Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1469: Punishment: Little uncle, don't mess around 60.16

In order to plan this sneak shot, she has spent a lot of pains, but fortunately the effect is very good.

Looking at the two excited paparazzi, I was happy to go home.

Keeping up with the search for and Jacques of Jalous, the look of the dignified to the top floor, just standing in front of the elevator and seeing the elevator on the top floor.

When he stepped out of the elevator, he only felt a little heavy.

The top floor is the long-awaited room of His Majesty. When he returns to the room, he can do something. He knows very well.

I think of the things that were in the palace before, and some of my heartaches are difficult to breathe, but I still force myself to step out.

Perhaps that sentence, not the Yellow River heart does not die.

he thinks...

Just approaching the door, the sound that he didn't want to hear was heard between the doors that had never closed.


"Oh... don't... stop... ah..."

Looking for herself to be driven to madness, she was taken back to the room by her husband. As a result, she took off her clothes without saying anything. She couldn’t resist without accident and could only be stripped of him.

Then... then she was overwhelmed, and the beastly monkey was as eager as if she had not eaten meat.

On her fragile neck, it was a shame to give a trace of a rope for a long time and to hold her in front of the mirror.

Unfortunately, she completely underestimated her husband's murder, she was directly pressed to the mirror! child! on!

Nima, forced to see what she and her husband are from the mirror, the stimulating heart and heart are shaking.

"Ah...Yalos!" Once again, he was bitten and searched, and immediately recovered the heart of the deviation. The eyes that infested the mist on the water, burning a small flame, are very beautiful.

The excitement of Jaros speeded up, regardless of her anger, and forced her to look at the picture in the mirror.

Let her know clearly how she owns her, how to put a bright trace on her.

Looking for the shame in the heart, the result is that the body is a little tight, and the things that come in and out of her body are even more forceful.

For Yaros, exquisite warmth wrapped his hot place, it is the most ecstasy in the world.

Especially after her unconscious contraction, she wanted to vent it directly. The lips contained ears that were close at hand, and the voice was hoarse: "It is a little goblin, and my husband is going to be fascinated by you."

This is a reddish look, red, and hot, can cook eggs, she thinks.

Biting her lip, she doesn't argue with this beast, because it must be a more sad reminder.

Yalos looked at her, but she was full of emotions and wanted to nourish. She looked down and covered the bright red lips and entangled.

If there is no light, sweep through the mirror and look at the door, showing a touch of satisfaction.

I was immersed in the search for the sea, but she did not find out that she had left home and could only follow her husband’s actions and constantly rise and fall.

Youngor, standing at the door, was cold and covered his eyes in pain.

Even if I have known it for a long time, I still can’t breathe because of my heartache, the second time.

Originally love is such a taste, but he would rather not try it from the beginning, perhaps this is really retribution, retribution he has lived up to so many girls.

Who can blame, huh... Self-deprecating, turning and leaving, not letting the screaming and imaginative voice enter the ear.

If he can come back again, he will not be doing something to hurt others.

At the end of the search, I ended the **** with a fainting. When she woke up from the soft big bed, her brain was a little bit worried.

I licked my tired head and just got ready to go, I fell back and couldn’t help but take a breath.

"Hey, this beast." The moody search, thrown out the pillow next to it, so good.

Every time, if you are full, run (╰_╯)#

However, if she does not run, she will be pressed again, and I feel very tired when I think about it.

I took a nutrient solution from my backpack and drank it. I felt that my body was a lot easier. I moved my limbs and climbed up from the bed. I walked naked into the bathroom.

As soon as she saw the bathroom mirror, she thought of the picture that was pressed against the mirror last night. The red face was so bloody.

I quickly patted the cold water and dispelled those pictures from my mind.

She felt that it was necessary to think of a way to ban her husband from eating meat. In this way, she couldn't eat it, and she would really die under him.

Sad, she doesn't want to be the first person to die in history. _(:зゝ∠)_

I want to think about it, I didn’t think of a good way to find it, and I thought about how likely it is for her husband to not mention it.

It has been forced to find such a mad heart, and it can be seen how fierce the fighting power of Yalos is.

Just did not wait for her to think more, the other one made a mistake.




I was told by the cheap dad to inform me of the incident, and I heard the news that springing up like mushrooms, and I didn’t want to turn it over.

‘Baby, you said that these paparazzi are so careful, they can find problems with a little thing, and they can’t stare at those who are official. ’

‘If they use the minds of chasing gossip to pursue corruption, accept bribes, and bully, the empire will definitely become the fastest growing and strongest existence. ’

I can’t help but sigh, I’m really curious about the idea of ​​a paparazzi.

I have been to various modern planes before, and I often encounter this situation. The first time I was okay three times, she was annoyed and felt very incomprehensible.

Sure enough, it is still related to the mentality of the audience. The celebrity celebrity’s gossip is more attractive than the unspeakable official.

The baby leaned on the search arm and watched the news with her. He did not answer the question about the host.

It is just an AI. Although it is getting closer to humanity, some people still don't understand it.

What's more, it is so complicated that people are more aggressive.

In fact, the search is not ready for the baby to answer, holding the baby out, today is the day of school, she has to report.

No matter how bad the outside is, when the figure of the search appears in Imperial College, it has caused unprecedented attention.

I haven't seen it before. I want to see where the sacredness can attract both the Majesty and the prince. I have seen it purely envious and envious, I want to be sour and I want to put on a high profile.

But these can't affect the search. She is dressed in a bohemian sky blue dress. She walks through the crowd indifferently and reports in her class. She goes straight.

During the period when no one came forward, the time seemed to be pressed by the pause button. When the person left, the talents returned.

"Is this a red-faced disaster? I couldn't find a rebuttal. She clearly didn't do anything. Why do I think about it?"

"I just want to say, this kind of gas field, what to do if you want to bend."


Hehe... "As long as you dare to rob people."

The person who just said that he wants to bend silently chooses the dog belt.

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