Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1364: Beauty, don't run 55.20 (end)

Loy is so distressed that they wax, IQ is born, can't save.

Dealing with Carol's black fox, you will only lose yourself.

Especially when you want to count him, it is even digging yourself, and finally you will jump in and you don't need to push.

The sight fell to the person by the window, and it was envious and glad.

Envy of the Queen can find such a wholehearted person, but also fortunate that the Queen has come out, otherwise their blood family may really be finished.

Some things are doomed, just like a decade ago, he was injured and appeared in her sleeping place and was saved by her.

A small opportunity to maintain is a valuable involvement, really good.

Probably disturbed by the sights constantly coming from the outside world, looking for uncomfortable movements, directly buried his face in his arms.

Happiness, Loy thought.

"The Huangfu, we will discuss the discussion again." Silenced, the blood family continued to work hard, and resolutely stubbornly resisted to the end.

Although Carol is very satisfied with their name, this behavior is greatly unacceptable.

"Do you know when it is now? During class time, this class is not just for you, but for them."

"You don't want to learn, they are willing, more to them, don't lose the **** face, you know?"

A group of ordinary students who are pointed out: "..." We don't really want to learn.

Even if the heart refuses, the face is hard to put on a pair. I am a good student. I love learning and learning to make me happy.

I still want to make a **** race, and I am ashamed to bow my head.

They can't even compare ordinary people. This is really shameful. No, they have to fight for a good student.

Although the Queen always took the lead to sleep, they could not give in, set a good example, and let the Queen learn from them.

With this kind of mentality, the blood family opened the mode of being beaten, and listened carefully to the class. If you don't understand, you will ask, like a sponge, to draw a lot of knowledge.

For a time, the atmosphere in the class was very depressed, and the atmosphere of learning was even more tense.

Ordinary students were also stimulated by the blood family, and one of the two who refused to accept the loss began the journey of the two sides.

The only one of these is the 'mouse cockroach', looking for Zhou Gong during the day and night.

From late to early leave, the blood family wants to applaud the persistence of their queen. o(╯□╰)o

"Your Majesty, the day after tomorrow is the monthly test of this month. There was an agreement before. If we lost to ordinary students, we will undertake all the cleaning work of the school in the next month."

"So you..." Can you not sleep and hold a Buddha's foot, and try not to drag us down.

Roy silently added the latter part of his heart, not that he did not want to say, but did not dare to say, afraid of being defamed.

Looking for the right fragrance of sleep, I heard the sound of snoring in my ears, like a fly.

Turned the direction, continued to sleep, the characteristics of the blood family, she did not want to change, because sleeping is really comfortable.

Looking at the back of the head left to himself, Loy’s forehead jumped.

Is the Queen really so good, the feelings are lost, and they dare not let her do anything?

Wait, if it really loses, he must let the Queen go to the toilet!

Even if Carol comes, he also... fight for it? _(:зゝ∠)_

"Queen, Queen?" Two more calls, seeing the other party still did not respond, Loy looked up, silent.

"I hope that if we lose, then don't cry to find the uncle who complains."

Vaguely heard what to lose, and raised a question mark in his head.

Who is betting with her husband and losing?

Take care of him, anyway, not himself, wake up and say.

Loy sat next to the search for an afternoon, ready to wait for the Queen to wake up and say something about the exam.

As a result, the class bell has not yet been laid, and Carroll is here, and the lightly car is busy with the person still sleeping.

_(:зゝ∠)_ He hasn't had time to say the exam. They won't go to class tomorrow. He can guarantee that he will never see the Queen.

Is it really necessary to go directly to the examination room to speak? He chose to give up treatment.

Or inform the tribes to give some strength as soon as possible, to win the first place or to take the second and third, do not let them lose so ugly.

This is really a **** dead family, hehe.

The day of the test came very soon. In the early morning, Loy was stuck in the door of the search. When she saw her, she immediately spoke.

"The Queen must take the exam seriously, answer the questions well and set an example for our blood family."

He does not expect the Queen to test how good, but at least this way and momentum can not lose.

Looking for a wink, not sober nodding, today's weather is so good, good for sleeping, go to the classroom to sleep.

Loy, who was promised by the Queen, should be happy, but he always felt that it was all malicious.

Do you want to play with him like this, the little heart will explode.

Soon he knew where the malice came from, and looked at the empress who was sleeping on the table, and wanted to die.

Say good, answer questions well, say good to be an example, the Queen you have failed our ardent hope for you.

The sorrowful eyes have been staring at the very pleasant person who slept, severe internal injuries.

Looking for a confused waking up, I found the sight that made her feel like a goose bump, and was shocked.

Ah, what did she do, how did Loy look like a poor one who was abandoned by herself, making her seem like a heartless man.

When Loy saw it, he woke up and excitedly pointed at the test paper on the table, and kept pointing, hoping that the Queen could do it quickly.

Looking down and looking at the paper in front of him, and looked at Loy, oh, let her answer the question, so to speak.

Picking up the pen began to work hard, and I don’t know the old demon who has lived for thousands of years. The questions about these pediatrics are really handy.

In less than twenty minutes, I got all the pens and I started to fall asleep.

Loy, who was very happy looking forward to the Queen’s seriousness, looked at this scene and couldn’t find a word to describe his petrified mood at the moment.

After the exams are the same, looking for a super fast speed to answer and then go to sleep.

By the end of the test, Luo Yi basically can predict their defeat.

"Duke, the baby doesn't want to sweep the toilet."

"The baby doesn't want to."

"Which is the last one who will sweep."

"In case the Queen is the last one." Roy said coldly.


Just looking out: "..." What are they talking about, how could she be the last one, she can definitely get the first best.

The **** family with complex mood is anxiously waiting for the results. Even if they have already expected, they think there may be a miracle?

"The results came out and came out."

The blood race sent out to see the results rushed in, panting out.

"Fast, who is the last one." They only care about who is going to sweep the toilet. Anyway, they already think they have lost, so the others are casual.

"Amount... I forgot to read it, and I ran back when I saw the first place."

"So, are we going to contract for cleaning next month?"

"No, the first place is the Queen, we won."

"Ha? The first place is the Queen?"

They didn't listen to it, and all the gaze of the brush fell on the person who was lying on Carroll's leg and couldn't sleep. It was incredible.

Look for two voices, raise your chin high, let you not believe me, just say I will be the first.

Carol shaved the nose of Hua Huai, and his eyes were full of pets. He said: "Naughty."

The love contained in it makes people want to indulge.

I dare to be naughty because I know that you have paid for me. - Looking for it.

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