Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1627: Little pitiful sacrifice of the river **** 67.20

During this hesitation, the other party can only see a shadow.

The gas of Ding couldn’t stop hitting the stones on the shore, it was very violent.

It’s hard for her to find such a guy who makes her heart move. Do you want to give up?

No, absolutely no, she should not give up, why should she give up, that is her own person.

But... looking at the flowing river in front of her eyes, she was silent again. It seems that she doesn't want to die.

Those who have died once will understand how terrible and panic the feeling is.

Damn, damn, why is this, I obviously come to be the protagonist.

Isn’t Xiao Hei not her male owner?

Why do you feel tempted by it, and still like it, as if he is not?

She doesn't doubt at all that if this person is on the shore, she will be chasing crazy. After all, it is tailor-made for herself.

but now...

Ding Shuang resentfully climbed ashore, she decided, first observe for a while, always find the reason!

After thinking about it, sitting directly next to it, not leaving, she is ready to stay here in the near future, do not believe that I can't wait for Xiaohei.

I don’t know the dragon that I was remembered. I saw the ink shadow that slowly wandered around my tail and flew directly.

The body was all wrapped around his neck, and he began to cry when he didn't want to.

"Ink, wow, I told you, I just had a neuropathy, that woman is terrible, and I have to be a snake."

"You don't want to be like this in the future, you can't do this. No, I think you still hide from a woman. They are terrible."

The black body is between the gray hairs, and the unreasonable one feels...very good!

At least after looking at the play back, I think so. In my eyes, I look at the unknown light and look at the two unconscious guys.

Ink swayed his head very uncomfortably, trying to get the things out of his body, but he couldn’t open it.

"Yu Long, you are going to roll down the labor, it is the place to look for."

This guy, really a jerk, always poisoning his hair, don't you know that the scales on his body will deform his beautiful hair?

If you don't like it, what should you do?

The dragon who is still imparting experience, suddenly bombed, "Ink Shadow, you have no conscience, I will not come down, see what you do."

Said that it is even more entangled, M, he is so good to him, he actually dislikes him, really can not bear.

So a new round of wolverine wars began again, and it was naive.

Looking for her husband's neck, looking at the relish, she said that it must be very lively in the future.

"Hey, what is the story of Xiaolong? It’s just that he’s stupid and cute. I really can’t imagine that he would be miserably sealed.”

After thinking about it and asking my own doubts, my husband told her that the dragon was very bad, because it would be sealed for hundreds of years.

At that time, she thought that she was a sinful person, but these days of contact, a proper one, two, and two neurotic patients ( ̄Д ̄)┍

The kind of weak chicken that even the ink can't win, actually will do evil, it feels like a fantasy.

Shantou looked at the head of the search, and looked very happy at the two guys who were fighting, and thought about the opening.

"He is unlucky." Yes, Xiaolong is really unlucky.

"I am homologous to him. I am the Lord. I am the Lord, but I am not a soul. It is purely his own boring."

"He collected a lot of auras everywhere, ready to be a servant, and as a result, accidentally used the bones of the city I buried in the sea."

"The guy didn't find it at first, but he used his own blood when he was making it."

"I was originally the only gold dragon in this world. After a thousand years ago, I was a natural disaster. I joined forces with the Yaozu and then fell."

"Perhaps because of the practice of my cultivation, even after death, my soul still has a trace of it. In the accident of the dragon, I am resurrected."

"But it is no longer a single individual without any tie, and I am connected with the life of Xiaolong."

Speaking of this, I suddenly got down, and then I was a little funny. "That can't bear the power of my majesty, and I began to think about it."

"The result is that the sea is divided into rivers, and the landslides are cracked, which has harmed countless people. Although I have made timely shots with other remaining avenues, there are no casualties."

"But the change can't be made. Xiaolong himself can't control it. When he gets mad several times, he has to seal him."

The thing is as simple as this. As for why his attitude towards Xiaolong is so unbearable, it is purely made by Xiaolong himself.

The guy was sealed and still did not stop, and when the death seals were loose, the mountain floods broke out.

The result was stopped after being involved in several women.

After that, there was a rumor that there was a river **** in the town and a woman was required to make a sacrifice.

Then there are those things behind, every year people are thrown away, he has to send it away every time.

Sometimes I didn't notice that the guy would make it worse, and he would have to pay for it.

After all, they are one, and his seal can't all suppress Xiaolong, but it is easy to get stuck.

Therefore, in such a situation, it has been raging for hundreds of years, even if it is a person with the best temper, it is angry.

Not to mention that his temper was not so good. He didn't kill him. It was really the only reason.

Looking for a complex face, I don't know what to say.

Looking at the sight of Xiaolong, with some sympathy, this guy really is a middle two neuropathy.

Stupid enough, enough to do, change to her, will definitely hang this guy violently.

"So what river **** is true, but the sacrifice is because of his mischief?"

Nodded, I rationally searched for the hair on my cheeks, and the movement was gentle.

"Hey, let's go to the dragon." This guy is a pit, and he even made such a slap in the face and gave him a jealousy.

So naughty, do they know?

"Okay." Hey, he is looking for what he is saying, and he will never say no words.

Let go of the search and step by step toward the two guys who are still playing like children.

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"Oh... don't sway... ink shadow... ink shadow, help."

The whole body of the dragon is swaying in the air with a difficult arc, and can only rely on instinctive calls.

I think that the very sharp voice is actually soft and weak. The inexplicable one feels like a small milk dog that has been bullied. I urgently need the owner to love it.

Ink with this kind of thought: "..." He felt that he was poisoned and may not be light.

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