Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1358: Beauty, don't run 55.14

In the end, there was no way to find a large-scale pet lord koala, and returned to the residence of the blood family in the college.

The original person became two people. Although the blood members are very dissatisfied, they can only be in the heart.

Carol's brutality has been taught in the first meeting, and no one wants to find another.

So Carroll stayed in the bright light, and lived with it.

Looking for helpless pats, people who are still hanging on themselves, "I want to see them, you... can you release your claws first?"

Otherwise, she couldn't help but want to smash it. It's too special, oh.

I don't want to think about how many big men he has. How can she be a little girl?_(:зゝ∠)_

Carol let go of his arms and looked down at his own...paws, which is obviously a hand, and it’s really naughty.

Naughty looking for the heart of the tired sitting in the living room, looking at the left and right positions on both sides, full of doubts.

"Loy and Abe?" They didn't come back long ago, why they didn't see anyone.

Look at me below the blood family, I look at you, then shake your head unanimously.

They didn't know where the Duke and the Queen's House went, as if they had been separated at noon, they didn't see it.

Looking for a frown, Loy is not a person who doesn't know how to measure. He will be late and must be delayed.

As for the woman, it should be known that she will appear tonight, so I will not deliberately come.

Oh...nothing, just do it, anyway, there is a big killer around her, not afraid to punish the woman.

"Go to Loy, be sure to bring people back. If there is something, don't riot, send me a message."

He turned over and waved his hand to signal immediate action.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The talents just got up, and before they got out of the door, they met Luo Yi who came from behind.

The overly white face instantly scared everyone to jump, and quickly put people in and sat down.

The search was also surprised. How could it be done after a while? Is it an attack?

"Loy, what's going on with you, there is no problem with the body."

Quickly get off the chair, walk to Loy, grab his wrist and explore the inside of his body.

The blood family's vitality is very strong, as long as it is not hit by the silverware in the heart, it is all right.

Therefore, the search is not very worried about the situation of Loy, but the person who is surprised to be able to put Loy to this point, the strength must not be weak.

Roy didn't have much strength to blink, what he was going to say, and the people who touched Her Majesty's side, it was blown up now.

"How are you here?!" Isn't this the land of their blood family, when did he come?

Carol looked at Loy’s tragic meaning, and he was not happy.

"Nature is coming with my wife. The woman sings with me. I know that you are a single person who doesn't understand anything."

When Joseph’s words made Loy want to vomit blood, the chest’s rapid airflow was once again fierce.

He can only suppress himself, fearing that he really broke out.

TM, really can't be good, if their blood family has such a royal husband, is it not very difficult in the future?

You must not let this guy harm them, you must not.

But...how to stop it, they have no advantage at all (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

"It seems that the Duke adults seem to want to try interesting games, why don't we have another time?"

Carol was satisfied with seeing Loy’s expression of fear and horror, and converging the evil spirits on his face.

It’s not good to be so sensible early, but he has to force him to move.

If she knows, what should I do if I dislike myself, I will go to Luoyi at any time, but it is his pot anyway.

Loy wants to die, and the evil behind it is not too obvious.

If the scars are still not good, they will forget the pain and be bad.

As long as he thinks about his previous experience, although he is not physically injured, his spirit is poisoned.

That is simply not something that people do, Carol is a beast.

Looking at the two faces, "What are you talking about, how do you feel that you have a secret to me."

Unhappy, my husband is playing a dumb puzzle with other men, it will not be to be taken away by other glamorous goods.

I am so angry.

Looking at Loy’s eyes is not right. Look at the beautiful men on the top, but definitely not beautiful.

Hey, he is still very dominant, not afraid of o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

It’s not easy to be a woman this year.

Not only do you have relatives every month, but you have to wear a layer in the summer to have children.

Now I have to grab a man with a man, how is life so difficult.

Whoever dares to hit her husband’s idea, she must pinch (#‵')

Pulling her husband back two steps, no, she is now guarded, if she is too late, she is not going to cry.

This changed to Loy and Carroll, and the eyes that were just squatting were so strange that the scalp was numb.

It is like a tiger feeding a food, and screaming at all the people who dare to cast their eyes.

I silently reviewed it for a long time, determined that I had not done anything, and did not attract the Queen’s Loy. I only felt tired.

Why do you feel that it doesn't take long for Carol to be, and the Queen is... isn't it right?

Sure enough, I still can't let the two together. The Queen is too tender and can't stand Carol's black abduction.

Only Carol is still inexplicable, but very happy.

Because he felt that she had a strong possessiveness, it was for him.

Even if I don't quite understand how it came out, it does not prevent him from wanting to fly into the sky.

There is nothing better than the person you like, and it feels good to you. It’s wonderful.

Take advantage of the small hand of the palm of your hand, take a step back and directly put people into your arms. The chin is placed on her shoulder and the smile is extraordinarily brilliant.

Looking for no rejection, but satisfied with nodding, her husband really can withstand the temptation.

"That... all the members of the blood family are coming together, what do you think of the Queen?"

A cautious voice rang from the living room, saw a few people look and buried the head in an instant.

It’s not that he wants to bother them, but also knows that it might make thunder.

But the mouth of the dog food tastes too strong, so strong that they all want to cry.

They have already accepted the decision of the Queen to be with a hunter, so why bother to stimulate them? Is it interesting, interesting?

"Let them come in and send letters to Abe. As a queen, you can't lead by example."

Looking for the hair on the face, I did not see the guilty conscience, and I was so comfortable. It was obvious that I had already faced this scene many times and it was very customary.

Going back to the seat, taking up a serious face and starting the first general rule meeting of the blood family.

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