Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1625: Little pitiful sacrifice of the river **** 67.18

Look at the black face of the bastard, the eyes are about to spurt fire, really cool, a bad breath.

Let your embarrassed leave the labor, run with the search, hey, deserve it.

Turning over, sticking out the fat claws and clinging to the person who fell on himself, the big wolf head leaned against it.

Still looking for the best, I found that I have disappeared, but also to find myself, Kaisen.

After waiting for him to change shape, he still has to keep his ears and tails so that he can find his own favor n(*≧▽≦*)n

In the heart of the heart holding a fire, he said that the stinky wolf is not well-intentioned, actually hooked up with the dragon, want to take away the nephew from his side, impossible.

The eyes were cold, and the last step, I still stared at the Dragon Ball, did not find someone to come to the dragon, throw it away.

The sound of the ‘嘭’ heavy object, let the fun of looking for it and the ink shadow at the same time, see a dark snake lying dead on the ground.

It seems pitiful, especially the half-squinted eyes, which are very sympathetic.

Unfortunately, the search for the other party does not understand, except for the two points on the face can not bear, no action.

Ink is actually abandoning the dragon, which will naturally not go forward.

The other is the culprit, and don't even expect him to have any sympathy.

"Do you want to shape?" 涔 涔 涔 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温

What my nephew likes most is the hair on it. If it is shaped, it is human form, that is, it is hairless!

With this, he must help.

Ink did not know what to do, but he still honestly pointed his head. He wanted to shape and protect.

However, the line of sight is bet on the already climbed from the ground, still a pair of dragons who can't be loved, and shook their ears.

He is also born with no love, and sure enough, Xiaolong is a liar, but fortunately he is not so stupid to be cheated by him, hehe.

"I can help you, but..." The voice was very calm, but the ink and shadow was very excited, but after it appeared, the wolf's eyes widened and stared at the bad man.

"But what?" As long as you don't leave anything to look for, you can accept it.

I probably understand the bottom line of the ink shadow, but I didn't mention his worry.

Pointing at Xiaolong, Sen coldly said: "You have to go and pick up that thing first."

If this guy is not so slow, the crops will not be destroyed as thoroughly.

This account, he has to calculate well, because this incident is caused by the exclusion of their nephews, being hurt, how can they endure?

"Dragon, you... ah... ink shadow you bastard, you... ah... actually really awkward, damn, when the deity is a soft persimmon."

Xiaolong still has no anti-roar, and he was first bitten by the ink shadow.

This mixed ball, M's, how do both of them like to start with his tail, do not know that the tail is the most important thing?

I was mad at him and mad at him.

It’s not good to pack him up. It’s really good to bully.

Suddenly bigger, rushed up, and wrestled with the ink shadow.

Two of you, I take a bite, you bite my tail, I lick your ears, you grab my scales, I pull your hair.

Not a moment, the original clean place became full of mess.

And the two that caused it all, still...play? It’s getting hot.

Looking for a look on the face is a bit stiff, completely unable to understand what the two large animals are doing, always feel like a child playing o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

Where is a fight, you give me a paw, I glance at you, then I am giving you a paw, your nose is licking, licking a tail, I follow the tail, then...

The two tails are intertwined, you pull it, I pull it, and it keeps repeating.

Whoever hurts anyone, immediately licks his teeth...

That picture, really TM is poisonous.

Silently blinking, looking for some sadness, because she is now full of four words, flirtatious, flirtatious, flirtatious _ (: зゝ∠) _

This can't blame her, it's really the action of these two guys, and the space of imagination is also big.

Sigh, she is still a pure child, why should she let her know this, so shameful (*/ω╲*)

The two parties, the amount, the wrong, is the animal, and the heart is very broken.

Although Xiaolong is a god, he has been sealed for too long, and the seal has directly degraded him into two feet. The strength can be imagined and weak.

Although the ink shadow is not a pure animal, but after all, it has not been transformed, and the mastery of some inheritance is not considered to be perfect.

So they got together and it just happened to be evenly matched.

You can't help me, I can't clean you up.

It can only be deadlocked to see who is using energy to the end.

"Don't you see, the two are stupid, such things are not suitable for staying at your side, will be infected."

"Wait a while, I will go find you a smart firefox." Hey, he found the opportunity to black ink, as if he didn't black out, he wouldn't give up.

As for the dragon, it was completely ignored by him as the air.

After all, compared to the dragon, Xiaolong is too threatening, a black lacquered scale is ugly, and there are no beautiful scales on his body.

It is said that the deaf children like fur, here, only the stinky wolf is the most annoying.

Pull out the hair on it later, and if it grows up very quickly, then he will pull it once again before it has been transformed.

‘Yawn, yawn. ‘After playing two sneezes of ink, all the hair was blown up.

Someone is counting on him, it must be the bastard. Is it the idea of ​​tying him?

At the thought of this, I also refused to talk to Xiaolong, and turned around and snarled at the man next to the search.

The claws are ground on the ground, bowed down, and the standard posture of the attack.

Because his sudden movement did not have time to recover the strength of the dragon, was pulled by inertia, it fell to the ink shadow, and was instantly covered by the hair on his body.

"..." He is a mighty and arrogant body, scales, and there is actually a shadow that can't be seen here.

This is the worst time he was hacked, no one!

The ink-filled ink shadow was so pressed by the dragon, and the figure was swayed, and went straight to the side, successfully pressing the dragon to the bottom.

Looking for a moment, then burst into laughter, "hahaha, you... you... hahaha, laughing at me o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓"

How can I have such a stupid guy, stupid and stupid, really stupid as my husband said.

But it is very cute, hahaha, there are them in the future, life is definitely everywhere.

涔 涔 溺 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀

Two big things that make a bunch of things on the ground, the rare ones are not full of malice.

On the contrary, I feel that it is not bad. It is a bit useful to be able to tease my nephew.

A little bit of ink and Snapdragon are being used to ‘thinking in love’ and disgusting each other.

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