Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1340: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.19

"Welcome everyone to participate in the exhibition of our session. As in previous years, naturally, there will be no less male goddess that you like."

"However, today, we have invited a great **** who has never appeared before, tell me, are you looking forward to it?"

The host of the exhibition is just the spring sleeves. At this moment, a white dress stands on the red stage, and the expression is excited.

The refined beauty face also made her receive countless screams when she appeared on the scene.

"Expect." The following is also a good match.

Hunchun’s sleeves licked his hair and nodded with satisfaction: “Tell you, I am also looking forward to it, because it’s the moon shadow that comes to us!”

"Ah, oh, goddess."

"God, is the goddess of the goddess finally coming out, ah, ah, so excited."

"And." Hunchun Sleeve is very happy with the following group, raising his voice and deliberately pulling everyone's attention back.

"She still has an identity, do you want to know?"

"I tell you that she is the most popular cover singer, and it is also the most popular coser thousand knots."

"When are you ready to scream, please let us go out with your enthusiasm."

As soon as the voice fell, the following screams excited and unable to extricate themselves.

Then they were slowly stepped up and caught their eyes with a person who was speechless and elegant.

Hunchun Sleeve retired from the side and handed the next time to the upcoming person.

Looking for a step on the stage will lead to riots, feeling faintly out of control.

The woman who wore the same red mask in the red dress was too full of gas.

It was like a mass of magma, hitting them with a hot temperature.

"The rain is in the lotus leaf, the long street is sorrowful and the sky is wide, and the descendants are rushing through, and the world is divided and combined..."

"There are many lively and beautiful scenery around the city. People come and go back and forth and do not remember the year. The flowers outside the window are self-evident. It is the April of the world, and the dream is still remembering her face..."

An opening makes them screaming constantly, with a woman's whispering words, enthusiasm and affection, as well as free and easy do not belong to men.

The atmosphere that spreads out, coupled with the characters of her cos at the moment, the sense of the picture does not need to be created, it can appear directly in the mind.

"The moon shadow is sorrowful, and the moon shadow is stunned."

"Thousands of knots, thousands of knots."

"Goddess goddess."

Under the stage, the enthusiasm is high, the cheers are constant, and all are excited and flushed.

At that moment, the man on the stage occupied the eyes and memories of all of them.

Maybe it is singing too well, maybe the lyrics are too beautiful, or the stereo of her cos at the moment. In short, they want to be crazy for her at this moment.

Looking for Yin Hong's rhombic to evoke the arc of evil spirits, the peach eyes that are slightly picked up, because the mask is half-covered, more mysterious charm.

However, the dangerous look that did not hide, let them boil, want to be in front of her in desperation.

"The yangko is entangled, and when it comes back to the present, it seems like the present, and suddenly the fireworks are ignorant and ignorant."

The words wrapped around the tip of the tongue fell, like the heart that was raised by the high, unconsciously wrapped up in the red line, and the fate of the two people was wrapped together.

But when you want to go further, you find that it is like a wind that can't be caught, and disappears when you fall on your heart.

"You are the April day of the world, and the world has not changed." A gentle whisper interspersed and ended the opening ceremony.

Not too much fancy, just a "not remembering the year", infected the entire venue with love.

"The goddess of the goddess comes again."

"One more time."

"One more time."

Looking for a naughty wink, smiled and said: "This can't be done, I will be chased by the organizers."

Two laughs, shifting the topic: "Come, I am going to go, I will see you later."

Nodded to the host who had already taken the stage from the other side, and went down from the other side.

Under the stage, a man with a white mage robes and a white mask appeared, and when he appeared in the red, he couldn’t help but hold people tightly into his arms.

At that moment, he seemed to see her sitting on the throne, overlooking the beings, but full of disdain.

And he is just one of those people, the feeling of fear spreads, until the beautiful woman is in the arms, feeling her body temperature, he gradually calmed down.

She is too good, so good to make him proud and inevitably a little scared.

"I am very beautiful, I will say something, or you will be jealous." Looking for the backhand to hug her husband's waist, his head smashed on his shoulder.

"Beautiful, no one comparable to you, those who say you is not beautiful, I went to hit him."

Shao Zhanxi ran back, and the vows in the words made the people in the arms smile.

It is impossible for two equally dazzling people to get together.

Especially one who was just on the stage, so... they didn't wait for the two to notice that they were already surrounded.

Looking for an eye, what is this situation, a little embarrassed, hiding in the husband's arms, careful to steal.

They seem to have just done nothing?

Shao Zhanzhen protects people, and he is very helpless to the people around him. They all blame their own little children for being too popular.

"Ah, is this a gentleman?"

"Definitely yes, only the gentleman asked the male **** to wear a mask, and did not reveal the true content."

"Scorpio, Scorpio, male goddess and goddess are a pair?"

"Good match, good match."

Looking for / Shao Zhanzhen: "..." This enthusiasm seems a bit ferocious, can you let them go first?

Looking at the people on the layers, the expressions of both of them were cracked, just too focused, hehe.

"You don't want to squeeze, you should pay attention to safety." Looking for the head from his husband's arms, I feel that there are more and more people in the crowd.

I am worried that they are too excited to be hurt. After all, there are too many stamping events.

"Small nephew waited for me to call one or two, and then started running straight back." Shao Zhanyi looked around for a circle, determined the orientation, approached the ear, and whispered.

"One, two, three runs."

As soon as the words fell, the two directly ran into the curtain behind the stage.

Fans found that people ran, and when they called, they chased.

"The male **** should not run."

"Goddess goddess."

Finally, I met the staff at the channel and, with their help, went to the background.

After a race, looking for hair is a little messy, Shao Zhanyi's clothes are also on the road, I do not know who was caught, dyed the impression.

Leaning on the promenade, both of them were a little asthmatic.

Fans are really crazy and mad, telling the truth, don't want to come back a second time.

The autumn months outside the face of the situation, and so on, inexplicably watched those people rushing to a place.

Then I watched two red and white figures rushing past, then...

"Hold the grass, that is to wait for the goddess and the sundial."

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