In the evening, I found Luo and my husband appeared in the emperor's palace, which made a look, and Luo Hao confessed to the front door.

The image that has been searched for is also terrible.

Cloth clothing, shawl scatter, blood on the face, fingers are also affixed with long black nails, the whole looks like a... Mei Chaofeng o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

However, she still does not feel that she is feeling good about herself.

The door of the outer hall was opened, and Duanmu Rong, who was asleep in the inner hall, was immediately awakened. When he sat up with anger, he was stiff.

The shadow printed on the door stretched out with long fingers, floating and drifting away, even if it could not be done by the dark guard.

The eyes are wide and there is a cold sweat behind.

"Come, come." After the tongue straightened, he immediately shouted.

The guards and guards seem to have disappeared, no one appears at all, and it seems that they have not heard.

Duanmu Rongrong calms his heart and tells himself that there are no ghosts, no ghosts, and there must be someone who is pretending to be a ghost.

He is a true dragon, with a golden dragon body, and will not be hurt by those demons.

The legs and feet are soft and get out of bed, the pace is slowly approaching the door, shaking and reaching out, quickly opening the door.

Seeing the moment of the picture, the white eyes turned over and directly fainted.

Luo Wei stood still: "..." looked down at the shoes that he was walking on the same color as the floor, looked at his image, and turned away silently.

As for the emperor who fainted at the door, who is in charge.

As the name implies, the dreamy fantasy powder is easy to make nightmares and create a fantasy.

That is to say, Luo Wei is simply walking around at the door. After the catalysis of the powder, the person who sees it will automatically think that it is a ghost floating away.

"Hey, I thought it was a fear of death, dare to open the door, and the result..."

Looking for a disgusted look at the obese body that quickly blocked the door, it was very disdainful.

Luo Wei wiped off the blood on his face with his sleeves, and he wanted to cry without tears. If he changed to him, he would be afraid, really.

It didn't take long for the three to leave, and all kinds of noises rang through the palace.

"Not good, the emperor fainted."

"Quickly passed the doctor, the emperor fainted."

"The emperor had an accident, and the emperor had an accident."

The people in the palace looked up and searched. They didn't know that the three people who had just finished the bad things were sitting in the Kowloon Palace and talking about the laughter.

"Tomorrow's Eight Emperors will definitely be very lively, yes, I found that the thing was poisoned. This time the doctor should be able to check it out. Who do you say?"

Looking for a cup of tea, I suddenly remembered and asked with great interest.

She believes that her husband is not doing it. With her husband's temper, she does not disdain those means, because it is too painless.

"No, he was poisoned?" Luo Wei jumped up and screamed. "So what is afraid of death, will poison yourself?"

It’s incredible, is there any?

The nod is also attached to the nod: "He pays attention to this. Every meal is to have two or three people try it, and then eat it in the silver needle."

She had eaten with him several times, every time it was like this, and she was afraid of death.

Duanmu Kirin added tea to the search, only a light opening: "贵妃."

That woman is not as kind and kind as the one she sees on her face.

Of course, his second brother is afraid to know some, but only two of them are similar people. It is estimated that they will not only feel that the other party is vicious, but also like it.

Oh... the top of the hill.

"It's no wonder that the Eight Emperors dare to be so unscrupulous. It turned out to be a reason."

Looking for it, "Oh... it’s really a royal one."

You use me, I count you, seemingly think that you are really sincere to me, in fact, hehe...

"The royal family has always been weak, and the father is not a father and son." Duanmu Kirin smashed his head and looked faint.

Looking for the conditioned reflex, I closed my eyes comfortably, my husband's palm is warm, I really want to think about it.

Luo Hao silently shuts up what he wants to say, and these two people should not be able to sprinkle dog food anytime and anywhere.

Obviously, it is a very serious matter to discuss. It is really not too pity for them. These singles are not chasing people.

Poorly looking at the people around him, his hand sneaked into the tentatively hooked white little hands on the table.

Seeing that Jiujiu did not refuse, Luo Xin’s heart was rippling, holding it firmly and laughing.

Hey, he finally took the hand of 99, so it’s so good to start Sensen.

Staying blushing, looking down, don't dare to look at the people next to him.

I want to take out my hand, but I can't help it. I can't help but be more shy. Finally, my ears are red.

When I just opened my eyes, I was stabbed by the pink light, and I didn’t like it.

If you are so good, you will come to show your love. It’s really a must.

However, it seems that Luo Qi’s stamp was not easy to turn to the little white rabbit of the ninety-nine. She was not good enough this time.

The changes in the capital city are very fast, and there is a sense of tension in the wind and rain, especially in the palace.

"You mean that you have a chronic poison, and there is no incentive to check it out. This time, because the emotional reaction caused the drug to faint?"

Duanmu Yurong’s eyes are brewing storms, chronic poisons, for several years, noble!

He was able to start with him and let him be unprepared, only the woman.

Hey, he is so good to her, even prepared to let the queen abolish her, and then dare to count him.

"Yes, the emperor, I didn't check it out because it was too unique. We haven't touched it."

"Plus your body physique is good, so there is nothing wrong with it. If you have been lurking like this for a long time, I am afraid that for up to two or three years, you..."

'Snapped. The cup was fallen to the ground, and the splashing water and debris bombs were on the doctor's body, making the doctor who was frightened and scared even more afraid.

In order to make a small life, immediately transfer the topic: "But because you induced it this time, as long as it is solved, it will be fine."

The head was low on the ground, and the body couldn't help but tremble. I was afraid that the master would take them if they didn't.

"Go on, put the antidote out, close the message, not allowed to pass it out."

Duanmu Yurong hangs his eyes, and the sizzling killings fill the eyes. If you don’t want to be rich and rich, go with the ghosts and ghosts.

After watching the picture of the emperor's side, look for the eyeball to turn and squint.

"The emperor poisoning has already been known to be the news of the royal family to the royal family and the eight emperors." The dog bites the dog's mouth, she likes it the most.

"Yes." Mujiu came out from the dark and left with respectful respect.

After that day, her husband worried about her, and she put Mujiu Shishi around her to protect her safety.

Of course, she has always used them as errands, plus spread gossip.

Who makes it very talented on this (*/ω╲*)

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