Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1550: The man is kneeling, I want to smoke you 64.9

"I can't help, I suddenly want to see you, I can't help it." Baixi Yu smiled handsomely, and the gentle eyebrows were softer and more horrible.

And he was smashed for a look, pouting and screaming twice: "It's so nice to say."

She appeared in front of her from this point, she probably guessed his intentions.

In contrast, she can almost certainly be sure that he is his husband.

"No, it's true." Baixi Yu took the first two steps, stood next to her, bowed her eyes, let her clearly see the affection of her eyes, and her inside.

Except for her, no one else will go in.

Looking for an eye to stop, reluctant to move away, that familiar with the deep love of the soul, let her face a little comfortable.

Pretend to be a proud girl, don't look over, don't look at him.

"Today, is this white mouth eating honey? It’s so sweet, I don’t know how much beauty I am drunk."

Bai Xi Yu raised his hands and exaggerated: "Oh, I am a very clean and self-satisfied person, I don't like so much beauty."

After a pause, the voice was lingering with three points: "Just just fall in love with a flower, or a flower with a thorn and a little arrogant flower."

Looking for the unsatisfactory eyes of Bai Xi Yu, don't think she can't hear the meaning inside.

But... "What the **** are you doing, bicker with me?"

"Of course not, I just want to see you." Bai Xi Yu put away his hand, very serious statement.

His moment was completely unable to suppress the inner heat, and the desire to break out.

It’s like everything in the past was in the process of precipitation, and when it met the right opportunity, it suddenly broke out.

"Well, just reluctantly believe that you are good, just, we are going to close now, you will come see me tomorrow."

Looking for a big eye, the face is full of innocent smiles, but the red lips with the curvature, but made her like a little fox doing bad things.

The white brook hand was very itchy, and I couldn’t resist it. I pinched her face like a jade.

The warm and delicate touch is transmitted from the hand to the mind, and then straight through the heart.

The swaying look of the eyes floated away, centering on the two, and began to exude a strong golden light.

The reporters who were defensive outside, almost no excitement, this is an explosive news, they are so lucky, thank God.

The camera shutter is pressed quickly and the finger has an afterimage on it.

As a party's search, I didn't respond to it for a while. I just realized that I was talking and how to become a manual foot.

If it wasn’t for the moment that her husband’s breath came, she would have picked up this rogue that dared to eat her tofu (╯^╰)╮

However, "Do you always want your paws?" She didn't mind giving it a direct sigh.

Mom, she is the face, not the dough, nor the dumplings, just kneading, relying on (#‵') to give the old tolerances!

Bai Xi Yu, who loves the pink and tender face in his hand, puts his hands on his face, and his face is full of regrets.

The kitten is going to fry, but I still don’t pinch it today. I’m pinching it tomorrow.

Clearly understand the meaning of his face, the whole person is not good, the male owner is poisoned, knocking a stick down, I don't know if I can detoxify.

After all, she didn't forget to let the man squatting down, she could find a time... oh... As for now, "You should go, I have to close."

Bai Xiyu looked at the wall clock on the wall of the wall at 9:40. It was still early, but since she had spoken, he still had to implement it.

Otherwise, what if she doesn't pinch her face?

"Then I will go first, come see you tomorrow." Although the words are like this, but the foot is firmly standing in the same place, meaning nothing to move.

I saw Fan Weijing and Lu Cheng, who were forced to eat a mouthful of dog food and had not swallowed it, and they had a golden light.

The white general/homeowner is really like this... a bit of subverting the image of the past.

Looking up, no words: "So why are you still not going?"

Want to rely on this? That is absolutely not okay. It is estimated that she will not wait for her to start, her brother will explode first.

For the peace of home, she felt that she should first talk to her brother, and then gradually, better.

How to say this also sees both sides, just staying overnight, it will seem that she is very unruly (*/ω╲*)

Baixi Royal sighed, "Well, I am leaving, don't worry about me, see you tomorrow." Three steps back toward the door.

I don’t have to worry about it. I look at it when I look back. When I look back, I’m gonna make a face, but I don’t want to be naive, but the two are playing, and they are very cooperative.

Waiting for someone to get on the bus, looking for a direct smile on the table.

When I smiled, it was like a reaction. I immediately sat up straight, and a person who was just so stupid was not my way.

Fan Yijing didn't want to take care of the boss who suddenly blew up. He closed the door and locked it from the inside.

Holding the information in one hand and squatting on the floor with one hand.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, it is the time of the early risers. Jog in the 3rd, 3rd and 2nd, and eat early.

Stop at the newsstand and buy a newspaper to see the news.

Today's headlines are no less than the news of yesterday's family.

"The President of the White Kingdom meets the beauty late at night"

The title is very imaginative, and the content is also very interesting. The white is always related to how the woman has love.

The matching picture is more like a taste, and only the side.

The woman's side is still slightly blocked by the hair, but it is not clear, but the eyes that are exposed from it can still be spy, and it is definitely a beautiful woman.

The man's side face is very clear, especially handsome, but the familiarity is not high, you can have a title, and the person watching can understand who it is at a glance.

So there is no suspense to become the hottest news in the morning. When Baixi Yu and Zhixun know, they are all reactions, don't bother.

One is to think that her husband has to deal with it anyway, whether it is known by the people who preach the situation, or directly suppressed, she only needs to lick the seeds next to her.

One is that he originally wanted to take the thorny rose, and he was known early, nothing.

Can also try her attitude, if she does not object, then he can go to the fire and let it burn more.

Why not do both things at one stroke.

I have to say that looking for her husband is really a special understanding, even if the character is constantly changing, hidden in the essence of the soul, how can not change.

Just like catching an opportunity, I will not leave room to eat her tofu, declare all the problems, and simply do not change ( ̄ ̄) ┍

It is in the place of loss, and breakfast is in the place of the loss.

Just looking at the door that is still closed, dumbfounded.

Isn’t it already past nine o'clock, why haven't you opened the door yet, isn't it a business, what about time?

Such a wayward, he did not even know, inexplicably sad.

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