Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1521: Thousands of favored misplaced life 63.2

They will be willing to give up, so they are crazy looking for the woman, and at the same time, throwing Tan Xizhi into the clubhouse, wanting her to taste her daughter’s sin.

After the male lord found out, he saved the female lord in time and left with the female lord.

After returning home, the man had wanted to ask his parents to clean up the Tan family. After they knew the reason why Tan had done this, they were silent.

Change them, and with conscience, they will do the same.

The disapproval of the family and the dissuasion of the woman, the male owner had to dispel the thought.

However, after finding out that the woman had no results, Tan’s family faced her daughter’s suicide by jumping off the building. All the accumulated hatred broke out on the female host.

They madly targeted the female lord, and finally they were countered by the male lord, but because they had promised the female lord, they did not die.

But Tan’s parents are still dead, no one knows how to die.

Their aftermath was personally handled by the woman, and the remaining property of the Tan family was collected by the female host and donated to the love organization.

After that, the female host and the male lord HE, the daughter of her life reached a thousand favorite.

After reading it, looking for tears, she finally met a normal face of three views, it is not easy.

The world's men and women are mainly IQ, and those supporting roles are also very reliable.

‘The baby is going. ‘Looking for the book and putting it on his backpack, disappeared into the space of Xinghai.

Just conscious, noisy sounds entered the ear, and there were all kinds of alcoholic smells floating in the air, which made the eyebrows wrinkled, and there was a general guess in my heart.

‘Baby, speed gives me the identity, and the more money, the better. ’

Those who can appear in the biggest entertainment club in Chongyang City are afraid that they are not bad money, at least one hundred million they certainly do not look in the eyes.

Because there is a saying in the book, the minimum consumption here is tens of thousands, and one night to play, basically tens of millions.

In such a place, if she has less money, she will only make people laugh.

The original Lord’s wish is that everyone can’t climb high, she wants to be a queen, and she gets thousands of favors.

I have never been loved by people who care about it. She thinks about what it tastes like.

There is also the protection of the Tan family, so that parents do not carry hatred on her, so that the woman can not die.

As for the woman, there is no shadow of her. The original owner himself has no resentment against the woman. On the contrary, she is very grateful to the woman, thanking her for her final appearance.

"Beauty, why don't you talk, isn't you used to it? If you get here, you have to understand the rules."

Next to a fat man who is flirting with people suddenly stretched out the salty pig's hand, trying to find his shoulders, and talking about laughing.

Looking for a direct stand up, went two steps forward, looking down at the man who was angry because of the hand.

The face is full of fat, if it is not so dark, it is not so wretched when laughing, it is like Maitreya.

"Xiao Nizi, what are you doing, what is the high." Niu Hong did not do it, this is the first time someone dared not give him face.

If it weren’t for the beautiful look of the girl, it’s ticking, he’s called out.

Look for a slight raise, the ruby ​​red lips smack a smattering of the arc, so that the gorgeous face is even more smashed.

The amber eyelids squatting, like the enchanting roses in the fine spar, are fascinating.

A close-fitting tube top and a short skirt, the bare skin is under the bright light, and the white is like a jade.

Plus the big wavy curls scattered around behind, the goblin in the whole night, the demon of the hook.

"Oh..." Laughter, the unique charm of the voice, immediately let the opposite man squat.

The person who is playing by himself is also attracted because of this movement. I can’t help but be surprised.

When did they come to such a good box, it was too quiet.

"Beauty, how many appearances, young master, I will pack you for a month."

"I have two months."

"Go and go, you are going to pick up the fun, the beauty is what I found first, naturally I will follow me first."

Niu Hong immediately stood up and wanted to go looking for it. He smiled very proudly. It seemed that he was not black.

Looking for a step back, screaming a long hair hanging in front of him, wrapped around his fingers, smiling at the opening.

"You all want to pack me, but I am very expensive."

In the original main memory, regardless of her willingness to torture her is the person in this box, she did not say on the spot, but also forced her away.

They were suppressed by the Tan family. They were either bankrupt or went abroad. However, they had a lot of resentment against Tan’s family. Therefore, they were suspected of the death of their parents.

Of course, the biggest suspect is the woman.

Speaking of the woman, the original owner has never seen it several times. When she was a child, the nanny took care of her.

I don't know if the babysitter is not guilty or has been smashed. I have never had a good look at the original owner. Even if I don't like it, I will beat the original owner.

It was not until the original junior high school that I was able to take care of myself, and I got rid of that kind of life.

Fortunately, the original Lord did not develop autism in such an environment. She always believed that because her mother did not know the suffering she suffered, her mother still loved her.

Although there are few meetings, the woman is letting the original owner wear food and worry, and the pocket money is also quite a lot.

Until she was suddenly sold to ‘night color’, it was this clubhouse, and she was completely desperate.

Hanging down and covering the ridicule inside, the woman thought it would be okay, since she came, then I am really sorry.

"One million is not enough." The young man who spoke at the beginning immediately grabbed the sound.

"I am out of two million."

"Rolling, I said first, the beauty of five million, how to play with the Lord."

Niu Hongyu set out to scream at the beautiful beauty of this charm.

Looking for laughter, these people are really crazy fans, but unfortunately... "Too little."

Niu Hong's face is not good, although the consumption is high here, the head card can only be over a million, and he gives five million.

"10 million." The beautiful woman, first get it, when it is time... He always recovers the reward of 10 million.

Looking for the hair, smiled carelessly, "10 million, it is really a big deal."

"Since this beauty, you are mine now." Niu Hong thought that he was looking for it, and he was eager to hug, but he was kicked open and hit the sofa.

‘嘭. 'Oh, it hurts.'

"Miss Ben has 20 million, licking his hands and cutting his tongue."

Looking for the bag from the bag is actually taking out the baby's prepared card from the space, squatting on the coffee table, making a crisp and soft sound.

"Little girls, don't give your face a shameless face." He was smashed and screamed at the horrible look of Niu Hong with his stomach hurting his face.

"Miss Ben's face needs you to give such a thing?" Looking for a smirk, he was proud.

Immediately, I swept the eyes of the person who pressed the pause button and raised my eyebrows: "Why, no one wants 20 million?"

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