Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1687: Mary Sue's sister 70.12

Mu pleated feeling suddenly a cold, frowning, not a single thing, he still has to look at his wife seriously.

There was basically no difference in the next exams. Looking for proctoring them, Mu pleats looked at her, and occasionally students sneaked at the pleats.

The look that is revealed is that this is a true warrior!

Looking for the pen in his hand, looking at the front of the clean, very neat, only the name of the snow white papers, raising an unidentified smile.

Other teachers have submitted the results, how many are not qualified, who is the first who is countdown, her heart is very clear.

And among these, one is the best.

Except for English, all are zero.

Holding the papers and walking towards the classroom, it is time to fulfill her rules.

"Hey, how are you doing this test, I am so panicked."

"I am also panicked. I am not sure how to say the test without seeing the results."

"What to do, if I didn't pass the exam, I didn't want to go to the toilet. God, I can't think about it."

"It should be the last one to sweep the toilet. Did you pass the playground without passing?"

"is it?"


The voice of the mouth suddenly made the atmosphere of the entire classroom tense.

The line of sight is not at the door or the window, expecting and fearing waiting for their class to announce the results.

Sitting at the forefront of the pleats, the ears are erected from the beginning.

With them, the face changed.

Because he is probably sure of one thing, the last one may be his o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

"So, are you not telling me anything?"

Picking up an eyebrow, sweeping the back of the few heads can't be lower, as if you want to bury yourself, you can't hear the feelings.

Xi Quanquan silently left the stool to the side, leaving only one head, and it was just blocked by the people in front.

Ji Shiming and Jing Lianghui also followed suit, and the four heads that stood out from the chickens instantly became one.

Qin Lan looked left and right, seeing his eyes falling on him, his legs were soft.

He is jealous, what should I do?

"That, hey, that's...yes...that..."

"Is it a man?" Mu pleated is very unhappy, how does this nephew feel a little masculinity.

He was the second to be dismissed by the public, and he wanted to resist.

But the facts are cruel, the class guides and the embarrassment, and whatever can kill him 〒 〒


"Students, class, sit down."

The voice from the door succeeded in interrupting Qin's words. Qin Hao had to vote for his own sympathetic eyes, so he could sit without squinting.

Go to the podium, pull over the chair next to you, and tap your finger on the test paper that you just put down.

"I want to be very excited and I am looking forward to knowing my achievements. I should also pay attention to who will be unlucky, right?"

"Yes." The following people are in a big fight, I don't know if the results can't be reassured.

"In this case..." The crowd immediately extended their heads and waited for the following.

"Then we will announce it tomorrow."

Class A for three years: (╯‵ ′ ') ╯ (Don't stop them, they want to swear.

Looking for a chuckle, "Just kidding, oh, I read one, you remember."

"Xi Yiquan, language 91, mathematics 134, English 140, comprehensive..." Seeing the other side has stood up nervously, looking for open lips, "very lucky, just 90."

Xi Xiquan wiped the sweat of his forehead, just jumped out of his heart, but fortunately, it was fine.

He is relieved, but the Qin and the three are stunned. Intuition tells them that they should...

"Ji Shiming."


Looking for the export, the excessively nervous Ji Shiming answered loudly and immediately attracted the attention of the whole class.

Sorry to scratch my head, waiting for you.

"... language 71, math 89, English 138, rational 90. Unfortunately, I feel bad for you for a second."

Ji Shiming cried, and the class leader was so distressed that he didn't want it.

Only two, the students behind are the souls are mentioned in the eyes of the blind, the palms sweat.

Look for a few, look at the next one, continue.

"Qin Wei, language 60, mathematics 89, English 98, comprehensive...60, it is super regret."

After Ji Shiming, Qin Hao also cried.

"Jing Lianghui, Chinese 124, Mathematics 141, English 111, Comprehensive 97, Invisible Learning."

When the search for words fell, Jing Lianghui was defamed.

"Hey, lightly tap, ah, ah, grass, it hurts, light, oh."

Qin Lan and Ji Shiming are called a gas, this guy has been very scared with their performance, hehe, the result is actually so good.

Can you bear it?

Of course it can't be forbeared!

"Asshole, you actually sneaked on us and killed you."

"Yes, hey."

"Oh, I don't." Jing Lianghui also cried and was crying.

He felt that he was so embarrassed, and he was particularly unbelievable. He never tested so well. Isn’t he really invisible?

Uh... that's good, I don't have to learn in the future, I can test it so well.

However, the dream has broken before it has begun.

"Ah, sorry, tell you a very unfortunate news."

The two men who were still working immediately stopped, and the three pairs of eyes looked straight at the stage.

Looking for embarrassed dialing hair, holding up the transcript to block his half face, only revealing a pair of clear peach eyes.

"Just as the teacher accidentally misread, the results are clear."

"The correct result of Jing Lianghui is that language 52, mathematics 25, English 80, and comprehensive...30, it is super super regret."

Jing Lianghui wowed a big cry, especially tragic and pitiful.

Looking for some guilty eyes to remove her eyes, she really did not deliberately, swear with her husband's conscience!

"Cough and cough... We continue, Zhang Xing..."

From time to time, there will be a mourning in the class, crying, it is the listener who shed tears and sorrow.

"The last one." Looking for the white paper in his hand, the lips curled up on both sides.

The only one who didn't get the scores, he thought, he probably... would be worse than them.

Because...he really paid the blanks, the exams only looked at people. _(:зゝ∠)_

"Mu pleats."

When the name came out, Mu pleats harvested the eyes of everyone, really Alexander.

"Language 0, mathematics 0, English 150, rationality 0, true warrior!"

"Real Warrior!" The rest of the people learned to look for a sigh.

Mu pleated: "..." is inexplicably awkward, what should I do?

"Well, let us congratulate Mu, the true warrior, and contract the first of our entire grade, down! Count!"

Looking for a smile, the other people who don't understand her meaning are also applauding, and they are more sympathetic to Mu folds.

"Then, then, thank you for helping me to take care of the toilet."

This time, instead of looking for the first applause, they have already violently drummed up and said various words of thanks.

I felt like a slap in the face, and I wanted to cry.

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