Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1474: Su Shi: My world has collapsed.

[She came like a fireworks, only a bright time, and after she left, my world collapsed.

—————Su Shi】

I always remember that day, she broke into my world with such awkward attitude, and made me full of her eyes.

I used to be very sure that I didn't like her, even disgusted because she was not her.

It’s true that when love comes, you can’t stop it if you want to block it.

What other people are in love, I don't know, I only know that I want to hold her in the palm of my hand and put it on my heart.

Take her to see the most beautiful scenery in the world, take her to eat delicious food, take her to wherever she wants to go.

I used to think that one day, we might have a baby. At that time, I was looking for someone to manage the company and concentrate on accompanying them at home.

Still thinking, when the baby grows up, I will take her to travel around, record all our bits and pieces, and make a good memory for the future.

I even promised her to fill the unbearable things with a happy picture.

Let only her life be beautiful, full of me.

Tonight, as usual, I opened the door and walked in. I have already selected people on the company side. As long as the handover is good, I can take her to play.

However, I saw the picture I didn't want to see in my life.

The smile that just raised is stiff in the corner of his mouth.

She sat on the bed, looked at herself with disappointment, her eyes filled with pain and vaguely unpredictable expectations, I don't understand.

But I know clearly that she is leaving and wants to leave me.

I quickly rushed over, but only caught a shadow, the bed was empty, nothing.

At that moment my world has collapsed.

One month, for me, it was like an instant, she was like a flower, and disappeared after a while.

At the same time, the whole world has collapsed.

I looked at the sky outside, and kept falling down, bit by bit, just like venting, anger, destroying, destroying this world without her.

How happy, she is not there, what else to do in this world.

I never knew that I had such a crazy side. I wanted to hurry and collapse, let the whole world go to her.

I will go to find her when I wait, and I will find a place where I will fall.

Seeing that the world is about to collapse, but it has solidified, nothing can move, but I can move, I don’t know why, but my heart is very angry and angry.

Why don't you continue, why don't you continue, and there is nothing left in her world.

Just then, some tender voices came into my mind.

"You will still see her, she is waiting for you, but now you can't go, the world is destroyed by you, it will be built by you."

I didn't feel a bit horrified in my heart, only a faint kind of feeling.

"How to build." As long as I can see her, no matter what I pay, I am willing.

In accordance with the method of the voice, I woven this world that I was originally familiar with. When the world resumed, I felt that I was separated from the body that carried me.

Baby, I am coming to you, even if the cost is half of my strength, I will not regret it.

When I repaired the world, I remembered the memory that belonged to me and her.

Love a person is no matter what face, as long as it is related to her news, will subconsciously chase, even if the abyss.

I am sorry, but I need you to find me. I believe that you will recognize me even if you are misled.

Heavenly Emperor, this account, I will slowly count with you.


[What debts can be owed, only the debt can not be.

If I can come back again, I just want to keep one side calm and accompany you with peace.

Unfortunately, there is never a return.

————— Youngor】

It’s ridiculous, a **** with a year-round stalk of flowers, there will be a love at first sight.

I have been thinking about it now, how did my love at first sight come about?

The first time I saw her so clearly, maybe she was too focused on her eyes, perhaps the look on her face was too sad.

I don't understand what it means, I just feel bad.

Then her tears made me panic, and the speed of my heartbeat told me that I had planted it.

Especially when she saw her smile, it was even out of control.

However, the beginning of the good, until the end is only a bitter, is his own fault, if he did not avoid her at the beginning, perhaps they are no longer the end.

The most important thing is to assume that it is so worried, because there are so many assumptions, huh...

Yalos taught me a truth. If you love someone, don't be afraid, don't worry so much, and boldly attack.

Of course, this is accompanied by a premise that is strong enough.

Strong enough that even if you **** your brother's wife, no one dares to groan.

After all, he still complains, blaming Yaros, blaming himself, but also blaming.

Why do you want to blame Jaros for being so cruel, why should you **** your last thing.

Resentful of why they are so weak, even the people who want to be able to protect, can only watch as she is trapped in the arms of others.

Since you don’t love yourself, why should you be so special to yourself at first, let him produce ideas that should not be there, and thus get deeper and deeper.

I don’t know if these are just excuses for me to find, but what about it, he is still unwilling.

There is nothing better than hearing the loved ones in the hands of another man, especially when the person is still his own brother and brother, who is not as good as his brother.

I know that my brother is actually more bitter than me. If it is not a younger brother, I will have the opportunity to spend the day outside.

I know that I know that if I can’t get through my heart, I will naturally not be able to get out of it.

This is a dead end, not a road to black, or a breach of danger to the surrounding people.

So I chose to leave, embark on a journey of one person, and repair the sorrow in my heart.

I think, one day I will forget a girl named Martha.

That day, it was the day I went back.

But I waited, but I didn't go back all my life.

Because ah, the more you can't get, the more you miss, the more you miss, the deeper the root is, the deeper it is, the more you can't pull it out.

At that time, I discovered that this is retribution, retribution.

I used to think that I played the game of men and women you want, but after all, I was taught by her, and there was no sand in love.

Do not say that you want to keep the body as jade, but at least to be respectful.

He has been embarrassing her from the very beginning. She doesn't care about her generosity, her kindness, she will leave from her side, but she is just incompetent, no wonder others.

So, yeah, love is not necessarily so beautiful.

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