Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1402: Naive Mermaid vs Rebirth After 57.15

No, she wants to help Yuri love, can add things to the female host, she said she is willing to do.

"What's wrong? Little cute, you know me, that's a great honor."

Yuri's radiant face reveals an exaggerated smile, but it does not harm her beauty, but rather the beauty of aggression.

The glasses on the face were taken down, and the red shades that were blocked were instantly added three points to her beautiful appearance.

She is the real best thing, with a tall figure and a good face. Every move is a self-contained style and eye-catching.

The ghost king likes her, really, not his eyes, but his eyes are very good, aesthetic level.

Dismissed may be a love enemy, looking for Yuri love, there is no colored glasses, naturally it is by heart.

"The only one in the entertainment circle is likely to be such a good person as my mommy." There is no hiding in the search. She seems to remember that this is a loyal fan of her mommy.

Sure enough, Yuri’s face changed and his tone was a little excited: “Your mommy is...”

"Yes, my mommy is that, she also mentioned your name to me, saying that you are very good, and hopefully can be the next one, and maybe even replace her."

"Although I think my mommy is the best and most successful in the world and it is unsurpassed, but you are too strong."

The pride of the face is a bit reluctant when it comes to the back. In the heart of the little mermaid, her mommy is a myth.

No one has the qualifications and no ability to become her, let alone transcend.

Therefore, what she said about Yuri's love on the Internet may replace the news that it has become a new myth. It is very repulsive and unpleasant.

Yuri loves to stun, and then laughs loudly. "Small cute, you are so cute, no wonder that the older generation loves you so much."

"I also think that I can't surpass the predecessors, but she has always been the goal of my efforts."

"This time I came to work. I will go back tomorrow, but I have changed my mind now."

"Lin Zhi always wanted me to be a mysterious guest. I was rejected by me before. Let me tell him, I promised."

"Maybe follow you, I can still see the predecessors." Yuri loves to look forward to, the eyes of fans are idols and expectations.

Looking for it, she seems to have done something unfinished.

Ah, this can't blame her, but she doesn't open her to let her go, so the woman owner will be unlucky.

In the last ten minutes of the specified time, I went back to the villa and presented two tails.

"I am going, Yuri loves the shadow, heaven, little cute, how did you hook this up?"

Wu Xingyu’s enthusiasm for looking around and Yuri’s love, the coveted expression, is really very embarrassing.

If Yuri loves him and he knows, Wu Xingyu will definitely be beaten by her.

"Cough, quiet." Lin Zhi behind the camera hit the bench with a roll in his hand. "Yuri love is the mysterious guest of this show."

"As for how a mysterious law, you will know tomorrow, well, now take all the money you have earned, and the staff will count."

With the director's explanation, one or two of them are not arrogant, stand up to their position, and start to pay for it.

Only Tian Liwei and Xin Jiaqi on the far side have different eyes, and they are coming again. Yang Xiangyu, who went out in the morning, is not wearing this set of clothes, which explains what.

Tian Liwei did not think deeply, she thought that someone must have noticed it, and she did not need her to shoot.

However, how did Yuri love come, she used to be the news of her accidental accident during this time.

Is it because I came to participate in this program?

Then why is she all right in this world, the time is wrong, or what went wrong.

Quietly put on the chest, she always felt that there seemed to be something important to leave.

What happened, it was too bad, and the brow couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

"First place, Yang Xunyu, total, 131,000."

"How could it be her?!" Lin Zhi's words just fell, Xin Jiaqi screamed and questioned.

She always thought that her opponent was only Tian Liwei, and probably estimated that she would chat with a person for ten minutes, one thousand, answer questions or other acceptable ones, and count.

In a few hours, she got six or seventy thousand. Tian Liwei, who sang, should be like her. The first one should be right among them.

As a result, I suddenly found out a bite of gold, even if I got so much money, how could it be.

Tian Liwei also changed her face. She used to be Yang Xuan’s choice to sing in her life. She got more than 50,000. She got 70,000 this time and was complacent.

The result... the face was beaten too loud and too fast.

Lin Zhi’s face was full of anger and glared at Xin Jiaqi. He didn’t have a good air. “You don’t feel like others, so you don’t think others can do it.”

Everyone in the place they don't know, in fact, some people follow the sneak shot, in order to prevent people from cheating.

Lin Zhiqing is clear about how the money he is looking for, and he is very admired by this child.

"Director, you are not fair, it is better to let her talk about how she got so much money."

"It won't be to sell something, go out in the morning to get a T-shirt shorts, come back and become a skirt, huh..."

Xin Jiaqi was fed up, and she was not too angry. Everyone stood on the side of Yang Xunyu and loved her all kinds of tolerance.

Why did she not see it when she worked so hard, she refused to accept it.

Tian Li saw the timing almost, and quickly jumped out of Laxin Jiaqi to comfort: "Jia Qi, Jia Qi, you calm down."

"This is just a show, don't be so real, and it's so good to find people. Maybe you can go to the door. If you accidentally dirty your clothes and change your body, don't be a soldier."

The hand symbolically patted Xin Jiaqi's chest and seemed to want her to ease down. As a result, the clothes were slightly pulled down a bit, and a red mark was instantly exposed to everyone's sight.

Tian Li was stunned, and after reacting, she immediately went up and wanted to cover it.

The smile is a bit stiff and doesn't seem to know what to say next.

Xin Jiaqi did not find this episode, she was still angry, how can I pay attention to those details.

"No wonder some people will always think about those things that are unbearable. It turned out to be their own experience, huh..."

Yuri loves straightforward irony. What is the imprint? The presence is not known, except for the purity of the white rabbit. I am afraid that no one does not understand.

This kind of thing is not a good thing in itself, and it is no wonder that it is everywhere.

It is thought to be pure as a white rabbit, looking up and ignorant eyes, innocent questions.

"Are you bitten by mosquitoes, how is it so big and red, need six gods dew, I have."

"..." So cute is a foul, but I want to laugh o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

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