Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1372: Undercover attack, please be careful 56.7

"It’s still very eye-catching. It’s not as stupid as it is, or I have to think that they have a problem with IQ.”

Looking for sitting on the bed, shaking his legs, talking to himself.

The person who is next to her husband should have such a mind, not bad.

Looked at it, I decided that there were no shoes, but the floor was covered with a fluffy carpet, and the smile in my eyes was even stronger.

Downstairs is preparing to take the breakfast to the left, and seeing the man who barely walked down with his feet, he was upset, and he forgot to prepare shoes for her.

Hurry and put down things, ran over and took the person to the sofa, took her foot and touched it, and determined that the temperature was not very ice, just a little relieved.

"Sorry, I will buy it right away, what kind of you like."

Asked while putting her feet on her lap and stroking her feet with her hands.

Such a weak baby can not be cured by himself on the first day of his home.

Looking up and thinking, "What do you think I will like, how to buy according to the voice of your heart."

Speaking of what her husband had prepared for her, she liked it, but she did not take the initiative to say what she liked.

The warmth in my heart will subconsciously observe the person she likes, and I am afraid that only her husband.

Zuo Wei simply went to the ground to sit on it. Anyway, he also laid a carpet. He took two beautiful jade feet in his own leg, and he said: "I will give you warmth."

Then I touched the phone and called the following person. I didn’t open my face during the period. I don’t know if I was shy or worried that the baby in front of him didn’t like his move.

Look for the elbows on the legs, hold the chin, and focus on the eyes.

It looks more stylish than the photo, very handsome, if it is a face, it should be very imposing.

But this will happen, the gentle tenderness covers the hard, the danger of not being able to spy on him, but will be so drunk for such gentleness.

A very tasteful man, of course, is her.

The curved eyebrows swayed with a pleasant arc, and the bright light came in. It only made people feel that the time was quiet and the world was peaceful.

At least the left-handed person who hangs up the phone thinks so, and the person who looks at the warmth of his own smile is inflated.

He thought that he was poisoned, and he had a poison called search, which may be a lifetime, and he may not find an antidote in his life.

There is no need for antidote, because she has more to use than any antidote.

Yan Yu, who came in with all kinds of ingredients and daily necessities, silently returned to his chin. They just went to get something, and they came back to see what they saw.

Tianyao, the boss is really planted, but also planted very thoroughly.

Look at the tenderness of the dripping water, look at the look that puts the other person on the apex, and the expression of obsessiveness. Who can say that he is not really in love with that person?

It seems that no matter who she is, or what purpose, the status of the boss in the heart is estimated to be shaken.

For a time, the three eyes were very complicated and didn't know what to do next.

"Someone is coming." Looking for his feet, he gently stepped on the man who hadn't returned to God.

Husband’s love for herself is not diminished. The more obsessed she is, she is proud of her, but such a lovely husband doesn’t show it to others ( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

I felt the place where I had just been stepped on, and my left heart was rippling. It felt so good... so cool.

I really want to let the baby not want to step on a few feet, but the baby seems to be shy, and blame those guys who are not suitable for the time.

Later, they were sent to South Africa to dig coal, and mining ore was also good, just as they were to study new weapons.

Well, it was such a pleasant decision.

I don't know the three people who have been remembered. I just feel that there is some chill behind me. I quickly sneak away, go to the kitchen to go to the kitchen, go to the bathroom and go to the bathroom.

Resolutely do not stay to be stared at by the boss with a sinister look, too infiltrated.

Looking for them to see her husband like a mouse like a cat, not a kind smile, "ha ha ha, they are so cute."

I thought that the people were very calm. Before I accidentally listened to the corner, I felt that they were thoughtful and clear.

But this will be seen, it is so funny, really what kind of boss, what kind of subordinates.

"I am more lovely than them, and more handsome than them." Zuo Yu is not happy, how can she praise others.

The three who just came out: "..." Such a naive man is definitely not their boss.

"Ha ha ha, yes, you are more lovely than them, and they are more handsome than them."

The crisp laughter filled the living room, like a silver bell, which made people happy, even if it was Yan Yu, they had to admit that it was not unreasonable for the old conference to look at her.

This kind of sunlight that does not contain haze impurities, they are easy to get lost when they swim in the dark.

If you change the time for them, I am afraid that they will make the same choice as the boss.


"Left you are not the same as the legend, but you like me, I like it more."

Looking for his husband's cheeks, still stupid and cute, give all the tenderness and love to yourself, leaving the indifference to others.

With a man who has been cared for for thousands of years, she can not love her, and she is willing to let him down, to see him sad.

The three who were supposed to leave were asked to stop at the same place.

"Miss Ai, talk about your purpose." Gao Ze habitually pushed the glasses, the flat mirror blocked the sharpness of his eyes.

The left-hander still holds the feet he is looking for, and he does not open his hands on the face, just like the peach eyes of the abyss staring straight at her.

It seems that I want to see my own shadow from the same peach eyes, and it looks like other.

Looking for the release of the hand, changed to hold the man's face, bowed his head, two faces close and near, soft words spit out from the beautiful red lips.

"Do you believe me?"

The simple four words, like a test, are like waiting for an answer.

Zuo Wei did not hesitate any more, "Letter." He did not know why, as long as he was the person in front of him, he believed in whatever he did.

And there is always a voice in my heart telling her that she will not harm herself.

Looking for a satisfactory pat on the husband's face, looked up, looked at the man who opened the door, no way.

"Don't it be that I asked you what purpose you have, this is not my initiative to come, is it ‘you’ come over.”

Gao Ze frowned. "Miss Ai, everyone is smart. You don't have to play with us. There are bosses to protect you. Even if you want to do something, we can't stop it."

"Ah, it’s found, you are so smart." Looking for the chin, he smiled and smiled.

Gao Ze: "..." He inexplicably feels that his IQ is worrying.

Zuo Yu couldn't help but smile, and the evil was pinching the nose of the person in front of him, "truthful."

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