Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1406: Innocent Mermaid vs Reborn Shadow 57.19

After a plate of crayfish was eaten, the lips were swollen, and she had given up treatment.

Anyway, the beast is a real beast. It will not stop because of her rejection, so why should she waste her saliva?

Just shutting people out at night, let him blow a cold night, mom.

"Right, what about them?" Lying on the sofa and looking for food, she remembered that she had forgotten the entire program.

They shouldn't be together, now it should be the location of the fourth period, so, what about people?

While tidying up the dishes, he replied: "Response in the next building. At eight o'clock in the evening, you will gather the tasks."

I almost forgot the business, and my heart is not empty. Anyway, there are Yuri Ai and Xing Yu, the kid, Lin Zhi does not dare to lick small things.

Looking for conditioned reflexes to see the time, oh, 7:40, she is not asking, this guy is not going to tell her.

I am so angry, I want to know what to do.

Remember to remember, wait for her to come back and pack him up.

One turned over and sat up on the sofa, put on the slippers and went to the next door.

The other eight people have arrived, the director group and the staff have also appeared one after another, looking for a good way to sit in the position that Yuri loves to leave her.

A pair of baby babies listen to the sample, exquisite like a crystal doll's small face, with pure colors, it is very confusing.

"Well, people are coming together. The fourth phase of the filming is arranged at night. This is the mission card."

Lin Zhi's simple and rude opening directly handed the nine task cards to them and let them smoke.

Looking for the lips, she has a very bad hunch, the task of the big night, this is really a...

In the order of sitting, from left to right, when it is the turn of the search, there are six, the eyes are closed, one is taken out, and the position is opened.

When she sees the words inside, she is not good for the whole person.

Mona Lisa's smile.

Whatareyou messed up?

"What is your little cute, give me a jealousy." Wu Xingyu looked at his own and looked over and looked for it. He thought that he was the most pitted, and found that there was more pit than him.

"Ha ha ha, little cute, you have a good mood, come and show you my brother."

Put your own past, and put a few words on the stars of the sheep.

Looking at myself silently, looking for ideas, it seems that it is still a little better, and the stars of the sheep are abstract.

Do you want to put sheep under the stars? Or do you want to find someone who is starring the sheep, or a sheep called the star?

Inexplicable ( ̄Д ̄)┍

What I didn’t know was that she was right when she thought about it, but she didn’t realize it, and she didn’t say it to Wu Xingyu.

It’s really gratifying.

I continued to delve into my own tasks, studied for a long time, or looked for fog and began to take advantage of natural advantages.

Biting a small mouth, the blue eyes of the water looked pitifully to Lin Zhi behind the camera.

"Uncle Lin, this is so hard, I can't think of what to do." He said that he still showed the contents of the card.

"Hey, what the ghost of Mona Lisa's smile is, I feel more pitted than my bear in the earth."

Anxie didn't hold back, smiled, and showed off his own.

In fact, they are all half a catty, the same pit.

Looking for a black line, why do she think that the program group is dedicated to them.

"Don't complain, do you have more pits, there are ghosts under the bed, huh, huh, don't you want me to go to the bed to play ghosts?"

Yuri love did not show off his task card, and elegantly rolled his eyes.

"..." A few people are silent, this may be... It really means that.

"That is to say, I need to smile like Mona Lisa?" Looking for a brow and began to meditation.

Anxie tangled his face and looked strange and grievous: "Then I am not going to play the earth bear."

I thought about the earth bear that was more than three meters, and I was able to pass the one-eighth-eight-eighth anxious and chose a dog belt.

"Then I will go to the sheep first or go to the stars first, then will I go to the sheep or let the stars go?"

"..." This time it was the turn of the director group to be silent, so how can you think about it?

They are recording programs, not the gathering of wild monsters.

"How come you are so stupid, look for clues from it, just in this villa and the entire ranch, stupid."

Lin Zhi, who couldn’t bear it, stood up and took a roll of Taiwanese slaps on the camera while roaring.

When I met such a few unscrupulous guests, he felt that he had to be many years old.

Looking for the grievances of the grievances, the blue sorrows on the water, and fixedly watching Lin Zhi, as if accusing him of crimes.

Lin Zhi, who is still on the spur of the moment, suddenly stunned. "Small search for you, Lin Shu is not jealous of you, you are so smart, so cute, how can Lin Shu be willing to marry you, hey, go find it, the first one is done. Have sugar to eat."

The tone of a typical child, and the face that changed from that second, is really eye-catching.

"Director, I am against, and you are eccentric." Wu Xingyu took a table and had a very imposing opening. "You have to take a clue to compensate me, or you will fight against it."

He thought that he was too prepared to watch the drama of Tian Liwei and Xin Jiaqi, his face was stiff, hehe, they really overestimated these people.

Lin Zhi, who was also shocked, blew his beard and blinked. The roll of paper in his hand was thrown directly at Wu Xingyu, and his mouth was still snarling.

"You **** kid, don't know if the heart of the elderly can't stand the scare, I will scare you out of heart disease and give me a job."

"If you haven't finished it at 12 o'clock in the evening, just go to sleep outside, and take the day as the bed."

I have escaped from Taiwan, and I still want to fight against Wu Xingyu. After listening to Lin Zhi’s roar, the whole person is not good.

It should be said that all the guests are looking worried, and they are staring at the tasks on their cards. They only feel very hot.

Because compared with the few who just burst out, they are not too much.

Even Tian Liwei, who has had more than one experience, has been guilty. Who has let her not participate in this period of her life, and she has not watched it.

At that time, she was being rumored to be anecdote. Jiang Zhehan came to the door and bumped into Wan Xu. The two shot, she was affected, her face slammed the door, too affecting the image, and she temporarily took a break.

Originally full of confidence, this time is also a little uneasy, holding hands tight, once again, she can not lose.

Xin Jiaqi saw Tian Li's face pale, happy singing, and happy to find clues.

Since the director said that in this villa and the pasture outside, it is not the case that the cat can hit the dead mouse.

Looking for luck, I don’t know if it’s good or not. As soon as she got upstairs, she saw a photo of the Mona Lisa smiling on the gallery.

However, more than one, the entire corridor is on both sides, visual inspection of twenty.

In the face of this situation, she just wants to ask, is it to find beauty?

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