Ready to sneak into the loyalty to the government, and the Luo Yi who appeared in this place can escape the silver needle.

Some of my heart is fortunate, but fortunately, it seems that the momentum is fierce. In fact, the strength is not enough, and the speed is slow, so that he has the opportunity to respond, otherwise he will be recruited.

If you think of him, you are also a general. If you are sent out and injured by a woman, you don't have to mix in the capital.

At that time, the master will definitely disappoint him. If he does not help him to pull the line with him, then he is not going to cry.

However, "Who is the girl, why is it here?"

After walking out of the tree, Luo Yan frowned, watching the distance standing strong and standing straight, nowhere to tell a proud white woman.

She was very embarrassed at the moment, her hair was messy, and her hair was a little on her face.

There is overflowing blood on the forehead, and there is also a dry dark color. On the pale face, it looks very scary.

But those eyes are particularly bright, not right. It should be said that the special clearness and deepness are hidden in the wild and very aggressive.

Once someone stepped into her territory, she would be shredded by her.

Now she is, so she shows a full murderous.

It is undeniable that he is very appreciative of this woman. In Laos, women are very delicate, and the door is not out of the door.

It is even more impossible to be with a foreigner. If it is discovered, it will be said to be a wave of shame and so on.

Seriously, it is possible to give death to Shentang.

Coupled with, the family that teaches such a woman will also be implicated.

The original Lord is because of this, knowing that the Eight Emperors can really make it, it will be so decisive.

Only she did not think that the emperor would be so stupid, and would have to go through the door to copy the order.

The name of Zhonghoufu and Zhonghoufu can hear the status and loyalty to his country.

At that time, the Emperor originally wanted to give her grandfather a word and shoulder to the king, but the grandfather refused in order to avoid doubts about the future of the royal family.

Then he was given the loyalty to the palace by the Emperor, but it was finally destroyed.

"Who is you, what are you doing here?" Look for the hand to wipe off the liquid that flows into the corners of the eyes, so that the line of sight is clear.

Even if the man in the opposite side wears a simple navy blue robes, he can see from the **** gas and the explosive power of his body that it is not a simple person.

And this time appeared in... "You came for the loyalty to the government, what is the purpose, not to die today."

When the face was cold, four silver needles appeared again between the fingers, and the cold sunlight shone in the sunlight projected between the trees.

Luo Wei lived, this woman is too murderous, slightly frowning, try to lower the tone.

"Girl, probably the same as your purpose, I don't know how the girl is called, is there a place to help?"

"You can rest assured that if you are a person of Zhonghoufu, you will definitely help you in the next."

He didn't say his name, he didn't know her bottom, he couldn't be so rash.

Jiujiu always blames him for not having a brain, so he must learn to have a brain.

Looking for an eye, quickly read through the memory in my mind to make sure that the original master did not.

Recalling the plot, I immediately found out the identity and background of this person, and the relationship with Zhonghoufu.

"Rosie Weiwu General, it turned out to be you, I want to see your master."

In the innocent disaster of Zhonghoufu, she will return to the original host to come back, even! this! band! Lee!

"Scared, who are you?" Luo Hao took a step back from the boss and was shocked. The woman changed quickly.

"Looking for it." No blood to the almost transparent lips, gently spit out three words.

So powerless, so sad, so desperate.

How can we not be powerless, it is because of her, Zhonghoufu will face such disaster.

Finally waking up from shock, waiting for her is that the entire Zhonghou government was full of copying, she even could not recover the bones of her loved ones.

The chill spread from the bottom of my heart, and remorse and despair kept wrapping her.

If you are not looking for a firm mind, you will not be able to climb up with the resentment that has been entangled by this strong demons.

Take a deep breath and press down the openness in the chest.

Luo Wei was shocked. "Are you not dead?"

Zhonghoufu is because the niece is dead, it will be the emperor, and then there are those things.

But... but now I actually tell him, I don’t want to die, this is what I played.

"Oh..." I couldn't help but sneer. "How can I not die, but I am not willing to let my loyal Houfu fall so far, and climb up from the coffin."

Hanging down and converging the emotions inside, "Take a sentence to your master, I can help him get this miles of rivers and mountains, and let him become the Lord of the world."

"Conditions, I am going to take the dog's head of the thing on the throne."

The raging chill is scattered around the center of the search, flying in the forest, and venting.

Luo Wei this can no longer be described with shock, a woman actually dare to say such a slap in the face, but also shows such a heroic attitude.

If he had a special liking for the ninety-nine, he would not help but be tempted by her.

But now is not the time to say that, she is too terrible, Luo Xin thought.

"Miss Ms. is better to go back with Luo, and raise the body behind the negotiations?" Calm down the mind, tentative proposals.

He feels that the other party seems to be falling down at any time, and it is so strong, but don’t see success until then...

If you want to know what the man is thinking, he will be speechless.

She just had a nutrient solution from Da Dandan, and her body was almost repaired.

It is only this body that needs to adapt, up to two or three days, it will reach its peak.

"Yes." She felt someone chasing it. She wanted to find out that her coffin was empty, and found the shroud she had left in the room.

The corner of the lips evokes a malicious arc. Because it is covered with blood, it looks like a ghost.

"General Luo, when my father helped you, I am now asking for a report, please ask someone to spread the news that I am still alive."

"The content says that the loyalty to the loyalty of the loyalty to the sorrow, so that the sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrow ""

Words and phrases without feelings, frozen in the cold and cold, she is the Avengers who climbed out of hell, this moment he clearly recognized.

"Good." He heard his trembling voice back, not afraid, excitement.

This woman will certainly create many miracles. With her heart and mind, the master's hegemony is just around the corner.

The old emperor's air transport has been exhausted. Originally, this decision has caused many people's dissatisfaction, and the family army is even more resistant.

He came here to see if there is anything that can help. When Hou was pulling him in his most difficult time, he would be a ungrateful person.

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