Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1571: Punishment: CP has been evil since ancient times! 65.11

Fu Yan's complexion is stiff, and the opening of the cockroach: "Hey...wife, this, this, is it too embarrassing?"

Hey, the thorn is so deep, one knee down, I am afraid that it will be better for a while.

How is this going! He also wants to kiss the wife and kiss him high / (ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Looking for a chair built on a thorny vine, with the vines shaking and swaying, it is very leisurely.

The thorns on the vines were all collected, and the smoothness was like ordinary vines.

For men, it is very decisive and ruthlessly shaking his head, and he smiles and hopes: "No, no..."

"Otherwise?" Fu Yi heard a play, immediately interface, all eyes are looking forward to.

As long as the wife does not do this, anything can be done. Whoever makes him always say what his wife is.

She said, hey, he will definitely be embarrassed, and he will never cheat because of his own copper and bones.

But he only found a wife, want to be close to the wife, and play so big, not good o (>_<)o

Look for the toes on the ground, gently slide, the tone is light: "pick you."

The thorns and vines are on the body, and the feeling should be very good. Think about the taste, hey, it hurts.

It is silent, the wife is so ferocious, although it is still an angel, but the wings are turned into black.

"Women, can you change it? Let's be gentle."

This is really too heavy. He is such a small, fresh and pure person. This is not good, really bad.

Look for the end of the eye, pick a vine directly from the side, and draw away to the man who is still begging for mercy.

"Which is so much nonsense, come over and give me a good time, don't you want to know it?"

There is no thorn, and it doesn't hurt at all. Even if you don't feel anything, really, coward.

The deaf person who was detained by the coward was really crying and tears. Since the daughter-in-law insisted on this, he had to... the righteousness was upright.

Take a deep breath, squat directly, and be fully prepared, waiting for the pointed long thorn into the flesh.

He told himself that it hurts so much, the big man is not afraid of pain.

‘啪’ touched the vine, clenched his teeth, thinking about resolutely not letting himself call out, just...

Why don't you feel it hurts?

Looking down, the vines in front of them are smooth and clean, nothing extra, blind, is it a blind eye, or is it wrong?

I looked up and stared at the person who didn’t know when I was standing in front of me.

The wife seems to be very angry. He doesn't know how he got it, but it must be his fault.

"Women, I am wrong, don't be angry, you beat me, I am out."

Looking for the turbulence of the anger in the chest, like a violent magma, the spurt of the blast, can not stop.

Watching him so determined to pick up the vines with very long spikes, the heartbeat almost stopped.

Why is he so stupid, she did not say that they are stinging.

The emotions that can be raised in my heart are so strong, so strong that she wants to cry, they really only meet for the first time, why should they do this to her.

Didn't he know that this would let her put him in her heart, know what it means, this bastard.

The tears fell out of disappointment, and the hand was rudely erased. She was not moved because the sun was too strong to shoot into the eyes.

Fu Xi saw his wife crying, but also refused to squat, and quickly climbed up, took the person into his arms and sat down on the wicker chair behind him.

The gentle movement of her wipes away the teardrops that are constantly falling out, and it hurts me very much.

"How can a wife cry so much, hey, don't cry, look at the public, my heart hurts."

"Is it not that I did not do well, you said, I changed." Fu Wei felt that he really should review it, and today he cried twice.

How stupid he is, ‘oh.狠狠 狠狠 gave himself a slap, trying to give himself a slap, but his hand was held.

"What do you do to fight yourself, don't you hurt, are you stupid?"

Looking for a sad heart, I heard a bang, a loud voice, scared her, and quickly stopped the action he wanted to continue.

Such a stupid man, she felt that if she did not accept it, she would definitely be more stupid in the future, so she still did a good job and barely accepted it.

The heart is thinking about it, but if he doesn't say why he is playing himself, she will... she will... let him have dinner!

Fu Yan took the small hand of the search, and put it on his face, with a serious expression.

"Yeah, I am a fool, always irritating you, my wife, don't be angry, I will change."

Looking for a glimpse, tears have forgotten, and after reacting to what he meant, he broke into laughter.

"You fool, it really is a fool, look at your sincere confession, then I will forgive you."

The heart of Fu Xi’s heart fell, and the joy in his eyes did not need to be hidden. The exhibition was clear and clear.

Even if he hasn't figured out the transformation of his wife, it doesn't hinder him from being excited.

"Women, you can rest assured that I will become smarter in the future." The little man in his heart made a fist, he must work hard.

The fingertips wiped the water droplets that stayed in the eye sockets, and the heart was still full of distress.

"Women, you promised me, don't cry in the future, if you are not happy or sad, use the thorns to vent me."

God knows to see her tears, he can't wait to cut himself.

But he can't, he is selfish, he wants to stay with her all the time, always occupying her, so that she can always see herself.

So he can't die, he can't leave, he can promise anything, and he can give up everything, but she can't.

I didn’t have any tears, but when I said this, I found tears and slammed down.

Fu Hao was screaming and screaming, and once again gave himself a note, how he became so unspeakable, really wants to pull his tongue out.

"Hey, hurt..." is condemning his own temper, feeling a pain in his waist, that feeling... indescribable.

The softest meat was caught, and it was rotated by three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead end. It was very tolerable.

Seeing that his face was wrinkled into a group, he was satisfied with letting go, shouted: "Know it hurts, telling you not to obey, let me worry about fear."

One is qi, directly in his ear, and continuing education in sin.

"Are you a pig? If you don't see such a long thorn, just squat down. Do you want your legs to be scrapped? Who will take care of me after that?"

"You stink, bastard, damn, you know, scare me, dare to do this next time, no one else, I will marry you first."

Mom, it’s really awkward, this stupid guy who doesn’t have friends, he’s going to have a good temper, and if he is someone else, he’s definitely killed, 哼o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

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