode of getting along. In their opinion, this is called enjoyment.

She enjoys her love, and he enjoys taking care of her and letting her feel totally dependent on him.

"This is delicious, you eat and see." Looking for a spoonful of Hu spicy soup to feed her husband's lips, see him licking, and took a spoonful into his mouth.

Shao Zhanxi gave her a ball, "This is not bad."

The atmosphere between the two makes them seem to be a world. Even if he sits here, he can't get in, just like the encounter, Yin Shihe thought.

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