Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1441: Su Shao's petty baby 59.9

Looking for the big hand of the finger pinched at the waist, it has spread to the red of the neck, making her whole person more harmless.

Especially for Su Shi, it was a delicious food, and it was delivered to the mouth, but it was a pity that it could not be eaten for the time being.

Regretful eyes, the red fruit is put out, and the hand that rubs her waist is tight.

"Hey, you..." Mrs. Su wanted to ask, but she was dragged by her father. "I have something to say."

This place is a lot of people, not suitable.

Mrs. Su also came back to God and immediately pulled the search for her hand. The relatives spoke, and she had not seen the child for a long time.

It’s so cute and cute, but the son of the elm head of his family doesn’t like it. Fortunately, it seems that everything is developing in the right direction.

Looking for it is because in front of Mrs. Su, there is no restraint in front of Su Shi, but it is much more open.

He also let Su Shi eat a vinegar again, and her eyes looked at her quite resentfully, as if she had done something evil.

He groaned, screamed twice, and took Mrs. Su to chat with her good sister.

The Su Shi face who was left behind was helpless, but his eyes were full of smiles. The baby was more and more lively, hoping to make her unscrupulous in the shortest possible time.

"Hey, looking for a good child, you won't regret it."

Su's father patted his son's shoulder and said that he was very vocal. Otherwise, he would not be screaming at his wife.

In the end, it is all self-sufficiency, after all, she and her son are... oh.

Su Shi didn't understand the complexities of his father's heart, just affirmative nod. "I know."

He will not know that he will never regret, because it is her.

The banquet officially began, and several people gathered around to talk. As the grandson of today’s birthday star, Su Shi naturally couldn’t open the door. He could only watch his baby being met by his mother.

Depressed in the heart, the baby is his, and he is enough to know what so many people do.

However, some of the more influential guys are not worthy of the attention of the baby.

Looking for a woman who was in a circle with Mrs. Su, she couldn’t afford to go to the rest area next to her.

Although I slept for a long time today, it was the first time this body was last night, and the physical exertion was still very large.

Coupled with the effects of drugs, it is particularly easy to get tired.

"Little lady, how is one person here, is it boring?"

The more familiar voice came from behind, and she didn't have to look back. She knew who it was.

Jiang Yirou did not mean to hide the meaning of Xuanxu. He went to the front of the search and naturally sat opposite her.

The red wine in the hand has been changed into juice, or the red dress, but the feeling is more beautiful than before.

It’s like a gorgeous taste, very strange.

Looking for the cup in his hand, without answering, the eyes fell on the other side, showing that she was listening.

"The little lady is really likable, no wonder Su Shao likes you."

"It is a pity. It was a great pity that none of our alumni and classmates could see the face of the lady."

Jiang Yirou did not feel embarrassed about the search for the refusal. Instead, he continued very smoothly, as if he was talking to himself, but he did not say it.

“It used to be rumored that Su Shao didn’t like the little lady, and even some disgusted, so many people thought they had a chance.”

"Oh... I am not afraid of your jokes, I am one of them." Fused the long hair, smiled and smiled revealing his own mind.

It doesn't seem to be artificial, and it just rightly expresses what I want to say.

Looking for a sigh in my heart, this female main segment is a bit high.

Just this one mouth, you can kill the original master, every word has a needle, but also a sharp point.

"Actually, I envy you. I can have such good luck and I was so frustrated. I thought I could work hard, but after seeing the real person, I think he would like you very normal."

"If I am a man, I can't help it. After all, the little lady looks like a man."

"Really, you have to be careful when you go out. The men now are the animals that think in the lower body, so as to avoid any accidents."

Jiang Yi said so much, it is not really nothing to do, she has been observing the expression of the opposite person.

Seeing her every face is pale, very satisfied, especially at just now, she clearly saw her shaking.

This is really a good phenomenon. It seems that something happened last night.

As for Cheng Cheng, she is still not sure, but it doesn't matter, there is a shadow.

This pair of skins is indeed several levels higher than the one that I am using now, that is, the owner who owns it does not know how to exert its advantages.

But soon, as long as her air transport is gone, then this pair of skins is their own.

The smile is more brilliant, the light is laid down, but there is a bit of confusion and confusion.

Looking for vigilance, the maliciousness that appeared in that moment is too obvious, and it is difficult to ignore it.

"Who are you?" This woman is definitely not just as simple as a woman. She has experienced so many worlds... the world?

What happened, how did she think that the previous picture would start to blur.

Depressing the suspicion in my heart, not revealing the slightest, Jiang Yirou is acting artist, she is not what she is, she is going to see what she is going to do.

Jiang Yirou’s confidence was full, and he was immediately hit after he searched for exports.

Hey, she had already introduced it before, but now she asks who she is, huh... dare to ignore the person she didn’t look at her, and she became a bone.

There is anger in my heart, but I still have a good temper: "The young lady is really a noble person, I am Jiang Yirou, and I was a classmate with Su Shao."

Looking for the lips, looking straight to Jiang Yirou, did not speak, but the big eyes are clearly speaking, who is that?

Jiang Yi soft mouth stalked a blood, swallowed silently, it does not matter, she forbearance.

More contact with her, and later use this skin, it is more natural.

"Mr. Shao is not interested in attending this class meeting. Su Shao did not bring you before. We don't know who his wife is. I am fortunate to know that they are very happy."

As a qualified hunter, the most important thing is patience, and Jiang Yirou is not lacking.

Looking for a finger to gently touch the wall of the cup, the eyes are a little bit sad and complicated, but the heart is extremely incisive.

This female host is poisonous, wrong, and sick.

Can you change your pain and step on it, as if you were afraid of stepping on her death, the previous things have been changed many times.

I want to be the original owner here, I am afraid that I will cry early and feel tired.

However, how did she know that those things are true? Still so sure that this impact on Qiu seeks is very important?

Have! ask! question!

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