Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1693: Mary Sue’s sister 70.18

Fast on the train, the seat belts are too late to start, the throttle, a bang, and rush.

Looking for soft on the back of the chair, the whole person has no strength.

The waiter is really too ferocious and has a strong fighting power.

"Cough... that, daughter-in-law, where do we go to eat?"

Mu pleats did not dare to propose where to go, afraid that there would be such an oolong.

Looking for a hoe, quickly crossed a few names in my mind, and finally chose to eat crystal hot pot.

When I was looking for a fragrant ice cream ball, I almost touched the tears.

The previous fright was also taken away with delicious food.

"The smoke has been exhausted, the legend will never stop. I will wait for you on the bank of the Wujiang River in the coming life. I will have a thousand cups of Acacia, and I will drink the best in the Yifeng, and continue to write the most beautiful ending of the age-old love..."

The sound of sleeping is fragrant, looking for the phone to madly scream, and constantly circulate, as if you have to find it.

I had to compromise and look up from the bed with my eyes open and touch the phone on the bedside table.

"Hey, who?"

To bother her sleep beauty, it should be dragged out.

Being angry, suddenly my eyes are wide, and there is still some drowsiness inside.

"Be sure to protect her safety, I will be there soon."

Hanging down the phone with a condensed complexion, quickly got up and dressed, went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and rushed outside.

The frowning of the brows, the dark eyes are even deeper and unclear.

‘The host is hosted by an adult, the information is unlocked. It turns out that the end of the world is because the woman is desperate and thinks that the life she faces is the end of the world. ’

‘The idea is too deep, it has caused the real end, but she is the air transporter, so she is fine, the plane has been embarrassed. ’

The sound of the baby sounded, and nodded, looking for a turn, the steering wheel turned into a narrow alley.

Here she came once, and sent her back on the day she met the woman.

However, at that time, she did not see the original father. After she opened her identity with the female host, she did not come again.

However, I did not expect that the turning point was actually here.

Fortunately, she has been arranging people to follow her, the throttle is slowly pressed down, and the speed is raised faster.

"Who are you, advise you not to do anything, or kill you."

A group of dressed in flu, exposed arms and chests of various tiger lions, holding a steel bar pointing at the two black men behind the bag to protect the back, looked angry.

Bao Qingqing was shaking all over, and his fingers clenched his torn clothes on his chest.

Being besieged was not the first time she met, but this time they... they actually thought, and wanted to force her.

She clearly gave them money, how can they...

Just when she was desperate, the two appeared in front of him and saved her.

At that moment, she hated and hated her own powerlessness. Every time she needed someone to save.

Also hate the injustice of the world, why can't people live without it?

But then she thought of her sister, who is more dazzling than the sun, she said, only if she is strong enough to be bullied.

Yes, weak people can't live, just look at the environment.

The fittest survives, and the discomfort is eliminated.

She never did the one who was eliminated, bowed her head, and even if she was still afraid, she still tried hard to look up at the people who often blackmailed her.

"I don't understand people's words, let you roll, don't roll, don't blame the Lord for a few hands."

The man headed, spit on the two people, the road of evil.

Both bodyguards are professionally trained to deal with several gangsters and there is no pressure at all.

It’s just the dangerous goods in their hands, so they don’t dare to act rashly, fearing that they will hurt the people they want to protect.

So they had to step back in their approach and try to wait for the employer to come.

"Brothers, give..."

"Oh..." The harsh brakes covered the words full of fire.

At the moment of the scene, the success was interrupted by the arriving car. One party was happy and the other was more angry.

Looking for the door to open, I saw the woman at first glance, frowning.

"The package is clear, do you still remember what I said to you?"

With a hint of cold tone, let the bag clear and shrink the neck.

She didn't expect her sister to appear, although she was very happy, but that is... the sister at the moment is terrible.

"I remember." Swallowed and swallowed.

Looking for satisfaction and nodding, "very good."

This turned to look at the group of the most stubborn cannon fodder that has been looking for the trouble of the female owner, and the corner of the lips evokes a sinister arc.

"I haven’t touched my fist for a long time. I’m lucky to meet you today. I met me.”

A few of the gangsters haven't recovered from the stunners of the coming people, and they are stunned by her words, and then they look at the shadows in front of them.


"Big sister, light, ah!"

In the narrow alley, there was a variety of mourning in a short while.

Bao Qingqing looked stunned and watched, and the embarrassment of her sister broke through.

The pleats standing on the corner are also proud of the face, laughing and fascinating.

Such a wonderful beauty is his wife, happy.

No, he has to set people down quickly, or else he will be preempted by others.

I found a gold shop around, just bought a ring and went back.

In my heart, this is a matter of expediency. When he sets the person, when he gets married, he is better and better.

I hope that my wife won’t be angry, don’t feel that he doesn’t care.

When I ran to the alley, there was a sly 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 搓 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

I don't know if his wife-in-law is even jealous of him, but she dares to courageously join in.

This is not looking for death. ( Д ̄)┍

Quietly sneak in and go in, but fortunately, my wife is still there.

He ran over in front of him and raised his quaint incense wooden box in his hand, looking forward to it.

"Women, let's get married."

Simple and rude words not only make you look for it, but the people present are also very surprised.

In particular, it is more complicated to see the corpse lying on the ground behind him.

In the **** situation, if you want to get married, do you want to touch the head?

Mu pleats did not find anything wrong, and he had all his thoughts on the people in front of him.

The dark light hits, and the person he looks up to is like a falling god, with the purest face, but with a black wing.

It can be very beautiful, more confusing than pure white.

Black and white are intertwined, which is the most original color in the world, just like him and her.

"You are, are you marrying me?" Looking for some uncertain questions, the eyes are tangled.

She thought she found a very good question.

This plane husband is stupid!

No wonder it was so stupid before, it turned out to be like this.

Self-righteous search, distressed patted her husband's head and reached out.

"Even if you are a fool, I will not disappoint you, let me wear it."

I don’t understand the meaning of the pleats, some are inexplicable.

However, the wife agreed, and she meant to wear a ring to wear a ring ~\(≧▽≦)/~

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