Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1408: Naive mermaid VS reborn shadow 57.21

Tian Liwei was hard to find clues, completed the task, and came to the living room to prepare for the assignment, but found that no one was there.

Wrinkled, vaguely heard a burst of laughter from outside, and went to the door to see that almost everyone was on the ranch.

"The two little brothers have worked hard. I am going to a bathroom. You should go there and play, or wait a moment."

The things in the handles were placed on the sofa, and after they nodded, they went to the back of the bathroom.

After a while, Xin Jiaqi also came over, looked at no one, and looked at a picture frame on the sofa and a thing that looked like a lotus flower and stopped, and turned and left.

More than a dozen sheep on the ranch were performing in the race, and the leader was Wu Xingyu.

Who asked him to sneer at that time, and now he was arranged to support the entertainment of everyone.

When looking for this game, the miracle is that the special cooperation of the sheep, do not have to look for a command, directly flew toward Wu Xingyu.

Wu Xingyu, who was still scared on the ground, made several rounds and climbed up and ran.

Jiao Yu and Yuri love more and more, directly yelling at the side of the lamb to cheer, the angry Wu Xingyu running and squatting.

The director group is even more bullish. A pair of watching movies is not too big. I opened a camera and prepared to put it into the tidbits to ensure that there is something to watch.

"Little cute, cute, I am wrong, you let these sheep stop."

After running for two laps around the ranch, Wu Xingyu, who was panting and dying, was pleading for mercy, and the sharp and almost broken voice was enough to show how miserable he was at the moment.

Looking for a pat on the hand, shouting loudly, when Wu Xingyu thought she had agreed, she heard her next sentence, and almost the whole person fell to the ground.

"Lambs, you will run faster, you won't have to eat tomorrow, and if you lose, I will stew."

Then follow the sheep in the back, it is really running hard, stunned, directly over Wu Xingyu.

Also maintaining the front foot out, Wu Xingyu, who was in the starting position of the hind foot, was stunned and the center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the ground.

What? What happened just now, is this group of sheep getting fine?

"This is a happy time." Looking at the small head in front of his eyes, his eyes were full of connivance.

This little thing is really not a loss, but it is also considered that the sheep are acquainted with each other and make a little funny thing.


The sheep that are running, the hooves move faster, they are really just innocent little lambs, use them to remember them, and let them go.

But in addition to running, except for obedience, nothing can be done. This is a sad fact.

Before the fallen sheep on the ground, quietly moved to find the side, pleased with the fluffy head squatting looking for the legs.

It likes this person very much, but she is very afraid of the beast beside her. But the beast says that it is going to be stewed. For its own future, it still has the courage to brush up a good feeling. Maybe tomorrow, there is no need to die.

Feeling that the touch on the leg was not right, I looked down and looked up at her little lamb and looked up and said to her "咩~~".

The relatives pleaded for the good, and all of a sudden made the search for help.

Exploratoryly stretched over, seeing it take the initiative to lean over the head, looking for the unwilling to start licking the white hair.

"Your sheep is crazy, look at you so poor, then I will not eat you tomorrow."

Eat the day after tomorrow, my heart silently added a sentence.

When the lamb didn't listen to it, the short tail shook cheerfully. As for the previous sentence, it was just a sheep, and did not know what it was called sheep.

"I am going, this is not scientific, little cute, why do you always make them like it, honestly, you will not be a monster."

Wu Xingyu rolled directly from the ground, kneeling beside the lamb, holding a lamb leg and shouting.

Wu Xingyu, who is dirty, has grass on his hair, and gray on his face, is close to the sheep, inexplicable...harmony.

"You are like brothers." Looking for an opening, immediately triggered a sneer around.

"Ha ha ha, I also think, it seems oh." Jiao Xiao laughed and fell, and Yuri love next to him also laughed and swayed.

"Xingyu brother is very young and is a younger brother. The little lamb is a brother." The search is very serious, and the eyes are clear. Under the stars, it is brighter than the stars in the sky.

It is like the purest color in the world, but if you ignore the shimmering light in it.

Wu Xingyu stunned and immediately picked it up from the ground and yelled. "You are a brother with it. Your whole family is a brother with it."

"You are too, like you a fur ball, a group of bastards." Not angry, he wants to die, isn't it, Mom, it's so violent, I want to get rid of it.

Hey, Grandpa, how do you look at the small with a horrible look, and the little ones haven’t done anything.

Harder in less than two seconds, Wu Xingyu just wants to find a hole to drill in, because the face is so ugly.

It seems that you want to eat people, no, it is that the eyes seem to kill, and that person is not someone else, it is himself.

Heaven and earth conscience, he clearly does not do anything well / (ㄒoㄒ) /~~

Wait... The head turned stiffly thirty degrees, and a pair of water blue scorpions that were smashing the golden peas were clearly printed into the eyes.

There are four words in my mind at once, and my life is resting!

When the legs were soft and crouched down and hugged the legs, they began to cry.

"Little cute, I am really wrong. I am not jealous of you. I am not jealous of you. I just blew it."

"I am actually stunned by the two guys behind you. I absolutely don't want to bully you. You have to believe in Xingyu."

"Xingyu brother is your heart, that is the world can be seen in the sun and the moon, I..."

"What kind of mind, let's listen." The low-pitched voice interrupted Wu Xingyu's impassioned words, and instantly let him sip in his throat.

Grasping the grass, shun the mouth for a while, and said the wrong words, he felt the deep malice from the world.

In the heart of the wrong, but on the face immediately replaced with charming, and quickly explained.

"Oh... boss, you misunderstood, I mean my brother’s intentions for my sister, nothing else, really."

Yes, he has to kill him.

In the face of such a ferocious boss, there is still a little relationship, not only to find ways to not get caught in the scorpion, but also to rack their brains to avoid the other party to drink tea with his mother.

It’s not easy to be a cousin to do this.

Looking for a quiet collection of tears, the heart of the thousands of CNM running around, he stunned, the mermaid's tears are really pearls.

The heart is so tired, although I am moving fast, I don't know if the one on the ground has been found.

She doesn't just want to be a whole Wu Xingyu who is just as fun as Erha. How do I seem to put myself in?

Feeling the sight of the cockroach, the body is tight, oh ~~~ She is a little afraid of what to do.

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