"The monk does not know what the news is, know that we have a daughter, Silo, is it what you said."

Leon was annoyed, and it was even worse to think of this.

Covering his face, staring at the person standing on the side.

For him, this daughter can be thrown once, and now she can lose it a second time.

He doesn't need to block things, and he doesn't need to leave his handle.

Silly was seen a cockroach, cold at the bottom of her heart, she was scared, and Dad’s look was scary.

she was...

"Husband, what do you do to scare the children, talk well." Muir quickly took a look at Leon's arm and gave him a wink.

Even if you really want to give up once, don't show it.

I have to say that it is not a family, not a door.

Leon's face didn't improve much, but the tone was soft. "Silver, don't be angry, Dad is just too angry."

"Everything is arranged, it will be successful, and it will become a bamboo basket. Can you understand your father's mood?"

Although she is still a little scared, she is eager and has some unsatisfied desires and hopes in her heart.

He nodded and reached for the exploratory ring of Leon's arm. "Dad, I am sorry, it is useless to me, I can't help you."

"Nothing, nothing, Mom and Dad are too kind, it is time to kneel down."

Muir touched the head of Silo and smiled and opened his mouth.

They are indeed too kind, but the old thing is dead and dead, and left Lofer to have a post, they can not directly kill her.

Otherwise, all the property will be given to the royal family, and they will be even worse.

The silky eyeballs turned, and the brilliance was bright. "Dad, the little monk doesn't like Hansen, or we are like this..."

The three people who were involved in discussing how to deal with Lofer’s plan did not notice that there were individuals here.

Hansen, quietly listening, the broken hair that blocked the irony in his eyes.

The person he really likes is this face, huh...

Since you know it is wrong, you have to change it.

After the injury, he will not repeat it a second time.

This time, change him to guard her, regardless of whether or not he is qualified, he wants to redeem.

‘So, the male owner is born again? ‘Looking on the sofa in the room, holding a little black mane, his eyes were surprised.

The baby on the little blackhead, with a small body.

‘This plane is more mysterious, there are many unknown forces, it may be the male rebirth of this trigger. ’

Looking for no words, thinking about how likely it is for men and women to fight each other.

Before I saw the male lord, it was obvious that I hated the female lord.

The key is to see which man is born again.

Joe's pivot is looking for a heart between the two, the two front paws on the white rabbits on both sides, happy bubbles.

But those who bully her and let her cry, he will not let go.

Although she was very happy, he just thought she was definitely smiling.

Looking at her sad part, I don’t care if she treats herself as a dog and licks her tail. o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

I don't know the news sent to my father. The father received it.

"Little black, you said that I am going to get a mad dog to bite them and let them get rabies, how about."

Looking for the dog on the chest to move up, leaning on his neck, serious opening.

Joe is a bit awkward, is rabies?

Apparently, he was not ready to wait for him to answer, holding his ear and continuing.

"Do you have any dog ​​relatives and know crazy dogs?"

Qiao Shuya: "..." Spicy next door, stressed many times, he is a wolf, a wolf, a mighty majestic wolf!

You are a dog, your whole family is a dog (╯‵ ′ ╯) ╯ (┻━┻

If you want to know what it is thinking, you will definitely return to it with a straightforward sentence.

My family is you (*/ω╲*)

Fortunately, I don’t know if I’m looking for it, or Joe’s pivot is mad.

"Hey, forget the little black, you can't talk, can you understand my words?" Looking for something suddenly, sit up.

Staring at the little black that still keeps her on her body, she is very excited: "Shake your head, nod?"

Joe Huba: "..." This stupid human!

"What a pity, don't you understand, hehe." Looking for a little black head, sorrowfully glaring at it, as if it were a negative heart.

The stunned Joe's hub was blown up, biting in the search for a hand, and grinding it with anger.

When he can shape, he must pick up this stupid human.

"Hey, hey, little black, little black, light, light, hehe."

Looking for a hand, I want to save the place that was still bitten.

I don't know what happened. Yesterday, I was bitten by a black bite. I still feel nothing. I feel pain after biting today.

Didn't it work yesterday, she teased it today?


Joe's stunned look at the back of the hand with a few teeth, and the red color is especially bright on the fair skin.

The action precedes the brain and sticks out the tongue and gently squats.

He just really didn't really work hard, why...

Looking for a smile, I feel the black self-blame and feel happy.

In this home, dogs are better than people.

Up to now, I still think that it is just the search for common species. I will know more about it later.

"Mrs. Leon, I heard that you have a daughter, how old?"

"Yeah, yes, when will you come out and meet?"

"Some people say that your daughter is a snail, isn't it? That's a pity."

When Muir arrived at the factory, he was surrounded by the ladies who came to the latest wine test.

The hand holding the bag is tight, especially when I hear the silk, the heart mentions the eyes of the blind.

How could someone say this, is it really silk?

After all, only the three of them knew that she and her husband would never say it, then... the twilight in the eyes flashed.

"What do you mean by Madame Dora, I don't know much, but Silo is not my daughter. I am interested in adopting a child with Leon."

"You also know that Lofer is going to be an adult soon. She wants to be separated from us. I think we don't love her, hehe."

"We can't do anything, we can only rely on her, but I and Leon are no longer young, still want someone to be with them."

Raise the right smile, and hit the Taiji in three or two sentences. It is clear and reasonable.

Dora, who was called, patted Muir’s hand like a comprehension and smiled.

"The children are big, they all have their own ideas. I just said that the king will hold a banquet at the end of the month, and women of all ages can participate."

"I also said that it is a pity that the silk is really your daughter. After all, she has a lover."

In the place that Muir did not see, Dora flashed a scorn.

The few ladies around me, the same contempt, a pheasant with phoenix hair, also want to act as a noble, ridiculous.

Muir did not know that they were laughing at her. She is now full of news that the king opened the party.

Still a woman of the appropriate age, is it necessary to choose the Crown Prince?

Then her daughter was not able to become a Prince of the Crown, and her eyes were excited.

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