Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1580: Punishment: CP has been evil since ancient times! 65.20

"Okay, it’s gone, there’s something we will say."

Looking for the shackles for two seconds, with a wave of hands, carrying the skirt in a happy mood, bypassing a few people to push the door in.

When Fu Xi was also ready to follow up, the door slammed and closed.

It’s a slower step, and I’m looking at the door with deep hatred, and my heart is called a sad grief.

It is still warm as the spring sun before the Ming Dynasty. How can it become the Siberian wind in the next moment? It is simply unscientific.

"Respect, the head is still waiting for you." Gan Yujie remembered the purpose of his own, swallowed swallowing, and carefully opened his mouth.

I don't know what I said to the head. After I ran up, the head made a big temper. It was strange that I had never seen this before.

If Hua Feng was thoughtful, he looked at the man around him and his heart was full of complexity.

When did it start to subconsciously pay attention to him? Forget it, now is not the time to think about it.

Since she has decided to take the first step, it is impossible to back down.

Fu Yu facelessly glared at Gan Yujie, his body shape flashed and disappeared.

Hey, the old man, wanting to persuade him to look back, is simply nonsense, even if he wants to turn back, it is only the wife who calls him, he will turn back (╯^╰)╮

Lazy lying on the roof, I imagined that I was lying on the wife, that feeling, Emma, ​​did not say, really cool.

Close your eyes, and remember the pictures of her for thousands of years, and the lips are full of happiness and a smile that cannot be opened.

Not long after, they will be able to go back. In fact, he is not so persistent and reminds her of the past.

Now she lives very happily, and with him, why bother to experience the pain?

Those things he remembered alone would be fine. If he could, he wanted to strengthen the seal.

The night wind gently surrounds the man who sleeps under the stars, harassing the outside animals for him.

Quiet evening, the stars are hanging, everything is so beautiful, except for Gan Yujie.

After he went back, because Fu Xi did not appear, he was caught by the head for a long time, and he was almost let go when his ears were almost stunned.

However, he understood the meaning of the head, and sighed in his heart. This time, I am afraid that it is not only to respect the rebellion, he also estimated that...

It is not easy to meet a loved one. He wants to work hard.

The four people are basically in the same situation, and their mentality is different. Only one thing coincides with each other.

Looking for nothing to look at on the table, a big early morning was quarreled, and she expressed resentment.

Especially the object is still a stuffy gourd for a long time without talking, just staring at her.

Let her pretend to die.

Really helpless, she does not speak, Mo Ji does not speak, even if she wants to ignore him to sleep, there is no way.

After all, who can fall asleep while a person is staring at you _(:зゝ∠)_

"Mo Ji, what's the matter with you?" Looking for compromise, she couldn't afford to hurt, she groaned, and asked to let go.

Mo Jim saw the little princess open, silently sticking out from behind, an envelope passed.

Looking for an eye, "Is this for me?" See Moji nod and took it.

There was nothing above, and I didn't think much about it. I opened it directly, and then the edge that was folded in came out, and a small piece of white powder floated out.

"Yawn, yawn...yawn...yawn, this...yawn...what is this?"

The sneeze of the sneeze, the whole person is not good, and finally stopped, just ready to lick the nose, a hand appeared in front of the eyes.

"How can I be so careless, I will just give you a breakfast." It is a blame, but the tone is full of pity.

Holding the hand of the nose, the movement is light and careful, as if I was afraid of hurting her.

Fu Xi is angry and helpless, knowing that the other party is very wrong, but also has no defense.

Or is it that the wife is determined to have herself, no matter what? Happy!

The actual search did not feel malicious at all and did not figure out that I was going to have an accident today, so it would be so direct.

Coupled with Mo Ji, she still trusts, even with the woman who is very deep in Miya.

So if she knows what Fu Xi is thinking, she will definitely have a white eye, with a sentence, you think too much.

"It doesn't itch." Looking for the nose is okay, but... I licked my stomach and looked at the sly: "I am hungry."

Yesterday afternoon, I ate too many snacks, couldn't eat at night, and then tossed all the way to sleep directly, now I am hungry and hungry.

Poorly wide-eyed, waiting to be fed.

Fu Qi pinched the wife's nose, and laughed: "Now I know that I am hungry, and I will see you greedy next time."

The action quickly opened the box and took out the snacks inside, all of which were still hot.

Looking for the bright eyes of the crystal, you are welcome to eat, and the two men on one side are forgotten, and they are rushing to the top of the food.

"Mo Ji is, this thing is for you." Fu Xi saw the wife and daughter to eat, took the envelope on one side, took out the paper inside and looked at it, no expression asked.

If he didn't know his wife very well, he just killed him and he was so calm.

Mo Ji looked down at the man sitting next to the little princess, his eyes were obviously unpleasant, and there was anger and very light.

He actually wanted to ask the little princess if he really loved him. Later things told him that it was unnecessary.

But every time the woman came to him, he couldn’t help but feel very strange.

He wanted to figure out the feeling, so he followed her, but he hasn't found the reason until now.

If he asks, Hua Feng and Fu Xi will answer him, the female aura.

"Since you don't say it, go out, the daughter-in-law has already received it."

When the symbol is moving, the paper instantly turns into a powder, and the wind blown away is taken away.

Mo Ji station will turn around and did not say any words during the period.

When Mo Ji took a walk, Fu Xi turned and squatted on the table, grievances watching people who eat almost, slow down.

"Women, I am sad, that Moji is too bully, I talk to him, he will not answer, and he will marry me."

"The mind has been hurt, I want to...hey." The rise was said, and a small snack was stuffed in his mouth.

"Hey, eat first, what?" Looking for a smile, his eyes are full of belly.

Don't think she doesn't know what both of them have done, and this guy is really...going to heaven.

Chewing on the things in the mouth, Fuxi said vaguely: "Worship, 嚎."

This is the wife who feeds him. It’s so sweet, I’m so happy, I’m reluctant to eat it, and I wink my eyes and enjoy it.

Looking for a quiet touch of the arm, I feel how the chicken skin is picked up.

Ask your own man how much damage is it, how to cure it?

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