Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1346: Beauty, don't run 55.2

What happened, where is the blood?

And she seems to wear a vampire again, too late to accept the memory, stumbled up and found in the direction of the blood.

Good fragrance, good fragrance, so hungry.

Mommy, she is going to be unable to control, screaming, holding back, looking for, holding back.

I barely let myself open my eyes, and my eyes are not clear.

Instantly surprised and wide-eyed, lying under the tree not far away, a boy who could not see the five senses, was covered in blood.

Because the vampire's five senses are sharp, the search catches a slight breath on the other side.

Repress the fangs that you want to go outside and walk over step by step.

When I got close to the search, I found that the boy had a lot of wounds, like falling down and scraping, and the clothes were also ragged.

Looking up, this seems to be a cliff bottom?

However, if this little guy can't save again, he is afraid to explain it here.

A hand dagger appeared in the palm of his hand, gently cut his wrist, lifted the boy on the ground, put his wrist to his lips, let the blood flow into his mouth.

The vampire's blood has a good healing effect, as long as it is not bitten by a vampire before drinking blood, it is simply a cure.

There is no other bad factor. The smell that I just found has told her that the boy has not been bitten by a vampire.

Otherwise, if she does not save, he will automatically convert into a vampire, there is no life critical situation.

Carol only felt that the suffocation of the chest was slowly disappearing, and a sweet and fragrant liquid slowly slipped into the body.

Very comfortable, like the touch of a mother, not right, but more.

Perceived to return to the cage, the elegant quiet quietly invaded the nose, with a little cold but very peaceful embrace, and a delicate touch of lips.

Who, who are you, why save me.

I tried my best to open my eyes, but I felt that I was so heavy that I could only reveal a gap.

But that moment, that person is like the most beautiful scenery in the world, appearing in his sight, and printing his little heart.

Is she an angel?

The long blond hair hangs on the ground, smooth as a good brocade, like a gleaming sun on this night.

Exquisite fog eyebrows, a pair of eyes and eyes, like the most pure starlight, bright as a star.

But at the moment, there was a worry and pity in it, and it also brought an unprecedented temptation.

Under the nose of the nose is the cherry blossom-like delicate lip, gently squatting, as if something is wrong.

Such as the flower of the melon seeds crystal clear as jade, snow-like skin, under the clear moonlight, some pale and transparent, but still can not suppress her gorgeous color.

I don't know if it is the rendering of the moonlight, or how, the white dress made her a faint silver glow around her body.

Reflected in his eyes, the beauty is like a dream, and it is heartbreaking.

It turned out that this moonlight, this moonlight, is it because she is so beautiful and bright?

Suddenly, he liked the night and had her night.

If it is ok, if he can, he wants... When he falls into the darkness, he grabs her clothes.. What is on it.

He is too tired to sleep, but can't help but wake up to see her?

Looking for confirmation that the wound on the boy has healed, he will withdraw his hand.

Excessive blood loss, her face was pale, and looked at the boy who was still in his arms, some of them were guilty.

Did she bring him back, or is it...

Without waiting for her decision, she noticed that there were a few people with deep breaths coming over.

The dawn flashed, did they come to save the boy or kill the boy?

The flash of body shape disappeared in place and fell to the dense tree next to it.

"President, president, find Carroll, find him, oh, thank the Lord, let this poor child get care."

The gray-haired long-haired man with a mask in his attire quickly rushed to the boy under the tree and carefully picked up the person.

The latter few people were also obviously relieved and worried about the boy who was sleeping.

When the people left, they searched and turned back to where they had just woken up.

Just now she has combed the memory of the original Lord, a second-generation blood group equivalent to the first generation of blood.

Her parents are all first-generation blood, and her blood and strength should be very strong.

But she loves peace, and most of the time she is a vegetarian, and her life makes her blood and strength suppressed.

This is also the reason why the female owner will compare her after she comes.

But this time she won't let the woman owner do it, but the problem is that the story is ten years later _(:зゝ∠)_

Since there is nothing wrong with it now, she will go back to sleep, and use the soul to comb the body.

Try to be directly crushed to death when the female leader causes a **** riot.

Time is slowly in the search for sleep and Carol's hard work. The sun is shining outside the house, but the house is cold.

"Carroll, this blood family is really too arrogant, we have to find their queen to ask."

A rough voice rang in the room. If you look for it, you will find that he was the one who took Carol.

"Badi is right, can't let the blood family do so, or humans will have big problems."

Alberta, who was one of the rescuers of Carol in the past, had an angry expression on his face and his hand was still dead.

"I also think that the blood family is really doing too much this time."

"Where did the queen come out? In the past few years, I said that I want to live in peace with ordinary people and go to school together. Now it is a matter of frequent problems. It is simply unbelief."

"You talked to them about credibility, didn't you make a mistake?"

"Then what do you say, Carol, do you see this?"

The people in the room immediately turned their eyes to the man sitting in the main position and looking down at the blood jade in his hand.

One of the two faces was opposite, and there was no opening. They all knew that this thing was the one who saved Carol in the past.

But no matter how you look for these years, you haven't found any traces. Even the forest is being rummaged by them. There is nothing.

"Respond over there, I will go to the Sakura Academy." Carroll still did not lift his head, and his eyes never left the blood jade in his hand.

He knew that the man was not an angel, but a blood family, or a **** family with a high blood.

The splendid gold, the innocent face, and the gentle eyes are his robbery.

Where are you?

If this blood race is chaotic, will you appear?

The ice blue scorpion flashes a touch of darkness, no matter where you are or what you do, I will find you out.

Even if you are not a true angel, it is also my own beauty.

He can't escape, and he doesn't allow her to escape.

The action was gentle and bloody, and stood up and walked out.

Beauty, I am waiting for you at Shengying College.

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