Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1459: Punishment: Little uncle, don't mess around 60.6

The people attracted by the crimson crystal did not notice the fault of Yalos.

The dark eyes are reddening little by little, and that is the trend of mental energy going away.

Once a 3S mental person violently walks away and is rationally absent, what consequences will result, no one can predict it, because it has never been encountered.

But only one S-level violent ruin can destroy a city, not to mention 3S.

Looking for the man’s fault, he is very arrogant and needs to vent.

But she did not understand where this feeling came from, although the man was very attractive, and even had stocks that made her inexplicably tempted.

But this can't explain her look at the moment, strange.

"Fast, fast, and introduce the power inside the crystal into the spirit of the sea."

Also found that the wrong Cannon president, can not care so much, directly pulled the search for forward, and repeatedly urged.

"Come on, now the whole country and the future are in your hands, don't hesitate, no time."

Seeing that the search was delayed, Cannon’s president was anxious, and if he had to sneak away, the consequences would be hard to think.

The eyes of Jaros are getting more and more red, and no one inside can cover the emotions.

The bloodthirsty scorpion has been falling on the search for as if waiting for her initiative to come.

It is precisely because of this illusion that it will make it impossible to find it.

Looking back at my husband, seeing him also worried about watching himself, raising a smile, exhaling breath, and stepping forward.

The crystal in the hand is placed in the man's hand, ready to be withdrawn, but it is caught by a hand, too strong force, no matter how hard it is, it can't be pulled back.

Pressing a fire, gnawing teeth, this **** bastard, waiting for her to figure out what is going on, to ensure that he is killed.

The mobilization of the spirit began to guide the dreams in the crystal to slowly contact the spirit of the man, a gentle, a hegemonic spirit, and immediately brought countless sparks.

Looking for it, I only think that there is a beautiful fireworks in my mind, and I want to let people indulge in it.

Then there was the hot magma that swam around the two people, and the people around it couldn't help but retreat.

Youngor’s heart hurts, it’s his princess, but now he is marked by others, he...

The beginning of the haze in the eyes, they are useless, if they are strong enough, she does not have to be forced, do not have to be forced to mark.

He won't compromise. The person she likes is him. He can feel that she is still her own, as long as she doesn't let go.

After this time, he took her out of here, went to other places, and never came back.

If you make a decision in your heart, there is a saying that is called, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

The dreams that were searched for indiscriminately were initially swayed by the **** battlefields, the domineering kings of the world and the arrogant heroes who dominated the world.

Gradually, it became the indulgence of love and concentration, and everyone wants to get drunk in the most beautiful love and tide in the world.

I haven't found any problems yet, and I don't think of what she has done. She only feels that a strong crisis is coming, and instinctively wants to avoid it.

Just two steps back, she was stunned by a brute force. She rushed back and the fists that were stretched out were blocked.

Before she could get rid of the predicament, she fell into a solid and sturdy embrace, and then she vacated her feet. When she saw the picture, she went to a bedroom with dark tones.

Directly thrown into the soft and spacious bed, then a strong breath of men shrouded.

"What crazy are you doing!" Looking for a frightened roar, trying to struggle but was pushed back to the bed.

This will be all red in Yaros's eyes, and the flow of possession and love and turmoil are terrible.

I pulled off my belt and wrapped my hands around my body, tied it to the bedpost, and there were dangerous dark spots in my eyes.

"Damn, let me go! I heard no!"

Looking for the rope on the wrist, she still can die if she doesn't know what the man wants to do.

The more I know, the more she is afraid, the whole person becomes a little hysterical: "Get out!"

Yalos was silent, violently tearing off the clothes on her, disregarding her struggles and pulling her long, white legs.

Looking down, simple **** 吮 吸 吸 吸 换 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Kissing her red lips, blocking her pain, the warm big hands raging on this beautiful white body.

At the moment when the body is entered by foreign objects, the spirit of tightening the tension is collapsed.

The big tears of the tears fall out of the eyelids, and the inside of the scorpion filled with water is a solid killing.

"I will kill you." The stimuli stimulated by the body are not so tough, with a soft voice, and it sounds a little deterrent.

And what she exchanged was just a man's quicker movement, biting her lower lip and trying to bite the tongue that was traversing her mouth.

But it seems like she was discovered by the other side, and her jaw was caught.

"Hey...get away..."

I didn’t know how long the kiss was, and the man finally felt like he finally kissed it. He pulled out from the mouth and pulled out a bright silver wire.

Looking for the eyes without a focal length, the open red lips exhaled a burning scent, leaving only her ridiculous and lonely in her mind, and couldn't take a sigh.

The man contained the red bite on her chest, and the stout thing kept moving in her body.

She tried to lift her feet to pick up the beasts on her body, but she was crushed by the man.

The hot lips ran down the curve of the body on her soft waist, first squatting back and forth, and then biting it until it bites the tender place.

The bright red tooth print was completely printed on this beautiful body, belonging to his logo, and the scent that Jaros enjoyed was sucking the sweet blood that came out.

Looking for the fragile sense of the senses only feels a sharp pain in the waist and abdomen, the brain is awkward, the conditioned reflex wants to start, but forgets that his hands have been tightly bound, and can not break free.

"You... enough, enough!"

Yalos is still silent, raising his waist to let himself enter deeper.

The bright red **** eyes stared at him underneath because he was forced to tears and confused, and the woman who seduce the temptation of the breath, the desire of the bottom of the heart is greater.

One afternoon plus the whole night, the man has been tossing her.

If she didn't want to leave, she couldn't contact her baby, and she wanted to bite her tongue to see if she could die, and if she could do nothing, she would let the man do whatever he wants.

However, when a man discovers her little movements, he will slam and force for mercy.

When the man finally suffocated and vented, he was already soft on the bed, his eyes were red and swollen.

The viscous white turbidity fell on her legs and black sheets, and the rope on her hand was released.

The wrist was pulled out of a few red and swollen blood marks because of excessive struggle, and it was shocking under the white skin.

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