Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1400: Naive Mermaid vs Rebirth After 57.13

"Small things, come and kiss." He lowered his head and put his face to his lips, looking forward.

Looking for and forbearing, I really felt that I couldn’t stand it anymore. I slammed it directly and slammed my head.

Grit your teeth: "Uncle, please pay attention to the occasion, okay?"

Mom, this is on the street, do you want to be so wild, her face, really don't want to lose.

With a blind eye, his face is estimated to be red again. Forget it, who makes this a masterpiece of his own little things.

There is no saying that it is a pro, and it is love.

"What is the occasion, I want to kiss my baby, why should I pay attention to the occasion, not happy, I want to be happy with two kisses."

Looking for: "..." She gave it to her, is it still not?

娄宵 VS seeks, this round, looking for a complete defeat.

Quickly kissed the man's face twice, pulling people to bury their heads and go back, really no face to see people, how can she be soft, not scientific.

Hey, it’s all happening, except what you know.

The **** woman in red, who is going to register in the hotel, has already opened her mouth when she saw it.

As a partner, he is also a pillar of his own. He doesn't know much about his personality, but he has eight points.

So suddenly I saw a girl with a small doll who was jealous and stepped on him, and he was tempered. He was not only not angry, but he was very worried. She felt that the way she came this time was a bit wrong.

It’s too magical to be dead, too strange, too... surprised.

Before she sighed, the two people who were being chanted, came back.

Seeing all the swaying sighs, shaking, I feel the goose bumps are rising.

Looking for the beauty to stare at her uncle, it is very uncomfortable, step forward, directly in front of the shackles, not let the other side see.

Hey, looking for this jealous reaction, he couldn’t surprise him. He almost didn’t get excited to go outside on the street for two laps.

The long arm stretched out and held the man in his arms, and his tone was a little excited.

"Small things, are you falling in love with me, I will be when you fall in love with me, today is really worth commemorating, so..."

Looking for the words that sounded in my ears, my face was red, and she just seemed to have done something stupid, ah, really, no face to see anyone.

I buried my head and didn't want to hear the ridicule and sorrow that might spit out from the man's mouth. It was obvious that he paused and was very curious.

Silly interface that didn't respond: "So what?"

"So let's get married, ok, that's it." He slammed his voice and smiled cheerfully.

La la la, the little things were turned to the hand, and I liked my wit.

The dumbfounded search can't keep up with the man's thinking. She just seems to probably have heard the marriage?

I am sure that it is not a brain faint o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

More than her is the one who is on the side of the counter, Nima 娄宵 this big devil is actually getting married, oh, this is not the point, the focus is...

This dead face, it seems that it is still shameless, the abduction is the eccentricity of the underage girl. Who is the boss of the domineering side of her family?

She was frightened and needed to be slow and slow.

"Small things, come back to God, how can you hear that you can be excited with me?"

"Don't be excited, I will be yours in the future, hey, let's get the certificate."

When I came over, I was ready to take someone away, and the posture was not dragged.

Looking for two eyes, she looks like a person who can prove it?

"Uncle, I am sorry, I am only sixteen years old." Wood face, faint.

I am planning to get the certificate and open it, then where to prepare for the wedding, the expression is stiff, how he forgot, the little things are not yet mature.

"Really, uncle, how are you, old, oh, I am such a delicate flower, can you go to the mouth?"

Look for a sentence in the gods, let you squat everywhere, 哼哼o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

The heart slammed and shattered.

The third thing said that he was old, she really disliked her old, what should I do, he is now going to change the age to a small point?_(:зゝ∠)_

Looking for VS娄宵, this game, looking for victory.

The mood is refreshing, and the lips are raised in a high arc, like the victorious queen.

"Small things, let's get engaged first, wait until you are eighteen and we are getting married."

I thought about it and thought that I thought of the best plan, and my eyes were bright again. It’s not that I can’t get two red books for the time being. It doesn’t matter, let’s turn people into their own.

Not two years... two! year! Only, he can afford it!

It seems that after two years, he really wants thirty, so abuse / (ㄒoㄒ) /~~

At that time, the little things would be more abandoning his old, this is really a sad guess.

"Uncle, you change ~ state ~ oh ~." Long tone, looking for a mouth that is not good, the blue dragonfly of the water squats slightly, blocking the flashing naughty inside.

I haven’t done a good job in mental construction, and I’ve been looking for a knife again, and I’m going to poke my heart.

Small things are not good to serve, but what do you do?

The answer is to play PP, so she will be embarrassed.

He took the person directly and walked to the sofa in the rest area next to him. He was occluded by the angle, and the two fell on the small PP that he had long thought of.

Sure enough, I feel very good, pinched, um, yes, squeezing.

The man who was looking for a dull man was pinched, touched and photographed several times before he came back. His brain banged and his face stretched down to the neck, all dyed with pink color.

She actually... actually... was hit by a man... hit PP, it’s a shame.

The face is really gone, ah ah, it’s too bad.

"Little guy, don't you say that I am perverted, I will give you a pervert, I am more perverted, do you want to try."

I have a deep intimidation on the side of the small body in my arms.

Not to mention, small things look petite, but the place that is expected is unambiguous.

I licked the peaches under my hands and thought about when I could eat them. The taste is definitely an extraordinary beauty.

Looking for the scorpion that is hydrated, this will soon become a drop of water.

This body is very green, slightly touched, it will become very sensitive, plus mermaid, as well as estrus, looking for love is simply untouchable.

The soft little hand tries to grab the big hand that is still blaming. "Oh... don't... this is outside, fast... let go."

The voice is awkward, with the taste of prayer.

Hey~~~ She knows it wrong, and she won’t challenge him again later, hehe...

"That little thing is to go back and we can do it when we close the door." He lowered his head, his tongue squinting at the white jade ears in front of him, deliberately distorting her meaning and whispering.

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