Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1669: My little lover identity hanging day 69.17

"Why, even now I dare to stop?"

Zhong Lin stood outside the office and looked for his assistant. His temper was very bad.

They are all their own domestic cats, and they dare to run.

Although that day...cough... It seems that I am too much, and she has been so long.

But who can make the child look too tempting? After one taste, I can’t help but want to taste it for the second time.

As a result, he went out to buy a dish. When he came back, he disappeared. After that, he still hid him for half a month.

In the first few days, he still thought that looking for a child must be on the anger. He was a little bit eager to prepare everything for her every day and admit her mistakes.

Without calling, I will not come out and look at her quietly.

However, the kitten seems to be spoiled by him, of course this is not the point.

The point is that he found one thing.

The assistant cried in her heart and always loved and hated her family.

Ming knows that this uncle is very ferocious, and she needs her weak herbivores to cope with the meat, so good.

"Mr. Zhong, the president is really not there, she is...in..."

Seeing Zhong Lin's face is getting worse and worse, the body pressure is even more depressed, the assistant's heart is horizontal, and the dead friend is not dead.

"The president ran away just before you came. I don't know where she went, really."

It’s just that she didn’t say that the president asked her to call her after Mr. Zhong left.

Zhong Lin’s face is dark, this is not a cat, it’s a rabbit.

When I heard a little wind and grass, I started to slip early.

Oh... I thought he couldn't find her, naive kitten.

It is still necessary to stay in the owner's arms and be cared for by the owner.

I found out that the phone dialed Chang Kemin’s phone and told me to walk.

These days, Zhong Lin will come to Meet at noon early morning, and the reporters who have been obedient have naturally discovered it.

Seeing him today, as usual, it is still a person coming out, and the reporters are squatting around.

"Mr. Zhong, may I ask if you have been defamed?"

"Miss King is not asking you."

"For the sake of Miss Jin, I want to say something about Mr. Zhong?"


The problem of scrambling appeared in the ears of Zhong, and the bad mood went straight down to the bottom.

Especially the content of these people's questions is touching the temper of his heart.

The cat that ran when he ate, and when he caught it, he must beat her little PP.

The light flashed and the corners of the lips rose. When the reporters felt that he was going to be angry, he smiled.

Not only that, but also whispered softly: "Since all this step, I can't stop it."

When the reporter heard it, he was excited. This is definitely a big news. Is it because of being shackled?

Or is it because the blow is too big, ready to exit the entertainment circle?

Various brain supplements have been crossed in the hearts of the people, and they are waiting for the parties to break the news.

"We are awkward and blame me." Zhong Lin's eyes are full of worries, like falling into memories.

The reporters’ eyes are bright, this is a play.

"I don't know if she is pregnant with her baby, she is not waiting for her, and she is stunned by her heart."

"This is not, pregnant temper is a bit big, have not talked to me for more than ten days, but also threatened to let me go back to the men's version of the "female ring", or else I will leave the house with my baby."

"I am so anxious, I have a good night, look for her to verify, but she does not believe me, hey, there is no way to love the most, I have to come several times."

Zhong Lin said that the love is true, but in the eyes is a flash of evil, kittens, I am waiting for you to jump into my arms.

As for these reporters, there are those who look for their own children, not to mention the windows, that is, there is no seam.

Finding children is his, no one is allowed to think about it, let alone...

Touching the pocket, he is ready to declare sovereignty.

The reporter was shocked, and the news was too shocking.

They want news, but this is not the case! ! !

Miss Jin actually got stuck, oh... so sad, so sad, little money is gone.

Looking at the center of the center with unanimous sorrow, it seems like he is a negative heart.

Zhong Lin endured the blue-legged violent forehead and squeezed out a sultry smile. "Remember to give me a walk and go out, or else..."

The reporters of the hustle and bustle, shaking and shaking, did not respond, the body gave the answer first.

Can not help nod, that speed, that strength, as if afraid of the other party does not believe.

Zhong Lin was satisfied, and went to the side of the car in a good mood.

He had to prepare things, and I didn't know if the kittens found that they were pregnant now.

It’s unfortunate that I’m just looking for it, and I’m not in love with my face.

Jin’s father didn’t go to work today. I was very happy to see my daughter come back. I made the kitchen a lot of delicious food.

The result... just take a bite and vomit!


The scared gold father thought that his daughter was ill, and asked the family doctor to look at it, hehe...

He is going to be a father-in-law! ! !

But he was not happy at all, someone had abducted his baby daughter, and even the ball had it, so good.

"Dad, don't walk around, my head is dizzy."

Looking for it is also very sad, she did not expect to win the prize once, of course, she is not a problem with the child, but her husband.

If the beast knows, it will be able to go to heaven.

Jin’s father did not breathe in the daughter who had no image on the sofa and hated the iron.

"You talked about you, I didn't swear to tell me that I wouldn't plant it myself, but what about the truth?"

"I don't care, anyway, this kid..."

"Dad, don't tell me not, I will leave home."

Looking for a shock, immediately sitting on the body, ready to fight with the black-faced handsome uncle.

Kim’s father was mad at him and grabbed the rabbit pillow next to him and knocked on the hoe.

"Hey, Dad, why are you hitting me." Looking for his head, he grumbled.

"Wake you up, what do you have in your mind, your father, am I so pedantic?"

In the face of the golden father's rushing look, looking for an elegant eye-opening.

It is obvious that his old man’s expression is too scary. How can he blame her? (╯^╰)╮

"What do you want to say?" Shun the rabbit pillow group near the arms, weakly asked.

"Of course, this child must have a father, your uneasy daughter, tell Dad, who is the father of the child, I will catch and marry you."

The appearance of the golden father and the tyrant is arrogant. In his opinion, the daughter ran home, definitely because the other party did not want her.

Inexplicably, I feel that I am looking for a distraction, and my heart is a bit complicated.

"The father-in-law does not need you to catch, I have already come."

Just looking for a way to answer, a very courteous voice came from the door.

The two looked at the situation, and the golden father’s eyes lit up, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Good son-in-law, have a responsibility, then the girl will be handed over to you."

"Dad assured, I will take care of the children." Zhong Lin is sure to return, very sincere.

"Good, good, good."

"Thank you for your support."

Looking at the two of you, I am saying a word, I just want to say: Is she a party? (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

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