Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1433: Su Shao's petty baby 59.1

‘Baby, these planes are so chic, every day, hiding in the space to watch TV, no matter what your family hosts my life and death, eh? ’

Climb back from the mission world and look for yourself to be a waste.

Soft on the sofa, pulling the white hair scorpion next to it, kneading in his hand, smashing the uneven opening.

The baby struggled while begging for mercy: ‘Hosting adults, I am wrong, I am wrong, I am not convinced of you. ’

‘And you see, even without me, the task is done very well. ’

The baby feels that he is very wrong, it does not make a light bulb, the host should not be more happy, it is really a woman's heart, can not see.

If you know what your baby is thinking, you will definitely turn your eyes.

The last world talked with her husband, ‘wrestling and brave,’ and almost didn’t pay for the whole person. It’s getting more and more abnormal, and it’s super hard to wait.

The key special thing is that he feels that he is difficult to serve, send him two words, hehe!

However, the live treasure is also very fun, just can't help but laugh when you blame it twice.

She and her husband are Zhou Yu and Huang Gai, and one is willing to make a wish.

‘Come, the next world. ‘Although it’s very depressed, it’s a coincidence with her husband’s acquaintance in the world and the world.

The baby quickly took out a black book that was prepared and handed it to the host whose brain was a bit abnormal.

Silently narrowing down his sense of existence, the host adult will not be a problem with her man, and it will be so fast.

Looking for it, I can't think about what the baby is thinking, take the book, and start to look seriously.

Qiu seeks an ordinary but extraordinary child. She is Miss Qiu, but she was kidnapped when she was a child. She was inadvertently adopted by the Su family of the Kyoto military family.

Because there are no girls in the Su family for a few generations, seeing a pink and soft little girl to their home, naturally it is held in the palm of the hand.

Later, the Su family parents decided to let the child be the wife of their eldest son. The story begins here.

At that time, Qiu was only six years old. He remembered his home, but because of the shock, some things were vague and not clear.

At the age of eight, the foster mother, Mrs. Su, began to tell her that she grew up and was Su Shi’s wife.

She was always remembered in her heart, and she grew up slowly and began to appear around him as a fiancee.

Perhaps it is because of knowing that there is a small inferiority in Qiu’s heart.

There is no opinion on what to do, and subconscious obedience is the kind of character that is like a silk flower. However, this kind of person will be like a man from a military and political family.

Su Shi is very disgusted with Qiu, and he does not go home directly after his career as an excuse.

Originally, he didn't want to forget it. Qiu seeks that temper will not force him, but Mrs. Su likes Qiu Xun and thinks about leaving her.

I was also worried that my son would encounter a person who was not in the same position, and he secretly thought about it. He thought of a bad idea and pretended to be sued by Su Qiu.

The effect was indeed achieved, and Su Shi compromised.

But Qiu finds the most tragic existence in this marriage. Her husband is like a stranger to her. The only time she has the courage to get a divorce, and she is advised by Mrs. Su.

After Qiu found her, she knew that she had been unhappy and took the initiative to talk with Su, but she was not relaxed.

Su Shi does not know anything about these things. He only thinks that Qiu seeks to stalk him.

Finally, after meeting true love, regardless of Mrs. Su’s opposition, she was divorced from Qiu.

Ben came to this, it should be closed, but on the night of the divorce, Qiu seeks to die, and after death he was found to have one life and two lives.

Looking for a face, how did she feel the smell of the spirit.

It won't be like that, take a deep breath and continue to look behind.

After Qiu Xun’s death, the Qiu family’s people began to die in succession. When the Su family began to have problems, Su Shi’s true love jumped out and said that they had been downgraded.

The destiny is connected with Qiu’s family. When Qiu’s family accident, Su’s family can’t escape.

Then I asked her master to help the Su family solve the law, and the last two HE.

The brows are high and wrinkled. This plane is not simple, because she has received news from the world consciousness as soon as she finishes the story.

This is something that has never happened before. To know that she has not yet entered the mission world, the world consciousness cannot be so urgent.

Unless there is a hidden line, the world consciousness can't detect it.

Just like the planes that I have encountered before, the author has buried too much foreshadowing. After the world was formed, some things were covered up.

‘Host adult, this plane must not collapse, or we have to punish the plane. ’

The baby is hurrying up one second before looking for a walk.

Looking for a nod, the body disappeared into the space, just after the recovery point consciousness has not waited for her move, I feel that the body is not right.

It was too clear that the fire that had risen up, the grass, and the many worlds.

Which one is devoid of medicine for her, I want to be rough.

Because there is anything in her backpack, but there is no solution to the aphrodisiac, it is really not too abused.

Bite biting his tongue, trying to keep himself awake, barely getting up from the bed, his eyes are not clear and clear, the dark tone, some calm, but without losing the atmosphere.

It took a lot of effort to move one foot, but it was soft and rolled directly under the bed.

"Oh..." The pain made the sane sensibility recover a little, but the emotions in the body were rushing to feed her nerves.

Concentrate on one or two spiritual forces to explore the surrounding situation, and find that no one, while the heart is relieved, it raises deeper doubts.

I barely made a few important points from my mind. I didn't write the original Chinese medicine in the plot, but I ended up with children. Is this this time?

At this time, Su Shi has not met his true love. The two have not yet divorced, but they have not lived together.

In the original main memory, there was no news about Chinese medicine at all. What happened to TM? The big villa, no one, didn’t have any intention to give the original medicine.

Affected by the body, the search is also a bit violent, calm down.

Just looking for it and not standing up, ready to move into the bathroom, ‘咔擦’ the door rang.

The nerves are tightly looking for, and they are full of vigilance in an instant. They look at the doorway. When they look at the doorway, their eyes are wide.

The foot is rushing back, damn, if she still doesn't understand that this is someone who is giving the original owner, then she is really alive.

Three big-faced smirking big men appeared in a Chinese medicine woman's room, huh, huh...

The hand is quietly gripped, and the looming light overflows between the fingers, which is dangerous and fascinating.

‘Host adult, can’t collapse, your man is already on the road, you hold on. ’

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