Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1575: Punishment: CP has been evil since ancient times! 65.15

I was swindled twice inadvertently, and it was almost the same twice. I can only say that Huafeng should not be tempted to know that the whole person is looking for ╮(╯▽╰)╭

"Also...not bad, I...I am...very happy, with you."

Gan Yujie swayed the opening of Wuwu, don't see that he was always called the little princess, the little devil called Huaxin, the playboy, but he really didn't spend any time.

Especially special, no one is purer than him, really.

Hua Feng still has a point to return to God, what he is saying, inexplicable, but still quite satisfied with this answer.

If she dares to say that she is not good with her, she must clean up him.

Look for the side to sneer, let them bully themselves, hehe, ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la.

"Since you are so frank, don't be tempted, let's get together, take some effort, what will your mother-in-law do?"

She feels that she is really a good person, and when she does not forget to do good things (*/ω\*)

Finally figured out what is wrong with the flower phoenix, the blood of the rushing up directly, the blushing scary, "Find! Hey!"

The loud voice made both of them who were on the stage tremble, and the weapons in their hands fell, and the confused ones became a draw.

The other people who were also shocked were in the same line of sight and drifted toward the source. After seeing who it was, they suddenly became excited.

Except for the first day, they didn't see the honor, and now they finally saw it again. I don't know if I can go forward and talk a few words.

I can think of the sound of the river lions just like the river, they stepped back silently.

This atmosphere seems to be a bit wrong. For the time being, wait and see. Don't join in the fun.

He was stunned by a blind man, innocent and wide-eyed, pouting his mouth, looking at the opposite person, and blaming.

"Flower flowers, do you not like me because you have Gan Yujie, good or bad, but also yell at me, and sure enough, they are right, and men have forgotten friends."

"What is this called?" Wrinkled, it seemed to be a bit distressed, and then he immediately clap his hands and clap his hands.

"Ah, I think of it, call it heavy! Color! Light! Friends!"

Hey, Huahua is a model of heavy-colored friends. During this time, he did not take the initiative to come to her to play.

Huafeng wants to vomit blood, and his face changes and changes, all without exception.

"Looking, I think we need to communicate, you are like this... Hey, what are you doing, don't think that you are looking for her man, I am afraid of you."

Just halfway through it, I feel that the flower phoenix behind it does not need to guess to know who it is.

There is no good mouth, these two guys are really too bad, bad to the kind of friends.

"It's so fierce to spend, so there is no one wanting it." Looking for the interjection, the eyes are cautious, as if they have just been fierce, afraid.

Hua Feng vomited blood, the enemy's fighting power is too strong, even if her firepower is fully open, there is no way to resist half, this is what a sad thing.

She understood that the show was a soldier, and she couldn’t tell.

Because when you talk to her, she can walk with you, and when you are not serious with her, she can directly educate you.

Anyway, it’s all right, she’s right, you don’t want to resist, it’s really awkward.

Looking for the arm holding the symbol, close to the ear of Fu, said that he said very quietly.

"You see if the two of them are very good, the reaction is the same, and the same is true before, but the ducks are dead and do not admit to like each other, not cute."

Phoenix spent grinding the teeth, and if winning the war to find her, to ensure she would beat her meal.

"Well, it’s still a lovely wife, come to the wife, mua~" Fuxi agreed to nod. By the way, I took the opportunity to scent one's face on my wife's face. It was called a satisfaction.

This kind of day is really good, you can come more later, awesome.

I don’t know Hua Feng and Gan Yujie who are already being used as toys. Both faces are stiff.

What else can they say, they are also desperate, and it is terrible to abuse them.

When they are together, they will definitely show up in front of them every day, Mom.

Looking for a cool man who leans and occupies his own cheap, silently despise, his face is clearly written with the words rogue.

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows and earnestly defended: "Women, it’s normal to know that this reaction is normal."

"If a man is not impulsive to a woman he loves, and he doesn't want to be with him all the time, then it is not love, and this is the kind of love that you love to die."

When you get the chance, you will be confessed, no matter where you are, what situation you are facing.

He only knows to tell his wife about her love all the time and let her remember.

Until one day, even if he didn't say it, her subconscious mind was branded as she liked her very much.

More and more hearty BOY, walking on the road of continuous heart, is also very happy.

It’s just that there is no such careful machine in this world, so it’s so pleasant to be taken away by the big wolf.

Gan Yujie and Hua Feng, who were forced to watch the love and did not know how many sweet things were stuffed, they just wanted to protest.

Obviously, the two of them are the protagonists. They just wandered around them. How come they played themselves and they couldn’t play happily.

I am tired, but I still have to smile.

The search was indeed touched again, and this guy is really too sweet to say a bad word, give a bad comment o ( ̄ ヘ ̄o#)

Who let him always make his heart soft, and many times he has stunned himself, and he has to fight back! !

If you look for memories, you will sigh, and my husband’s skill is long.

"Let me interrupt, look at the following." Hua Feng kept his eyes open and pointed to the two people who were still in deep affection.

Seeking and signing down the bow, a doubt is calm.

"Why do many of them put two leaves on their eyes to resist the glare of the sun?" The search was very naive and ignorant.

I know what is going on, I am very decisive and give a nod to the face. "Yes, that is the role."

"Oh, huh..." I also know the flower phoenix that is going on, and I am very rude to open the ridicule, let you show, this is resisted by the group, and deserve it.

"How do you spend your mouth twitching, is it uncomfortable? Hey, Gan Yujie, how do you take care of the flowers, people are sick, and say, are you outside?"

Looking for a worried face, condemning looking at Gan Yujie, the way of justice is really like a friend, but actually...

The dead people do not pay for their lives, but also let you not find the slightest malicious.

And Gan Yujie, who was outside, had only one sentence left in his mind. Only the villain and the woman were difficult to raise. He couldn’t afford it. He couldn’t hide it later.

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