Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1349: Beauty, don't run 55.5

Not far from the vampires, they showed their fangs and quickly rushed toward the delicious places.

Loy was the first to arrive, but as soon as he saw the scene, he couldn't help but step back two steps, and long fangs also emerged from his mouth.

The desires that are constantly emerging in the body pull his nerves, making him want to flutter on desperate.

But no, the only reason to tell him, the blood family must not passively go to the point of fighting with the hunter.

Exhausted all the strength, controlled himself to the front, and tried to pull the queen who had already plunged away.

When I raised my hand, I wanted to destroy the corpses as soon as possible, but he was slowed down.

Looking at the **** family that constantly rushed out to grab the blood, Loy only felt powerless.

Is he going to watch the blood family go on the road of no return? How can this be done?

"All stop and stop." Release your own pressure as much as possible, but he wants to suppress the idea of ​​blood-sucking while controlling a growing number of blood races. It is really very powerless.

The most important thing is that the person who is being pulled by him will wave his backhand to him, completely taking him as an enemy.

The people of the Hunters Guild are slowly gathering, but the blood races are constantly appearing.

This is the blood of the deepest desire in the heart, and now there are so many people, no doubt the vampires present are very boiling.

Loy's painful eyes looked at the point of confusion, especially when the man walked around in a walk, his heart seemed to be pinched in his hand.

The kind that can't be described with horror, who is this person, why he always feels that the other side has a higher blood pressure than they are.

But he is obviously not a blood family?

"The low-level blood family is a low-level blood family, and will never catch up with her noble and holy."

"In this case, it is also a misunderstanding to her. This kind of people who are dragging their legs, don't want it."

Carol’s graceful reach out, the slender and powerful fingertips of the scorpion, immediately evoked the light of pure white.

Even if it is so far away, Loy can feel the destructive power and the power of destruction.

If he really shot, then the blood family still have a chance to suffocate?

"No, Lord Carroll, you can't do this." Loy let go of Abe and immediately went to Carroll.

But as soon as I got the free Abe, I went ahead and went to Carroll.

The long fangs are still low in blood, and the white dresses are stained with all kinds of dirt. It looks like a madman, and there is still a little bit of elegance and beauty.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Carroll." Loy exclaimed and rushed over, blocking Abe, and spurting a blood in his mouth.

The action was too fast, and the hunters who did not join the melee and the ordinary people who quietly hid in the distance were surprised to watch this scene.

The Duke of the blood family could not stop the next president of the Hunters Guild. This explains what it means that the dynasty that belongs to the blood family will be changed.

Ordinary people are screaming with joy, and the cheering voice instantly attracts the blood races that fight the hunters.

At present, who can bear the temptation of food, and rush to the crowd.

"Ah, oh, go away, get out."

"It hurts, save me."

"Ah, the monster is going away, I don't want to die."

When the first breakthrough breaks into the crowd and the blood family begins to catch someone who does not know the temperance of the beginning of bloodsucking, the second and third also began to join.

A real melee began, and the culprits that provoked it all were being held in the arms of Loy.

Perhaps the warmth of the spray just on her face evoked her little reason, and her eyes were slowly fading away.

Loy looked at the chaos in the crowd, hunters, blood, ordinary people, and the bright red liquid spilled on the ground.

Pain, teeth are not flesh and blood, and there is horror, and it is constantly coming into his ears.

Why did it become like this? He didn't understand.

Carol looked coldly at the two people on the ground, and the light in his hand turned into a mighty dragon, and they rushed toward the crowd.

Wherever they went, the vampires made painful mourning.

"I don't know what the so-called things are, and I dare to let her bear the nickname. All of them should go to hell."

The light on the hand-moving dragon is even worse. The blood family who are afraid of the sun, at this moment, all feel the fire.

They are hot and stinging and smoking, as if they will be smouldering in the next moment.

Carol was really irritated, and Loy, who was not close to the air pressure, felt depressed.

Once again, she had a strong doubt about her, who she was.

Why can this cold-blooded man do this to the point where he wants to destroy the blood family but only because they will make her famous.

What did he think about it, Loy really wanted to know.

In fact, Carroll thinks very simple, that is so sacred, how can she let her bear a bad reputation.

He also refused to allow someone to pour dirty water on her, and did not want her to see the filth, so he had to give up all these hidden dangers.

The dragon in the sky seems to feel the idea of ​​the master, and Zhang opens the dragon to the sky.

A dive, attacking the blood races that have no resistance.

Seeing to be caught by the sharp dragon claws, a golden enchantment suddenly sighed, blocking the attack of the dragon.

At the same time, a white figure quickly approached, almost instantly, it appeared not far from everyone.

The golden hair is even brighter than the sun, the white clothes are stunned, and the slow-paced breath is rushing out.

The finely crafted five senses are so unreservedly reflected in everyone's eyes that the hunters who hate the blood family have to praise, she is really beautiful.

A beauty that has transcended identity, because she has no seductiveness on her body, but she has a touch of softness.

It seems that the Qingquan in the turbid world has its own character, but has not forgotten its identity.

Being in the meantime, but completely out of it.

Her appearance is like a light, standing in the hearts of many people.

"Your Majesty." Roy excitedly called, he did not think that Her Majesty's Majesty would appear, is it perceived that they are in danger?

Looking for a slight rise, is preparing to look at the place where he spoke, but was suddenly blocked from sight, and the doubts were embarrassing.

"That, you... hello." I don't know what the man is doing, then, let me know.

The shallow smile appeared on the innocent face, and the seductive red lips spit out the sound of the jade plate, so I could hear the intoxicating.

But let Carroll's body stained with a layer of black gas, she looked too strange to her eyes, as if they were just strangers.

How can this be, she clearly is the person he identified, how can he not remember him.

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