Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1500: Base leader's lover 62.8

"That, you send her to the infirmary to check it out. This is not the way."

In the end, Yu Yuelu couldn’t stand it anymore, reminding him.

Yin Huayi listened, and quickly picked up the person and ran outside. He ran a few steps like what he thought of, and thanked him for his grateful nod to thank Yue Yue: "Thank you."

Some of them were embarrassed to watch the other side run away and look back. They found that Zhu Jing looked at themselves and inexplicably said: "What?"

He just didn't seem to be doing anything, they all sympathized with their own appearance.

"Not yet rolling." The sound of quenching the ice instantly threw a group of people shivering, and then turned around and ran, as if something was chasing after him.

"Ha ha ha..." Looking for laughter, this group of people is so cute.

The words stunned, she was so happy because others laughed, he was jealous, unhappy, to be jealous.

For the time being, I didn’t get the look of my husband’s point, and the smile on my lips couldn’t be pressed.

As a result, he was shocked by the dark face. He said: "You are not allowed to scare me so much, you know, or you will be scared of heart disease sooner or later."

I licked my husband's face, my nose smashed, and the warm breath sprayed over, making the words feel very comfortable.

The unhappy moment disappeared, and the beautiful figure in the night sky reflected her full figure.

"It's too late, I have to sleep, and Aran's go to sleep."

I yawned and let go, and lifted my foot and walked inside.

I have been staying in the dark room for a few days, and I haven’t slept well. The space is too small to say, it’s still very embarrassing.

There is a soft big bed to sleep now, and I think it is beautiful.

I have already rushed to the bed to find the feelings of the resentment, and I fell on my own body. I climbed up helplessly and waved at the people who were still standing on the balcony.

As soon as he saw the call of the search, he immediately ran over and squatted in front of her, waiting for her instructions.

"I'm not sure if you can control yourself now. If you wake up from my bed tomorrow and you become another person, you will definitely be very unhappy, right."

"So now you are sleeping asleep, we will see you tomorrow, mua~"

Falling a kiss on her husband's cheek, laughing and holding her husband to the door, opening the door, pushing people out.

Waving his hand and closing the door without hesitation.

Joke, now her husband's situation of this double soul, how can she let her husband sleep with himself.

Not to mention the problem she just considered, and the husband knows what happened during the day, and the other one knows what happened at night.

Even if the other party does not know, she will sleep with her husband, it will make her feel very uncomfortable, psychologically always feel like someone is secretly peek.

The words stood at the door for a long time, and then headed down to his room.

The eyes that turned into red completely had fierceness and paranoia that others could not detect. She was his.

He will never allow other people to appear around her, even if it is the same body.

Sooner or later, he will completely kill the thing that should not appear.

There are a lot of things happening one night this day. In fact, it is a bit of a point, but gossip is loved by everyone.

It was only in the early morning that the things about searching, talking, Xiao Xiaoqi and Yin Hua were rumored.


"Don't believe it, I was there yesterday. I heard the leader say it. In fact, we all made a mistake. That Xiao Yuqi is the substitute."

"Day, really fake, I still feel very unbelievable, Miss Xiao and the leader are not growing up together, how could Miss Xiao be a substitute."

"Yeah, this doesn't make sense. Is it true that the leader and Yan Xun have known it very early?"

"I don't know if Miss Yan and the leader know me very early. I only know that the leader is the Miss Yan."

"In that case, the person who wanted to occupy Miss Xiao before was caught by the leader. The accusation is strictly sought, and why should the leader shut the person?"

"You don't understand this. This is obviously because the leader is worried that someone will make it yin. First protect Mrs. Yan and then investigate the truth in secret."

"What is the truth?"

"You must be very surprised by the truth." The man with a sallow-faced sallow-faced monkey looked at the curiosity of several people around him and continued to speak.

"It’s Xiao Yuqi’s thief calling for a thief.”


"No, I am going."


Yin Hua, who had just passed the breakfast distributed by the base, had dark eyes.

It seems that Xiao Yuqi has succeeded in killing himself, then he has to start looking for a home, and can not hang on the useless flower of Xiao Yuqi.

Although I guessed that a little leader had no interest in Xiao Yuqi, I didn't think so.

A substitute who thinks it is a real thing, and wants to get rid of the authenticity that is considered a substitute, is really a good show.

With a sneer, Yin Hua quietly left the place.

What he has to do now is to find a way to stay away from Xiao Qiqi without damaging himself, and to win a good reputation for himself.

Xiao Yuqi will calculate, he will also.

Looking for lying on the sofa, holding a newspaper in his hand, it seems to be looking at the above content, actually looking at the picture of the female owner projected by the baby.

It happened to capture Yin Hua, and there was a thick and interesting color in his eyes.

In the original work, Yin Hua did not help Xiao Yuqi, nor did he target the original owner. The original Lord did not have any extra thoughts on him.

On the contrary, this guy is quite unlucky, and he is unbearable by Xiao Yuqi.

But strictly speaking, it is also his own. If he does not admire Xiao Yuqi's identity before the end of the world, the relationship after the end of the world will probably not end up like that.

But she didn't mind helping him at all, borrowing his hand to get the woman.

The two skills are not weak, I really want to know who will die when the time comes.

"Looking, how did you get up so early, did you sleep last night?"

The words frowned from the upstairs, still a black casual wear, but not her husband's momentum.

Looking for a quiet glance, sit up and put down the newspaper.

From his words, he did not know what happened last night.

To be sure, look for a tentative inquiry: "I am sleeping well, but you look tired, stay up late too late?"

"It seems that it is not too late, probably it is too tired during the day, and I fell asleep inexplicably. Have you had breakfast, don't eat it together." The words are not very concerned about returning.

Looking for nod and hanging down, it seems that he does not have the memory of her husband, so it is easy to do, a touch of dark light flashed quickly.

"Let's go out and find out with us. Your strength is very strong and should not be buried."

It’s very distressing to think of the ending of the woman’s match in the book. He has to let her shine and crush the woman.

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