Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1448: Su Shao's petty baby 59.16

Facts have proved that looking for more.

Along the way, she did not see the ghost, but the snake worm ant saw a lot.

But as she got deeper and deeper, she felt that the wrongness was getting bigger and bigger, and it came from these things crawling on the ground.

Parked under a tree, looking for snakes that are constantly falling from the tree, and some dry, like dead.

The eyes that are so horrible are more shocking to see.

"Su Shao, there is weirdness here, we have nothing in our body, it is not appropriate to go deep."

The soldier in charge of the road explored and frowned and opened the snake that was constantly encircling, and opened his mouth seriously.

Su Shi directly cut off a snake that came out from behind the tree. His face was cold and cold. The wrong place here, he did not find it, but at the same time he also found that the way they came was gone.

In the past half of the day, they all turned around in the same place. It seems that they have left, but it is not.

"These are very familiar." Looking for a hand holding his chest, holding his chin in one hand, muttered to himself.

Where did you come over, where was it, smashed the hoe, something was forgotten by her, she was sure!

Almost instantaneously, the chain of imprisonment was broken. I only thought that my brain was shaking, and my body was following it. If it wasn’t for Su Shi’s eye, she might have to come in close contact with the snakes.

"Baby, what's wrong, how uncomfortable." Su Shi directly leaned on the tree, slammed people into his arms and watched nervously.

This ghost place, when you come, should not promise baby's request, it is your own fault.

Looking for closed eyes, chaotic thoughts are clear, in the open, the original childish eyes, with a little bit of darkness.

"Auntie, I am fine, go out first, come with me." Pushed her husband and took his hand toward the right rear.

The things she had just lost were all back, and the lips sneered.

This plane is really fun, huh...

The world consciousness is also very good. When you go back, how can you find him to talk about life?

Looking at the world consciousness of the process: ‘...’ Why is there a bad feeling?

The group of people quickly went down the mountain under the guidance of the search, standing in the zoo and looking up, the black pressure, how to look is not normal.

"Go home." Su Shi worried about the body he was looking for, squatting on the car and quickly left.

In a room on the mountain full of snake worms and ants and poisonous cockroaches, a woman fell to the ground and spewed red liquid in her mouth.

The cockroaches that had been parked on her head were smelling and quickly crawling into her mouth.

The woman seemed to be shocked. She quickly reached out and tried to catch it, but she took a slow step.

"Cough and cough... Master, master... cough and cough..." Jiang Yirou’s screaming fear, the sob of the throat made her uncomfortable.

But the strength of the body is not enough for her to get up, watching the scorpion and the snake next to it want to get into her mouth, scared and pale.

"Master, master, you are coming out, they..."

"They will be your good nourishment. You have a lot of skin in your body. It takes a lot of food."

"You are too useless. Things that have taught you before can only meet basic needs."

The rough and ugly sound is comparable to the sound of the textile machine, interrupting Jiang Yirou’s unfinished words.

In the corner of the room, a man in a black robe can't see if he is a man or a woman, come out.

The pitted face was instantly exposed to the light, the nose was gone, and the eyes were covered with disgusting yellow blisters.

The hand that was exposed outside the robe was even more horrible, leaving only a layer of skin wrapped around the bone.

Standing on the side of Jiang Yirou lying down, the disgusted eyes did not hide.

This is her perfect finished product, but the result is useless, it is a waste of her efforts.

But she didn't have time to continue to train her new mother, and her little baby was about to break, just give her enough food.

Jiang Yirou, who was afraid of this, couldn’t help but tremble.

The master never talked to her like this before, what happened.

Why are these things always so unsatisfactory these days? Why?

"Master, I..." Biting his teeth, not letting the snake that has reached the mouth crawl in.

These disgusting things, even if she knows that she is harmless to herself, she does not want to eat.

"I don't want your face to be good. It is unfortunate to say that this time, it will be successful. As a result, the air transport is broken."

"What happened in the night before, didn't you say that you arranged it?"

The black robe is full of eyes, and Qiu’s voyage is enough for her baby to be born. If the man is added, her baby will be the king.

The king of the king can come back to life, and the flesh-and-blood bones will last forever.

Looking down at his ugly hand, he touched his face and madly spread in his eyes.

It will not be long before it will be fine. When she can, she can recover her youngest state and go to see her brother.

She will also make Yi brother become like her, and then they will accompany each other.

Thinking of a better future, I couldn't help but laugh, but because of that horrible face, it looks very distorted. I am afraid that if I am timid, I will be scared to death on the spot.

Jiang Yirou was also angry because he did not notice the fault of her master.

Otherwise, with her IQ, more or less will be aware of the problem.

"Master, then what do we do now." I thought that I was just talking to the master, and suddenly vomited blood to the ground, my face began to hurt.

If the master did not give her something to eat in time, I am afraid that her face will not be able to keep it.

Even though there is no shortage of skin, so far this is the best she has used, and she has the most slick identity. She still doesn't want to give up.

Black robe people hate iron and not steel, and Jiang Yirou eyes, if not for her baby, she will definitely kill this stupid thing.

"Of course, you have to eat them all, raise your face, and then seduce men to **** their air."

"As far as you are, this is a ghost. If you don't make up for it, your face will last for half an hour."

With an angry voice, Jiang Yirou was awakened a few minutes, watching the things that had been unknowingly surrounded, and the heart was nausea.

Eat or not eat, eat your face quickly, just don't eat...

The biting teeth slowly loosen, and there is still a more poisonous body in my body. It should be ok to eat.

For the future, she can't back down.

Do a good job in psychological construction, close your eyes, open your mouth, and let those things rush to climb into your mouth.

But because there were too many things coming in at once, all of them were stuck in the throat, and the feeling of suffocation came, so that she immediately opened her eyes, and the hand that was not in the mouth was pulled out.

The black robe stood quietly and did not mean anything.

Anyway, she can't die, and those little things will find their way into the channel.

Sure enough, Jiang Yirou’s nose and ears were captured, too intense, and Jiang’s soft skin was collapsed, and people followed the fainting.

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